My god, I just read through all of that. I have never laughed so hard in my life.
Swing Joined: 11/15/05
Not a Theater or NYC comment but was made by a tourist in Ohio..I worked at a major amusement park in northern ohio one, day while sitting at the enterance to a ride the sign says its a 1/4 hour wait from this point...
Man to family : Look its only a 25 minute wait from here!
Me: Actually its only about 15 minutes..
Man: Oh even better. Come on guys lets go!
I really like this topic!!!!! Keep 'em coming!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/20/04
How about hilarious comments heard while working at a box office?
A few years ago, our theatre was doing the musical DEAR WORLD by Jerry Herman. Someone called and asked what show we were presenting. I told them the title, and they asked, "Is that D-E-E-R or D-E-A-R?"
I ALMOST answered, "DEER - It's about deer hunting in Northern Wisconsin."
Because Jerry Herman just loves manly topics like that.
Updated On: 9/2/06 at 10:03 AM
Hilarious comments while working will call?
I worked at the Fringe show FAN TAN KING last weekend. I gave one lady her ticket, and she demanded to know why her cell phone wasn't working. As if we had secre cell phone blockers at the Lortel.
Her: "WHY isn't my cell phone working under here? Why?" (we were under an awning)
Me: "Because you're under the awning? Move out from under here."
(she does, the phone works)
According to a friend of mine, at a recent performance of Wicked or some other show that involves flying, several older New York ladies with thick NY accents were talking and said "Oh yes, and we saw Cats and at the end they took Graziella and shot her through the roof on a tire."
This is what A really ditzy girl at my school said when she found out I was going to Wicked.
"LUCKY! I really like that "Defining Gravity" song
Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Tour:
GIRL 1: "When will we get Tarzan?
GIRL 2: "That's a good question.
Featured Actor Joined: 9/16/04
On the TKTS line when someone asked a girl what Hairspray was about:
The girl's answer: "It's about this group of kids who want to dance on a radio show. I have friends who work there--they want to dance on a RADIO show!!"
Broadway Star Joined: 6/14/05
At Sweeney last night-two girls looking at the other shows on Broadway in their Playbill:
Girl #1-"Oh my God! When did Beauty and the Beast come to Broadway?"
Girl #1-"What part does Usher play in Chicago?"
Girl #2-"I think he's the lead male, the important lawyer."
Girl #1-"I think he'd play one of the guys killed by one of the girls, in that tango song."
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
I went to the city to walk around for a little yesterday afternoon with my best friend. She didn't want to see a show. I dragged her inside of The St. James theatre (The Producers)to hopefully change her mind and then she dragged me back out. So I was pretty depressed about not seeing a show.
So, we were walking out of the St. James theatre (Well, my friend was walking. I was being dragged by her)And this lady stops me and we had the following conversation:
Lady: What show did you just come out of?
Me: Well, the show didn't start yet. My friend and I were just looking inside. But... we were comming out of The Producers.
Lady: Is it funny?
Me: Yeah, the movie is also hysterical.
Lady: Oh! So, this isn't Beauty And The Beast?
Me: Uh... no, it's not.
Lady: Is The Beauty And The Beast funny?
Me: I haven't seen it since I was like 8, I don't really remember. I do remember laughing once.
Lady: So, is it bad?
Me: I don't know, I barely remember it.
Lady: Oh! So what about this show called...uhh... let's see here (she pulls out a list of shows that she wrote down) Ok! What about The Wedding Singers?
Me: The Wedding Singer is a really funny show, it's a romantic comedy. I would definatly reccomend it.
Lady: What about CATS?
Me: (WHY ME?!?) Cats isn't on Broadway anymore.
Lady: And what about Doubt?
Me: That isn't on Broadway anymore either.
Lady: Oh my god, what IS on broadway now?
Me: (Tells her more shows I would reccomend)
Lady: I think i'll go see CATS, I still can't believe it's an off-broadway show now!
Me: (Thinking: This person is going to drive me into a mental insitution) (I decided to go along with it) Yes! Me too, CATS is right down that block over there. Ok, I have to go now. Bye! (I ran for my life until I got to the next block)
Ok, tourists may seem fun to interact with, EXCEPT FOR THIS ONE.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
that is HILARIOUS danielle!
haha nice
hilarious. I wish a tourist would stop me and ask me questions. But they would probably get on my nerves too. lol.
Me: Well... last night I watched Rent...
Girl: Oh, I love that movie! ** In truth that she lies, in clothes he burns...
Thursday at Antonique Smith's last performance in rent
woman in front of me: Who's playing the spanish girl?
Me:Antonique Smith, it's her last day in the show.
Then she tried to convince me that she saw the original cast (she couldnt have been older than 17 btw) and then she proceeded to go through the playbill and say what original cast members she saw.
now Im sure she didnt mean "I've only seen the movie" sure not
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
At the DRS Stage Door at the Closing Performance, there was a woman who was asking different ensemble members if she could interview them for a "major motion picture she's writing." The board members were all making fun of this woman, who took down 1 actor's email address on a piece of newspaper.
At the Sweeney Stage Door at the Closing Performance, there was a guy who asked the crowd to sing This Little Light of Mine into a video camera for his daughter's Bat Mitzvah.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/18/06
"At the Sweeney Stage Door at the Closing Performance, there was a guy who asked the crowd to sing This Little Light of Mine into a video camera for his daughter's Bat Mitzvah."
Haha, my Bat-Mitzvah's in two weeks. Maybe the guy could send me that video? It must sound beautiful.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
writing a major motion picture?
"this little light of mine" for a bat mitzvah?
some people have lost their marbles...
That's what everyone was singing! I was standing across the street and all of a sudden the Sweeney stage door started to sing and I got so confused.
bumpity bump bump bump
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/19/06
I did an amateur production of Annie two years ago, and we went to McDonalds during the break between a matinee and an evening performance on a Saturday. Anyway, to cut a long story short, these two boys, about 11 years old, walked in and saw us there. They ran over to the girl who played Annie who was sitting together with the rest of the children in the cast including me. One asked for her autograph and got it, and the other remained silent. Then the silent one said quite obviously to the other 'She soooo doesn't fancy you, she's way too pretty for you' and then stole the autograph and ran out. the other followed, and the last we saw of them they were rolling down a nearby escalator wrestling with one another.
I was walking past the Winter Garden last night as Mamma Mia was letting out, and I heard a woman exclaim "Two thumbs up! Ebert and Roebert!" (said as a combination of "Ebert" and "Roeper").
When I saw "Everythings Turning Into Beautiful" there was a woman behind me in line to pick up tickets who saw Daphne's picture on the poster and said, "Oh, wasn't she in Rent?" Innocent enough, right?
Well we go into the theater and find out seats and the same woman sits behind me and is reading her playbill. She reads Daphne's bio and says, "Wait, wasn't she in the Rent movie?" Her husband says that she was and the wife says, "But it isn't listed here. Why wouldn't she list it? Do you think she wrote this before the movie?"
Her husband says no, he thinks the movie was too long ago for her to have written her bio first. So then the wife says, "Oh, maybe she just isn't proud of the movie." My sister and I are now shaking with silent laughter (mean, I know but come on!) and stealing glances over our shoulders, trying to decide if we should butt in.
A few minutes later, her husband says, "Wait, I don't think she was in it. If she was, she would say, wouldn't she?" The wife thinks a minute, then says, "You know, I think she was too old to be in the movie." Wrong. Now my sister and I are mashing our lips together and biting our tongues.
Her husband says, "She's the same age as everyone else, isn't she? I think maybe she was pregnant or something." Finally!
The really funny thing is that the next time I saw the show, someone behind me read her playbill and said, "Wait, wasn't she in the Rent movie?" I couldn't take another round of this so turned around and set the record straight. :)
Stand-by Joined: 2/4/06
I told my friend I needed to prepare a Neil Simon monologue for one of my classes, and they suggested I do something from The Producers.