Swing Joined: 7/3/06
Call me stupid, but what the is a BUMP? I feel like I'm supposed to know, but I have no clue.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
BUMP just means that the person is posting on this thread in order to bring it back to the top of page one.
Wasn't the Bump a really bad dance as well?
Swing Joined: 7/3/06
Oh, haha! I thought BUMP was some kind of insult.
Said to me by one of my aunts during the intermission of "The Phantom of the Opera" "Do you have any idea what's going on?!"
Said to me by one of my aunts during the intermission of "The Phantom of the Opera"
"Do you have any idea what's going on?!"
Updated On: 8/30/06 at 02:00 PM
You fixed one, but not the other?
Eh! Frickin' Double Posts!!!
At Sweeney Todd last Thursday evening, DURING INTERMISSION:
"I hope this doesn't end like that Willie Nelson thing."
* * *
Did Willie Nelson ever have a bout of cannibalism that I was unaware of?
A few weeks ago at the Vegas Mamma Mia in the scene where Sophie is reading her mom's diary "And ..." thing.
A young girl behind me asks her mom "What's dot dot dot?"
I never heard a response from her mother.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
Last Wednesday on the train to see The Wedding Singer.
Teenage girl #1: Soo.. What's up with the History Boys?
Teenage girl #2: Oh! I know what it's about! It's about these 3 boys and this teacher only talks about history and he dies at the end.
Teenage girl #1: Why does he die?
Teenage girl #2: I think he slipped and fell in the school he teaches at or something.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
Updated On: 8/30/06 at 07:52 PM
I saw avenue Q a few weeks back. During intermission I over heard two women on line to go to the bathroom have this conversation.
woman 1: so do you think they have to pay sesame street for this show?
woman 2: o yea i mean its so clear that this is trying to be sesame street.
I laughed because all over the theatre there are signes that say AVENUE Q IS NOT AFFILATED WITH JIM HANSEN IN ANYWAY.
Speaking of Avenue Q, when John Tartaglia appeared at the Macy's Parade with Rod, my grandma's boyfriend was complaining because you could see his lips moving.
Yet another Ave Q comment, taken from overheardinnewyork.com:
Except in This One, It's Okay For Beaker and Dr. Bunsen to Experiment With Kermit
Tourist husband: So what is this show about?
Tourist wife: I believe it's like a Muppets story.
--Avenue Q, Golden Theater, W 45th St
Overheard by: Jose
Headline by: Michael
· "The Muppets Take Manhattan, Roll It Over, Pull Its Hair and Make It Call Them 'Daddy'" - Colin McCleod
· "...And Miss Saigon Is About a Beauty Pageant" - bri b
· "And Porn Is Like a Plumbing Story" - jdw
· "And the Dinner You Took Me to at Olive Garden? That Was Like Italian." - Andy Klingenberger
· "Avenue Q Tickets: $120. The Looks on Vernon and Estelle's Faces When They Hear 'The Internet is for Porn': Priceless" - what i wouldn't give to watch them watch the show
· "Everyone's a Little Misinformed" - ian
· "Maybe If the Muppets Took Fire Island" - Broomrider
· "The Same Way That Debbie Does Dallas Is a Travel Documentary" - Kristin Sacre
· "Today's Letters Are S, E and X, and the Number Is 69" - Iain, London
Stand-by Joined: 7/3/05
I'm fairly sure I've told this story somewhere before, but it fits:
Wicked in Cincinnati, my friends and I go to stagedoor. We're pretty much the only people who recognized Julia immediately, so we move in to try and reach her. Some girls see she's getting alot of attention, so they ask for her autograph and go "So, who did you play?" She was the sweetest thing about it, too! She laughed and said "I was the green witch." "No way!" "Yes! And I have the green hairline to prove it!" At which point she raised the edge of her hat to demonstrate.
Also... My friend and I saw Company in Cincy the week before the Broadway transfer was announced. The people next to us were an older man and his teenage granddaughter, and as we were waiting for the show to start, the grandfather was reading through the program and saying how he'd heard it might be taken to New York. "No, Grandpa, it's just a show in Cincinnati. These things don't get taken to Broadway." "Are you sure? I heard it was really good." "Yes, I'm positive."
Like I said, this was before it was confirmed, so I didn't want to somehow jinx it by saying something.
Stand-by Joined: 4/1/04
Amazingly loud during the first moments of "The Lieutenant of Inishmore" an old lady in the balcony says to her friend:
"Did they forget their lines??"
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
While I was waiting for the Imperial to open their doors, I was outside of the theatre.
(Two woman staring at the Imperial Theatre)
Woman #1: Ooh! What's this show about? Oh, forget I asked. I know what it's about!
Woman #2: Then what is it about?
Woman #1: It's about these puppets dealing with life and stuff. Or... wait... no! I'm wrong. No! I'm right. Yeah, puppets dealing with all of this s**t in their life.
Woman #2: Look at the pictures around you, there's not one puppet in here! I think you must be talking about that show over there (points to the Golden theatre across the street, which has pictures of puppets)
Woman #1: So then what's this show about?
Woman #2: I don't know... Let me go inside and ask.
(She comes out)
Woman #1: So?
Woman #2: She gave a whole summary of the show: It centers on two con men living on the French Riviera. The first is Smart and stuff, I think his name is Larry or something. The other is stupid and short or something, I think his name is Freckles. They meet on a boat and then Larry wants to work with him because he likes him and then they run into this girl... Colegate.
Woman #1: She's named after toothpaste?
Woman #2: Yeah, i'm not sure if I want to see this.
Woman #1: Do you want to see Cats?
Woman #2: Didn't that close a few years ago?
Woman #1: No! It's right around the corner.
Woman #2: Ok!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
wow, tourists really make life all the more enjoyable
why does everyone think CATS is still open? i heard people talking about that too! golly...
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
I LOVE TOURISTS! They make going to the city a lot more enjoyable.
The other is stupid and short or something, I think his name is Freckles.
I LOVE that! that is so funny!
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Matinee Lady A: 'Have you seen CATS?'
Matinee Lady B: 'No...'
Matinee Lady A: 'Well, I'll tell you what happens. There's a bunch of cats, and one of them is real sick and tired. So the other cats put on a show to cheer her up. Then they put her on a tire and shoot her through the roof." '
That's in a book I have called Broadway Musicals: The 101 Greatest Shows Of All Time.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
I'm laughing way too hard right now!
Next time I get pissed at tourists stopping in the middle of a busy street to take a picture, I'll think of this thread and laugh.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
well, i happen to be one of the stupid tourists who takes pictures in the middle of the street
even worse, i walk around holding my video camera up as i walk across the street, and film people and theatres as i go
then i stop when my sister hits me and says "stop, we look like such tourists because of you!"