I know usually you wait at the stage door, but how long do you have to wait?
I'm going to see "Barefoot in the Park" in Feb and I wanted to meet Patrick Wilson, as he is my favorite actor.
I just wanted to know the system works! THANKS!
EDIT: Silly question, I know, but where is the Stage door usually located: in the back, to the side , front?
It depends on the actor, the show, the length of the show, the cleaning up involved, the proximity of the stage door, and the security.
There is no one way.
Depends how long it takes the actor to get ready...
Matthew Morrison came out in the time it took me to get from my seat to the stagedoor once...
Usually its anywhere from 5-45 minutes...
Sometimes actors have guests backstage and it can be up to an hour, after matinees some actors stay in the theater until the next show, and sometimes they just leave through an alternate exit...
well... lets see, if it were me and you were going to see your favortie actor of all time and you think a lot of people will be outside waiting, then i would skip curtain call (i know thats horrible) but you dont have to miss the whole thing (watch everyone bow individually then bust out before everyone bows together). try to be one of the firsts ones there. sometimes what takes so long is not waiting for the actor to come out but waiting for them to get to you, and sometimes the actors only sign autographs for peole in the front. make sure you are prepared like know where the stage door is before the show ends. its little things like that that will help. time will always vary.
oh and if you really really really love this actor and the sercurtiy guards say "they left" dont listen the first and hold out for another like twenty minutes, sometimes they say that so the crowd will thin out.
Updated On: 12/9/05 at 05:17 PM
I've always found the opposite effective -- because everyone always thinks it's best to be right there, right up front, so it gets ridiculously crowded. Don't be part of the chaos, wait in the back until things quiet down.
Patrick's not one to blow people off. He'll get to you if you're patient.
Like everyone said, you never can tell. When I saw the Odd Couple, Nathan and Matthew did not come out for the matinee, but I did get to say hi to Nathan because he was holding the donation bucket for BCEFA at the door. The Rent cast comes out pretty quickly. And if you have big stars, you can be sure there will be velvet ropes to contain the crowd and give the actors room. At Spamalot, David Hyde Pierce and Chris Sieber came out pretty quickly, Tim Curry did not. At DRS, Norbert came out pretty quicky and signed a lot of playbills and let me take a picture with him. Usually if there is little makeup and costuming involved and the actor is not a big star, they will come out within 15 minutes. Golden rule, don't be pushy and ask nicely if you can take a picture. Oh and compliments always help -- i.e. on the performance, NOT babbling "I love you" or " you're my inspiration" -- I have seen actors get very uncomfortable.
well it does depend on the actors. When i saw DRS, norbert Leo Butz came out like 10 minutes after the show. and signed a few auto graphs, but he didn't stay out for too long.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
i guess it must really depend on the night and everything, like how they feel, and all that stuff
i dunno
ive usually had very good stagedoor experiences
except for phantom, and little women (how long can sutton take?)... :)
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/20/04
I personally recommend leaving right as the curtain call ends....Make your way to the door right as the obligatory standing ovation begins.
When you get to the stage door, there are barriers that are usually set up. Stand on the side that the door opens on. The actors usually go to that side first, rarely to the opposite or the middle).
Only call to get their attention if they start to leave.
Just be polite, and don't get upset if someone you like doesn't come out---there could be a myriad of reasons, and this is something nice the actors do for their fans, not something they owe us!
WP, the Cort stage door is out front; if you go out the main/front (only, I think) exit, and make a left, it's there. If you're *facing* the entrance, it's to your right. There are gates that lead to the *actual* stage door, but you'll see where it is.
I'll add my 2 cents -
I agree with standing by the side that the actor sees when they first open the door. They just naturally seem to head to that side first.
I don't necessarily agree with standing back and waiting. Some actors (like the guys in Spamalot and Greg Jbara) will stay there until everybody gets their autograph and/or picture. Others will only sign the first few they pass and then they'll go on. I agree completely that it depends on the individual and how tired they are. Norbert is great about signing - if he isn't too tired. As you can imagine, that role can totally wear him out and there are times when he just can't sign.
Don't listen to the door man as far as pictures and autographs are concerned. Ask the actor directly. I honestly do believe that some doormen are trying to protect the actors - particularly those who may be just too tired to sign or pose for photos. In most cases I've found that they're more than happy to sign/pose if you ask them directly. (And nicely)
SERIOUSLY consider waiting at the stage door just to congratulate Patrick, thank him and maybe shake his hand. Then go home and write him a short note, thanking him again and asking him if he wouldn't mind signing your Playbill for you. With the Playbill, enclose a SASE for him to return it in. He'll appreciate it and (based on personal experience) you'll get it back very quickly.
I don't necessarily agree with standing back and waiting. Some actors (like the guys in Spamalot and Greg Jbara) will stay there until everybody gets their autograph and/or picture. Others will only sign the first few they pass and then they'll go on.
Very true. If that was directed at me, I should've been clearer, but I posted that here because WickedlyPerfect was talking about Patrick in specific, who would stand there all night if he had to.
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/31/04
And the stagedoor at the Cort is to the right as you face the theater, right Emcee?
Patrick Wilson Fans --New "UnOfficial Fan Site". Come check us out!
Yep, I think I wrote that a couple of posts up! Like I said, you can't see the actual stage door from the street, but you can see the gate leading to it. It's pretty clearly marked.
Before anybody comes and asks (Because it always seems to happen):
SASE=Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/15/03
I didn't realize that people went to such lengths to meet actors. Usually when a star learns that I'm in the house, I get passed a note from an usher and the note invites me to the star's dressing room after the show. Doesn't that happen to EVERYONE?
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/20/05
well, if you just keep on waiting till everyone is gone for someone you wanna meet (in my case, shannon durig), the person running the stage door may let you backstage! (at HAIRSPRAY!!!!!!!!!)
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/31/04
I wish I could be your shadow! :o)
Emcee...do you think there'll be barricades for Barefoot?
Patrick Wilson Fans --New "UnOfficial Fan Site". Come check us out!
Perhaps; it's becoming common at most shows now, even ones without big stars. But I'd assume that even if they're not concerned about Patrick's relative fame, they might put barricades up because of Amanda Peet, no?
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/27/05
Ummm... I don't like the doorman at DRS. He's too pushy for my liking. Is there a way to get around him?
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
From my experiences- Be nice to them, its always my main thing to be nice, never push or be rude, thats not good. Also I usually metion my favorite song/scene etc. My favorite cast ever has to be ALL SHOOK UP- they came out revatiely quickly and were super nice, they remembered me from the front row--- it was awesome. Wicked is prolly second- they come out quicky- Usually with the Elphaba being the last one out or not coming out sometimes.
You don't like Kevin? LOL. Kevin is the one I was thinking of when I wrote that above. He comes out and tells everyone "no pictures with the cast. So don't even ask them!" Then the cast comes out and they usually always pose for pics. Just ask them - nicely - and don't pay any attention to what he says.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/16/05
i know for wicked it would take any of the elphabas a LONG time to come out, b/c they have to shower and get all the green off of them. i didnt even bother waiting.
rent on the other hand -- minimal makeup/costuming, no real props/set to clean up... they come out within 10 minutes.
I would hire Kevin to be my bodyguard, he's so good at what he does lol. Anyway, the advice here is all sound. Just respect the performers above all. They are tired and can be understandly not up to autograph signing. The sending a playbill to be signed plan is a great idea.