The Tony Awards telecasts have sucked for the past several years before this year's telecast. Let's not blame it on movie and/or pop stars. And with that I am off this particular thread. Have fun.
:: Throws in some CHEESE :: "To go with the WHINE".
"No more movie stars invading...."
that, in the OP is when i assumed the rest of the stuff i said best12bars. invading? that is overkill. I basically feel as Kristin C does with a few extras.
ljay, my goodness. you basically quoted and posted to me 3 or 4 times in one day about my "obvious hatred" of CZJ because I made some jokes and was not a fan. you said i was possibly jealous of her, etc. and yet, i am not the only one who does not like her. then i read a couple of your posts here. hmmmm
anyway, Dolli;
stars were at one time no names. you have to get a break as a no name to be a star. thanks for the link you posted.
But my main concern is that in three hours, they (whoever they is) can't find time to honor those who design, orchestrate, compose and write.
To coin a new Griffinism, you mean the Schmonys? That's been a point of contention for years. I would love to see them return to the format of 1987 or 1988, which seemed to work out fine, but it would probably mean no longer featuring revivals (which the advent of the Chicago boom popularized the notion of the immense capitalization to be mined in a revival) or continuing to leave out plays. When the Schmonys were on PBS, it was criticized for being the bastard child of the Tonys not worthy of a high-profile network. The only way to appease the biggest critics of the Tonys is to have a four-hour broadcast, which will never happen, which would simply result in making the exact same faithful Tony-watching audience possibly a little happier. But they will probably still find reasons to bitch about it.
On the sort of relevant topic of "theatre actors" whining, from Chris Siebers facebook:
Christopher Sieber Here's the deal....when you receive an award that is purchased for you...does it mean anything?! CZJ?! A big booooooooooo! But,congrats to the other winners....
13 June at 23:26
People need to f*cking step back from the Facebook. This is kind of appalling.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Wow, Broadway actors really ARE douchebags.
Wow, the pettiness is more disgusting than the results they are bitching about.
I posted on the page and just got this e-mail from Hunter on Facebook:
"Rally on, people! Variety has caught wind of this sight and they wanted to know what our next move is. I want to draft a letter and start a petition to send to the Tony committee. Lets make a difference!"
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Seriously - I never again want to hear a Broadway performer talk about how the posters on BWW are bitchy, bitter, jealous, or whatever.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Dolly - I assume Jenn Cody was talking about CZJ, because it was one of the comments on Chris Siber's post about it.
Updated On: 6/17/10 at 03:58 PM
I've seen a lot in this business. A LOT. And I'm never surprised by anything.
But this?
I'm stunned. I'm actually, absolutely stunned. This is just ugly.
I prefer stage to screen personally, but I know some stage actors even at my theatre's level of semi-professional who think they are "above". It isn't about the money, it's the craft, the art, the adrenaline, the whatever may happen will happen are all things that are heard. I don't behave in such a manner and do not put up with it from any of the students, but i have been taught at workshops by those types. i get the feelings in theory, but dislike those ones that are holier than thou.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
I'm telling you - most people with Equity cards should not be allowed internet access.
Phyllis, I don't know how to post photos, but can you post a picture of Hunter's comment on that status too? It's further down, and I think everyone should see it.
And Jen has another one after it. Wow they are so bitter.
Updated On: 6/17/10 at 04:06 PM
Ya know...I wish Facebook was around a decade ago.
Or maybe not.
"Seriously - I never again want to hear a Broadway performer talk about how the posters on BWW are bitchy, bitter, jealous, or whatever. "
the jealousy one is the silliest.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Piper, yeah, when I'm at work I just ctrl-alt-print screen and then copy it to Paint and upload it to Flickr. At home I do the same except I have Photoshop at home instead of Paint.
Hunter tried to clarify, but it's too late: the Wall of that page has become a sad parade of malcontents airing grievances against an unfair world.
I still can't figure out what's so terrible about a Broadway-loving football player appearing to encourage sports fans to attend Broadway, but they seem to hate Mark Sanchez even more than they hate Zeta Jones.
Hunter Foster You know, I think there is a little confusion about what this sight is about. It's not about keeping Hollywood actors from doing Broadway--Denzel was fantastic in Fences--Im not against great performances like that, it's about making the Tony night be about honoring Broadway. When I watched them in college, it was Mandy, George Hearn, Lupone, Reinking and Tommy Tune. What does Mark Sanchez have to do with Broadway? Thats it. Make it about Broadway. That's all we ask. I guarantee ratings won't be worse!
I love the Easter Bonnet/Tony connection. If Tonys were denied for questionable behavior outside a performance, I think maybe ten people would have one. If Jen thinks it is somehow relevant, perhaps we now know why she and Hunter don't have Tony awards. I guess the voters didn't attend Easter Bonnet so they could assess a completely unrelated performance.
Okay, I was in the theater and have no idea what Hunter's referring to. Anyone?
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Yeah, I also can't understand why Mark Sanchez has become a target for some people. He's a star football player that seems to have a genuine love of theater. I would think that the theater community would have responded warmly to him.
God, what is it lately with Broadway actors going out of their way to act like idiots?
it feels like an "us" and them" thing now.
best12bars did say what Hunter had meant, and maybe his post is what he meant PalJoey, but I agree, when it comes out the way it did and many many people took it as a slight on hollywood,sports,pop music and when you read the responses... i mean, he could have corrected some of them, no?