Just the way I like to start my mornings, coffee and QWERT moments!
Chorus Member Joined: 4/7/06
At The Touring Version of Phantom of the Opera in Dayton, OH.
Man: Phantom of the Opera...I've never heard of it.
Friend: You've never seen Phantom?
Man: I don't think. What is it like?
Friend: Well...it's kind of like Scooby Doo.
WTF??? Who says that??? These people deserve to die!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Overheard at SOME GIRL(S) last night:
He [Eric McCormack] looks so much more "real" in person.
A couple of times when I saw PASSION there were some very interesting remarks made by audiences during the opening scene featuring a very naked Marin Mazzie.
My favorite was from a not very whispered elderly couple:
SHE: "I can see her NIPPLES!"
HE: "Oy, can you see her cooter?"
Last week at The Water's Edge (overheard by two ladies behind me chatting before the show started):
Woman 1: Have you seen Sweeney Todd (she asked this about almost every show out there to her friend...W1 had seen none and W2 saw them ALL)?
Woman 2: Yes.
W1: What's it about?
W2: Well....
W1: Is it a love story?
W2: No......yes, yes it was.
W1: Oh, that's nice.
W2: Yes, about meat pies.
I was at Spamalot (this was in September 2005, the Saturday before the BC/EFA Flea Market) and there was a family sitting behind me (mom, dad, and 2 boys). The father slept through much of it (he was softly snoring), but at the end of the show, as we were all leaving, this guy is going "I can't believe Monty Python hasn't sued these guys---it's such a total rip off of the Holy Grail"
I still cry when I think of that moron!
I guess he can't read.
"Monty Python's..."
Two typical matinee ladies at Sweeney Todd.
LADY 1: Well, it's okay
LADY 2: Yes. But nothing compares to Jersey Boys.
LADY 1: That's a real masterpiece. The critics thought this was awful, right?
LADY 2: Yes, especially Alan Cumming.
LADY 1: Is he out today?
LADY 2: He must be.
I believe they got Sweeney Todd confused with Threepenny Opera, but the really funny thing is that they feel Jersey Boys is a modern masterpiece compared to Sweeney Todd.
OK-so this just happened recently.
My friend is mixes up words all the time and says weird things.
But the best was when we were trying to win The Drowsy Chaperone lottery and on our way there she was on the phone with her roomate-this is how the convo went.
Friend: "Well-im on my way to go see a show now-no..I think it's called The Disgruntled Neighbor-oh okay-bye."
I have never laughed so hard before in my life.
I don't have one to add at the moment, but I have to say the "real green girl" by far tops anything else on this thread either prior to or after it. Nothing is going to top that.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
I've told this story before, so forgive me if you've heard it before:
Many years ago I was standing on line at TKTS and there was a Texan who was blabbering about his experiences in NYC to anyone who's listen. He told me that "New York is a great city but it has too many HOMO-sexuals." I grew livid but kept my mouth shut.
Moments later he was asking for advice about what show to see. He specified a show that had "good family values". I finally opened my mouth and told him the only show he should see is LA CAGE AUX FOLLES. I assured him it's all about what it really means to be a family. (Anyone who has seen the show will agree with me.) He had trouble pronouncing the title, so when he got to the window, I lingered to help him purchase 4 tickets to LA CAGE.
Oh, how I wished I was in the theater that night!!!!!!
Dollypop: my hero! If we ever meet, allow me to buy you cookies!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
A couple of times when I saw PASSION there were some very interesting remarks made by audiences during the opening scene featuring a very naked Marin Mazzie.
My favorite was from a not very whispered elderly couple:
SHE: "I can see her NIPPLES!"
HE: "Oy, can you see her cooter?"
That one's better than "the green girl" and taking a five-year-old to see Avenue Q.
The fact that an elderly man said "cooter" makes me lol on the inside.
Updated On: 7/5/06 at 07:36 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Weez, cookies are fine.
Remember, we must avoid the Perils of Alcohol!
Overheard two people talking
1: Can you reccomend a show that's family friendly?
2: Well Avenue Q's got puppets...
1: Puppets are family friendly....
When I went to NY last year.. near the TKTS booth:
Woman 1: What should we see? Hmmmm.
Woman 2: What about "Avenue Q"? ____ saw it and said it was cute.
Woman 1: No no no. That is the one they are making into a film with that Treyonce woman. Why waste seeing it now when we can see the movie?
Woman 1: UGH! You're right... SO true. Let's see something that is happy and cute.
Woman 2: "The Pillowman"... pillows are cute and fluffy. How bad can it be?
Woman 1: I am in the mood for something cheery! Let's see that!
I couldn't stop laughing for hours after.
the posts here make me laugh so hard, and then weep in sorrow.
Oh and I can't forget when I saw the touring cast of RENT.
Me and a friend are waiting for the show to start.
Her: I'm so excited I can't wait to see Rosario Dawson!
Me:....um. I'm pretty sure you won't be seeing her.
Her: What are you talking about she was in the movie. She's Mimi!
Me: Yes she was in the movie but she's not in the touring cast.
Her: You should think about what you say before you say it.
I was at a loss for words. Let's just say she was quite disappointed.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/6/05
I was standing in line at Borders today and overheard these two girls in front of me talking about Broadway because the Wicked Cast Recording was playing in the store...
Girl 1: I just went to NYC with my dad. We saw a bunch of Broadway plays. Have you seen any?
Girl 2: Yeah, Wicked is the most amazing one EVER! It was so good.
Girl 1: What else have you seen?
Girl 2: Well, I saw the Rent movie... BUT WICKED WAS SO MUCH BETTER.
I just stood there and rolled my eyes.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/19/04
Dollypop...That made my day.
I wish I could've seen the ladies who figured The Pillowman would be cheery at the show...oy.
I guess he can't read.
"Monty Python's..."
I guess not---they were in the premiere seats, too! His kids liked it, though. They laughed in the right places.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
Again at the TKTS line:
Two women sensed that I knew something about theater and they wanted to know if Leonardo DiCaprio did his own singing in TITANIC: the musical.
As wicked as I am, I assured then he did, but warned them that he didn't do his own dancing.
Moral of the story: I need to be in the TKTS line with Dollypop.
Where is this TKTS booth or whatever ... I need to visit it more often...
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/11/06
It's now at the Marquis Thetre/Hotel!