Broadway Star Joined: 6/14/06
When I saw Drowsy the woman next to me kept falling asleep, waking up, and saying "THIS IS TORTURE!!" I was so pissed. How would she even know if it was torture or not seeing as she SLEPT THROUGH HALF OF IT.
Stand-by Joined: 3/19/06
This is more of a humorous and horrifying thing.
So yes, as some of you have read, I was told to take my playbill off of the Balcony ledge (with very very very good reason, and it was a dumb thing to do in the first place), but the most amazing thing was when a woman put her feet up on the ledge of the Shubert balcony.
Like, up on the ledge.
ON it.
Updated On: 9/5/06 at 01:42 PM
I was at Starbucks on Sunday after seeing Jersey Boys and some woman comes in and says to her boyfriend... I didn't know Nip/Tuck was a Broadway show. Her boyfriend said he didn't think it was and she replied well they have a billboard in Times Square and she thought only Broadway shows had billboards in Times Square. I almost spit out my chai tea. Too funny.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
But it's true - only Broadway shows have billboards in Times Square. Don't you remember when Mark Wahlberg starred in the musical CALVIN KLEIN?
Oh and don't forget P.Diddy's musical ode to Sean John. I also hear they were doing JDATE the Musical.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
"'You know, I think she was too old to be in the movie.' Wrong. Now my sister and I are mashing our lips together and biting our tongues."
Ummm, actually, even had Daphne not been pregnant she would not have been cast in the film. She is twice the age of her character, and even looked too old when she did the show on Broadway.
Chorus Member Joined: 2/2/05
Granted, this was not overheard in the city, but it was on a train when I left after seeing Sweeney close:
Woman: Did I hear you saw Sweeney Todd?
Me: Yes.
Woman: Is Angela Lansbury still in it?
Me: ... no, she was in the original Broadway production, this was a revival.
Woman: So she's not still in it?
Me: ..No.
Woman: Oh, I've thinking of seeing it.
Me: It closed yesterday, actually.
Woman: Oh...
"How would she even know if it was torture or not seeing as she SLEPT THROUGH HALF OF IT."
Well, mrs felciano, they don't call it THE DROWSY CHAPERONE for nothing!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
haha, good one, stagemanager! :P
and wow, she still thought Angela was in it? how stupid can people be!!!
and next time im in nyc im definitely gonna listen in on more peoples conversations :) haha
another from Over heard in New York:
Hitler: She's Right, I Had to Laugh
Chick referring to The Producers: Yeah, it made fun of Hitler, but it was in, like, a positive way.
--St. James Theater, 44th & Broadway
Broadway Star Joined: 4/6/06
My friend is not a tourist, but I was with her and we saw a poster for LitP.
She said, "OOH! Isn't that the show about the RETARD?"
Broadway Star Joined: 6/14/05
At Fame Becomes Me last night, every time Marc Shaiman came onstage, the woman behind me asked her husband "Is that Short?"
I keep remembering ones..
A few years ago, I was talking with an older gentleman.
Him:So are you in college?
Me: Yes
Him: What's your major?
Me: Musical Theatre
Him: Oh, so you like Musicals! Do you get to New York much?
Me: When I can
Him: Well the next time you go, make sure you see Julie Andrews in My Fair Lady. She's terrific!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I saw Wicked at the second regular performance given by Shoshana Bean after she took over from Idena Menzel. There was a man sitting behind me who had clearly never heard of Wicked and didn't know what it was about. I got the impression someone had invited him to go with them. Anyway, the show is going along and we were DEEP into the second act, the scene where Glinda and Elphaba confront each other outside of Dorothy's house, and the man suddenly says loud enough for everyone around him to hear, "oh! So it's like The Wizard of Oz!"
Last night, Wicked Stage Door, London:
Everyone is clearly waiting for Idina.
British guy to an American girl: So, is this Idina really popular in the states?
American girl: Oh yeah. She's really popular.
British guy: So, she's like a pop super-star?
American girl: Yeah- she's huge. Bigger than Britney Spears and Kelly Clarkson combined. Everyone knows her.
Updated On: 9/9/06 at 01:48 PM
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
Actually, the spotlight they put on Elphaba DOES have a slightly green tint to it to make sure she looks green. I read about this in a very interesting article about the make up and costumes used for that show. I thought that was a very interesting fact.
"British guy to an American girl: So, is this Idina really popular in the states?
American girl: Oh yeah. She's really popular.
British guy: So, she's like a pop super-star?
American girl: Yeah- she's huge. Bigger than Britney Spears and Kelly Clarkson combined. Everyone knows her. "
What universe is she living in?
I love this thread
Updated On: 9/9/06 at 03:22 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
I saw Oliver! in Stratford, Ontario, and this much older woman sittimg behind us kept squealing with delight through the entire show. And I do mean squealing. So I whispered to my daughter that her husband hasn't heard those noises since their wedding night.
to n69n- when you said someone asked you about the Olsen Twins...
these both happened about 2 months ago
my best friend and I walked through the Hilton rather than going all the way across the street and running into crazy tourists. we were overly dressed up (for fun) with big sunglasses and as we walked through, the hot guy at the concierge desk taps his friend on the arma and goes "omg! look! it's the Olsen Twins!" mind you, i'm 4'11 and my friend is 5'2 and she has short red hair and we're 16.... how does that work???
oh, and one time it was pouring rain and i didnt have an umbrella and i was reading my history boys script right outside the broadhurst. i was next to the stage door, minding my own business and an old lady came up to me who had just gotten a ticket, and looks @ the poster of the boys and goes to me, "oh! are you in the cast?!" and i was SOOO tempted to say yes, but i said "no" (obvi). i mean- come one.. they are the HISTORY BOYS!!
literally right after she walked away from me, an old man came up to me, who looked lost and he said "is this show good? 'cuz my wifes in there getting tickets now but i'm not so sure. she wants to see it but then again she wanted to see Sweeney Todd and that was crap. Now, Tarzan... THAT'S entertainment"
i was about to CHOKE ON MY BOOK
Two elderly Jewish ladies outside of Cats
One says to the other, " So what was it like?"
The other replies, " Well, its about this cat thats not feeling too good, so the other cats sing songs to make her feel better. Then they shoot her through the roof on a tire."
Hamlet, that anecdote has been posted countless times verbatim by various people. I doubt it happened to everyone.
Sorry, I thought the thread was comments overheard by people that overheard comments that overheard a commment. Thank you so very much for setting me straight in my god-awful ways, and in such a helpful and non-sarcastic manner.
I overheard Edina say once, " It's called colonic's nothing to be sniffed at."
Nice cover, Hamlet!
A true cover would be if I pointed out the fact that the thread didn't ask for personal experiences, and was rather non specific. Or I could say that I never claimed to have heard it myself to begin with, which I didnt. I am truly sorry that it has been posted numerous times before, but as I don't spend hours pouring over this website, I havent seen them. Thank you for your dilligence however, and keeping the site up to specs.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/16/05
You have a brilliant screen name, Hamlet.