Whilst working at the theatre (in London), I was standing at the bottom of a staircase with a collegue, and a tourist says to my collegue "Excuse me...do these stairs go up as well as down?"
Another time, I was selling ice creams during the interval and someone asks "Excuse me, do you have any batteries?"
The most unbelieveable times are when people turn up to the wrong theatre to see a show- just a couple of weeks ago, I was showing people to their seats in the auditorium and a lady shows me her ticket and says "do you know where this seat is?" This particular seat didn't exist in my theatre then I realised she had a ticket for "Sunday in the Park with George" and my theatre is showing "Avenue Q". I would like to say that it was an easy mistake to make (as the tickets look the same) but the stage curtain in the auditorium is bright yellow with a 20 feet high letter "Q"...
I don't understand why it took her so long to realise she was in the wrong building!
I was reading through these earlier today before my BF and I went for a walk in Central Park this afternoon. We barely entered the park before we see this young 20ish female looking at a map of Central Park and exclaiming with shock and giddiness that there was a mall in Central Park. "I didn't know there was a mall in Central Park" Repeated twice. My BF and I looked at eachother, rolled our eyes and kept walking. I know this wasn't about theater, but thought I'd share.
Updated On: 9/9/06 at 11:00 PM
My friend recently informed me that the reason CATS was not playing on Broadway was because they moved the cast to london where they have played ever since.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
Went to the city for my birthday two days ago
Of course tourists made it better:
(Sorry I didn't post this earlier, I broke my computer)
I was walking around the Al Hirschfeld Theatre (The Wedding Singer) And happend to overhear some funny stuff:
Woman: The Wedding Singer... I saw the movie! It was excellent!
Man: Yeah, don't you remember? We watched it last week.
Woman: (Laughing) Oh yeah!
Man: Do you wanna see it? I can always sell our tickets to Avenue Q.
Woman: I don't know...
Man: Look at all of the reviews! It looks very good!
Woman: I really wanted to see Avenue Q though...
Man: I promise you, you will love this show, my friend at work said he saw Avenue Q and he hated it. Then the next week he took his wife to see this and they both loved it.
Woman: (Walks around to look at more pictures)Oh my god!
Man: What?
Woman: Was Boy George in the show?
Man: I doubt that.
Woman: And somone told me that Billy Idol is in the show! I love him!
Man: Wow! He is really great.
Updated On: 9/10/06 at 04:16 PM
Thanks Gavrochegirl, if only we had some lithium for the dear boy, things would have been different!
Hamlet, you never wrote me back! You twit!
Sorry, needy-licious, I'll get right on that! :)
at the closing night of sweeney, the ringleader of one of the groupie groups gave her somber looking row a pep-talk, about what they were going to face and how to get through it. then she proceeded to pass out individual packs of tissues to each of them. hey i love sweeney but... wow. also someone bought champagne for every cast member which is quite kind.
feinstein, that's just... sad.
Broadway Star Joined: 10/23/05
Feinstein ... wow. Don't get me wrong, I'm sad Sweeney Todd closed, and while it's nice that it has touched people, that's just a twee bit melodramatic.
feinstein that is pretty sad and funny at the same time. I like Sweeney but, passing out individual packs of tissues? Come on.
Sounds like certain medications should have been handed out instead of packets of tissues...as well as maps to guide them out of their parents' basements and into the land of reality.
When the cast is breathing a sigh of relief that its over and thankful that they're moving onto something else, and folks are outside the stage door crying? Now THAT makes for some REALLY great acting at the stage door.
Broadway Star Joined: 12/31/69
:At Hairspray, these two girls behind me during IT TAKES TWO:
Girl One- He's so hot.
Girl Two- He is really hot.
:Aaron spits and it lands on them:
:At TARZAN right before YOU'LL BE IN MY HEART (reprise) as Tarzan is having a breakdown whether to chose Jane or his mother.:
Little Kid somewhere in the area of me- WHAT IS HE DOING?
:Before TARZAN's second act begins older ladies infront me:
Lady 1- Did you see WICKED?
Lady 2- Yes, it was fabalous, but you know what was more fabalous?
Lady 1- No, what.
Lady 2- Mamma Mia.
Updated On: 9/11/06 at 01:07 PM
O.k. I can't remember who (exactly) this was about...but I am pretty sure I was at a Wednesday matinee....
Person in front of me making pleasant, patient, theater conversation to the nice ladies to his left:
Bernadette Peters is in the role of "Mama Rose", she did "Annie Get Your Gun" a couple of years ago.
Nice ladies: Oh, we saw Cheryl Ladd do that, she was great! I am sure that Bernadette Peters was good too, though
There are a lot of funny things in this thread. But, I suppose the reality is that all those tourists and theatre goers we are poking fun at are what help Broadway and NYC to thrive.
Im sure if there were a thread called: Ridiculous fans on BWW and the silly things THEY say...it would be also be chock full of little goodies and nuggets as well. :)
yeah it was pretty bizzare- i think sweeney was one of the best shows from the past couple of years, and the closing was unfortunate. but really you wouldn't believe how crazy some of the fans are! maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan. someone also dressed up a barbie to resemble the stage door attendent. that one was really weird... makes me wonder what the wicked and rent casts have to put up with, you know? btw hamlet- you're so right that if people wanted to make a thread about how silly *we* are, it would be even longer than this current thread! haha. so many crazy people out there... glad to be one of them.
I not crazy!
Crazy is a little harsh....I would say that you are touched....and not by an angel :)
Thank you.
My, you're looking awful plump today!
two words....cheek....bones....carry on...
Cheekbones is actually one word. (See first word of sentence.)
I don't get it.
Person #1: I'm seeing Avenue Q in a month.
Person #2: OH! That's the one with Julia Roberts!!!
Person #1: Is it really?
Person #2: Yeah I'm positive!
A conversation between two people I know. Person #1 IMed me to find out if she really was in Avenue Q.
ha! A Sweeney closing pep talk. I wish I'd seen that. Sounds hilarious.
As for:
someone also dressed up a barbie to resemble the stage door attendent. that one was really weird...
I know the person who did that. She's really sweet. Awhile back, she had made some of the castmembers Barbies/Kens of their characters (which they all loved), and because she'd gotten to know the stagedoor person, decided to make her one as a closing night gift (I believe at the time the stagedoor attendant commented on how she wanted a Barbie of her own) She also made one for one of the standbys. That may sound weird, but, actually, it was a sweet gesture, and they loved it.
I am easily irritated by the overzealousness and obnoxiousness of many fans (not just Sweeney, but in general). But I don't think the Barbie qualifies as that. It's nice to acknowledge the behind the scenes people.
ETA: It's easy to judge a situation from afar when you don't know the person. And perhaps if I didn't know her personally, I might agree with you.
Updated On: 9/13/06 at 10:13 PM
At Greg Jbara's final DRS show.
It clearly states that Brian d'Arcy James is Freddy Benson, because Norbert left last week.
During the train scene, some people in front of me
WOMAN: That's not that Norbert Butz Leo guy.
MAN: Well, I know he's in this
WOMAN: It kind of looks like him, but his voice isn't the same
MAN: I dunno, maybe we go an understudy or something.
bway chica- you're right. i shouldn't have said anything if i didn't know the whole story. that *is* a really sweet gesture. i guess out of context it sounded bizarre, but if they were friends and she's done that for other people, then that's really cool. the person who told me said that christine (the stag door girl) was bananas over it and showed everyone, so tell your friend! i'll try to keep my rather large mouth on a leash next time.