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Into the Woods Official Movie Thread- Page 108

Into the Woods Official Movie Thread

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#2675Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/22/14 at 11:26pm

I almost forgot to ask this for the ones who saw the film from screenings, how was "Your Fault/Last Midnight"? I can imagine Corden, Huttlestone, Crawford, Kendrick fighting, plus Streep losing it; ala Sondheim's amazing fighting song-writing.

(If a FOLLIES film does get made, please let there be a fighing song.)

#2676Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/23/14 at 3:32pm

I'm some what worried about "Your Fault" because they cast Jack and Little Red age-appropriately, so it may look silly to have the adults fighting with the kids. And it's not like a parent-child fight either.

broadwaybabywannabe2 Profile Photo
#2677Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/23/14 at 7:48pm

wow i have been reading this thread faithfully for what?...weeks months now and i am only that much more eager to see the finished film...and to all those who hate ROB MARSHALL and what he did with NINE...i personally hated that movie and i never felt it was Marshall's fault...but the musical itself was not filmable unless FELLINI himself had directed it...oh right he

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#2678Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/23/14 at 8:21pm

^I agree, NINE to me was a hot mess with a lot of great moments in here and really in the end of everything Rob Marshall is not to blame. With INTO THE WOODS (especially after reading the shooting draft) he's gone to a path where the singing happens in real time (with the exception of three which are shown in flashback).

Heck, even MERRILY WE ROLL ALONG could work as a film better than NINE did.

jpbran Profile Photo
#2679Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/23/14 at 9:53pm

I'm not worried about "Your Fault" in relation to their ages... In a way, it's a song you can totally see kids singing as it's kinda bratty and immature. The adults are acting like children, which is why the witch brings it to a close with a schoolmarm-like "shhhhhh."

HBP Profile Photo
#2680Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/23/14 at 11:05pm

Can anyone who's seen it tell us whether they liked the flashbacks or not? I'm not a fan of flashbacks in film... I think a strong director and actor can get the message across without showing the viewer. But I suppose it could be done effectively. Any opinions?

#2681Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/23/14 at 11:10pm


On the Steps of the Palace was not written in flashback form in the leaked took place in frozen time. The only number's written with them in that draft were the "rap" and "I Know Things Now".

That is unless I'm missing something. (Perhaps a newer script?)

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#2682Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/23/14 at 11:19pm

Whoops! You're right. My bad.

At least Rob Marshall and James Lapine is looking for unexpected variety in these songs, it shows that Marshall is not a "one-trick pony".

PattyO'Furniture Profile Photo
#2684Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/27/14 at 5:59pm

I still can't help but think of Latrine from ROBIN HOOD: MEN IN TIGHTS. Vanessa Williams looked like her, too.

MagicalMusical Profile Photo
#2685Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/27/14 at 8:01pm

She looks so great. I wish they made her have more of a big long witch nose and make her uglier and more like a witch, and maybe more of a long witch chin too, but except for those tiniest things she looks so fantastic. Especially the costume. The thing is Meryl already kind of has a pointy witch-like nose so her transformation to a younger more beautiful self would make more sense I think if she had a more pronounced, uglier, witchier nose before.

Updated On: 8/27/14 at 08:01 PM

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#2686Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/27/14 at 11:06pm

This is my favorite picture of Streep as her ugly form thus far.

best12bars Profile Photo
#2687Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/28/14 at 4:19pm

Love the photo! I'm sure they erred on the side of caution as far as making their mega-movie-star unrecognizable. I think it's a great blend.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

ray-andallthatjazz86 Profile Photo
#2688Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/28/14 at 4:23pm

Also love it! I agree it's a nice blend, and I'm also glad we won't be having to see Meryl fight through the makeup to act, speak, and sing. Honestly, I couldn't be more excited about this movie, this is exactly how I pictured the Witch pre-transformation. The movie looks magical, is it December 25 yet?

"Some people can thrive and bloom living life in a living room, that's perfect for some people of one hundred and five. But I at least gotta try, when I think of all the sights that I gotta see, all the places I gotta play, all the things that I gotta be at"

best12bars Profile Photo
#2689Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/28/14 at 4:29pm

Agreed! I think lighting will help, too, and a lot of these production stills don't have the final cinematic lighting and/or post-production filters. These aren't "screen caps," so they were likely taken with a still camera.

In other words, "sinister lighting" would help a witch out a lot.

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22

#2690Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/28/14 at 5:17pm

I realky love it also....the costume is great! I forgot that they could add lighting filters, which woukd help a lot. On film, all that sunlight behind her might just cast a Witch silloheutte. I noticed that they are going full on with the Meryl stills, which is great! I cant wait to see her transformed look (in official for; I already took an HD screencap, and im very proud of her look), but they might wait until Christmas for the big reveal. I alsobthink we should expect a full, official trailer in October, since the first one was a teaser. I can't already imagining the DVD case. Into the Woods Movie Cast

 Musical Master Profile Photo
Musical Master
#2691Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/30/14 at 5:57pm

I do wonder what the poster is going to look like. I hope it's nothing like that poster of NINE that was used in movie theaters.... Uggh.....

#2692Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/30/14 at 8:54pm

I thought this was the poster:

jpbran Profile Photo
#2693Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/30/14 at 9:41pm

I think that's just an early teaser poster. There'll be an official poster this fall likely, with "Streep" "Depp" etc., as well as an actual MPAA rating.

#2694Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/30/14 at 9:43pm

I'm wondering what it'll be rated. Possibly PG?

best12bars Profile Photo
#2695Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/30/14 at 10:23pm

They would be wise to err on the side of caution with a PG, just so parents don't freak out of Hello, Little Girl, etc.

The adult themes alone should get it a PG, considering it's a "Disney fairy tale" now. The backlash if they didn't would be pretty bad.

"You didn't warn us!!! We can't read! We've never heard of Steve Soundhime! This is porno!"

"Jaws is the Citizen Kane of movies."
blocked: logan2, Diamonds3, Hamilton22
Updated On: 8/30/14 at 10:23 PM

broadwaybabywannabe2 Profile Photo
#2696Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/31/14 at 11:42am

hopefully Disney will got for a PG-13 rating as people do die and destruction from the Giant is shown it seems in the quick cut trailer...and a PG-13 will give the movie more heft...

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#2697Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/31/14 at 12:07pm

Yeah, PG-13 would be perfect, so that parents would know that something 's up with a "Disney fairytale" getting PG-13.

#2698Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 8/31/14 at 4:46pm

I doubt it will get a PG-13. Narnia was rated PG, if I recall correctly. The first Harry Potter was also.

Poster wise, I think it will be cool to get the "holographic" posters. Where you look at it one way you see one thing, and you see another the other way. This could be used effectively for the Witch (post-transformation/pre-transformation). It could could also be effective for the "banner" posters, which are now used for all Disney films now. It could have all the characters lined up in the woods, possibly looking up at the Giant. If you look at it one way, you could see the beautiful flowered woods, that looks like a fairy tale, then one the other way you could see the dark, grim, trampled woods. I think it could be really cool.

This is what I mean by the "banner posters"

Into the Woods Movie Cast

Into the Woods Movie Cast

Into the Woods Movie Cast

Pre/post transformation Witch:

Into the Woods Movie Cast
Into the Woods Movie Cast

Updated On: 8/31/14 at 04:46 PM

#2699Into the Woods Movie Cast
Posted: 9/1/14 at 5:09am

They'll have individual posters for each main character. For instance, one with Johnny Depp that will say The Big Bad Wolf and Johnny Depp with a pic.

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