Oh somethingwicked, that is amusing and disturbing at the same time. What a shock those people had in store.
I was only waiting on the TKTS line for tickets to Rent, and my friend and I were talking about the huge Taboo billboard up in Times Square at the time and the woman in front of us (who was from Utah) said to me, "Oh, you must like gay musicals." I was so offended.
One of my personal favorites,
Middle Aged Woman at Wicked in Pittsburgh: Jenna Leigh Green was NOT on Sabrina the Teenage Witch. That was Melissa Joan Hart! Unless she changed her name!
I also enjoy this story, with Kelly Karbacz who was playing Maureen in RENT, after a performance:
Older man: Will you sign this for me? (hands her the cast recording)
Kelly: You want me to sign this? You know i'm not on this cd, right?
Older man: You're not? I've never heard this cd! Is it any good?
I also enjoyed the elderly women sitting behind me at Wicked when they stopped the show because Idina fell --
Woman #1: Is this a publicity stunt? I think she did it on purpose.
Woman #2: I think she got shot. Don't be insensitive.
After the Little Women tour today:
Girl #1: I wonder if they made these songs up.
Girl #2: Well, I bet there have been other plays of Little Women, so they probably just took the songs from there.
Lol these threads are hilarious. Let's make sure that this is always on the first page. Keep them coming!
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/04
This is not as good as the rest but when I saw the Rent movie,After Mimi came back to life a girl shouted from the back of the theater "It's a miracle!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
not theater, but today at The Met, some woman walked into a temple in the Egyptian art galleries asking if it was the bathroom. SO sad. SO funny.
I'm interning at a casting office, and today I received a phone call that apparently I will receive every once in a while:
Woman: Hi, I was wondering if you were looking for new talent to represent?
Me: Umm, no. We actually don't represent anyone.
Woman: Why not?
Me: Well, we're a casting office, so we just cast people into specific roles...most of these people are represented by talent agencies and we talk to the agents.
Woman: Oh, wow. I didn't realize there was a difference between a casting agency and a talent agency.
Did you laugh? I would've laughed.
Wow...while some of these are understandable if a person really knows NOTHING about musicals, most of them make me weep for humankind. There's a difference between musical knowledge and common sense...
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
after Hot Feet-
woman next to me: I liked it!
Swing Joined: 7/3/06
It amazes me that some people just blindly go to shows with no clue as to what they are about. While at Hot Feet, an usher asked a woman if she knew where her seat was.
Usher: Do you know where you're sitting?
Woman: I'm sitting with my friend but she's always eating and she just eats and eats and never gains a pound and I hate that bitch, what show is this?
Usher: It's called Hot Feet.
Woman: And what is that?
Usher: It's dance musical with Earth, Wind, and Fire songs.
Woman: Oh that's right! This is that musical version of that old Whoopi Goldburg movie, right?
Usher: ... yes.
We ALL need to be in the TKS line with Dolly!
I have already posted on this thread but had to post this memory. I have heard so many ridiculous and funny comments on the streets of New York and in the theater, and it is hard to pick one.
Here's a favorite from a Producer's performance (and it always amazes me that people will pay over $100 for a ticket and NOT even take the time to ask their concierge or the person at the box office WHAT THE SHOW IS ABOUT).
Sitting in the theater at intermission next to a couple with two VERY YOUNG kids (too young to appreciate or even understand the Producers). Kids are scarfing down candy and chips and dropping crumbs and M&Ms everywhere.
Dad: I was shocked to hear all the cursing.
Mom: I guess they think it's OK because it is New York. No one cares here
Dad: Yes but with little kids in the audience?
Mom: Yes, you'd think they would watch their language when they see kids in the room.
Just remembered one eldery and slightly deaf woman I was stuck behind trying to get into the Theatre Royal Haymarket in London last year:
Usher: Can I see your ticket please?
Woman: Certainly
Usher: Um, no this is a ticket for The Phantom of the Opera.
Woman: Yes, I know. Don't tell me it's not on tonight?
Usher: Not here, I'm afraid. This is the Theatre Royal Haymarket - you want Her Majesty's Theatre, just across the street.
Woman: Where?
Usher (pointing): That big building there.
Woman (gawping everywhere but across the road): Where?
Usher: The one with Her Majesty's Theatre written on it.
Woman: I thought you said I wanted the Haymarket one?
Usher: If you go there, they will direct you to the right theatre.
Woman: So what's on here?
Usher: Acorn Antiques.
Woman: But I want to see Phantom. That's what I have a ticket for.
Usher: I'll tell you what, I'll take you there myself.
The usher then proceeded to walk the woman across the road and (I presume) left her in the care of the ushers at Her Majesty's!
Updated On: 7/6/06 at 10:14 AM
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/03
I was on the bus one day with a bunch of people from my college (we had all spent the day in the city/seen various shows and were on our way home.)
This guy calls out to everyone: Okay, did anyone here ever see RENT?
My friend and I: Yeah, we have...
Guy: Okay, we saw it today and it was really good, but I'm confused...why did Angel die?
At first I thought he meant, "It was SO SAD, why did Angel have to die?" but he wanted to know HOW Angel died.
Me: He had AIDS.
Guy: He had AIDS? WHAT????
Me: Yeah...a lot of the characters have AIDS.
Guy: I just thought that girl April had AIDS. So the guy with the guitar had AIDS too????
I thought it was funny that he sat through the whole show, remembered that April (knew her NAME) had AIDS, didn't realize that AIDS is a big theme in the show, and didn't remember Roger's name.
Then again, it is very easy to miss things the first time you see that much going on.
At Dirty Rotten Scoundrels:
Woman 1: Now who is John Lithgow?
Woman 2: You know, he's that British actor.
At Threepenny Opera:
Man (noting that Wallace Shawn did the new translation): How is it that he knows German?
Also, during intermission the woman with him was complaining about Alan Cumming's bad Scottish accent.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/18/06
"Lady: I know! It must have been very hard to find an actual green woman, it's not like it's paint"
that's where I draw the line. I would have turned around and slapped her silly.
Dollypop I bow down to you, you are incredible!! I would have paid to see the guy's reaction when the Cagelles took off they're wigs!!
on 8th Ave and 45th.
Girl: OOOhhhh, Dad! Have you seen Hairspray?? I really wanna see Hairspray!
Dad: Yeah thats been around for ages! I saw the movie.
Girl: There was a movie?
Dad: Oh yeah... everything was a movie. I saw the original with Elton John and Bette Midler. Fantastic picture.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
You just can't make this stuff up! Eltom John and Bette Midler! That's just frightening.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/4/05
Not musical theatre, but I was going to the symphony while on a school trip and I was waiting in line for the usher as this elderly woman screamed at the poor kid (he was probably my age) that, even though he was telling her her seat was across the theatre she insisted she knew more than he did and wanted to sit where she thought it was. People like that bug the crap out of me.
Other things I witnessed: a girl from another school listening to her headphones during the concert and a boy from the same school conducting from his seat.
This thread is awesome. It needs to be pinned to the top of the boards.
Yes, Dolly please post when you're going to TKTS.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/29/05
Sitting behind a group of people on the RENT tour..
Man: "Well this show isn't very Christian, is it?"
Woman: "You're telling me!"
My baby brother, whom we took to see CATS when he was five.
Brother (in a whisper): "Who feeds those cats? They're big."
Hahaha, that's cute, Peach.
I was stuck next to this guy during Sweeney and he made a comment to his bored girlfriend who had no clue what the show was about about how he was in a production of Sweeney as well as Godspell. Both written by Stephen Sondheim.