INTO THE WOODS reactions:
Anne Thompson @akstanwyck
@chmoye @IntoTheWoods will get tech nods: costumes, production design, no original song, they didn't use. Streep will get supporting.
Clayton Davis ?@AwardsCircuit 1m1 minute ago
#IntotheWoods is good not great. Pine is my favorite part. Streep's best since Devil Wears Prada. Gorgeous sets and costumes.
David Poland @DavidPoland · 34m 34 minutes ago
Uninspired filmmaking. Not smartly converted to film language. Performances are sometimes stagey, sometimes reality based. Bit of a mess.
David Poland @DavidPoland · 31m 31 minutes ago
If it was anyone but Johnny Depp as The Wolf, they might have cut that segment out. Played with an actual child, it’s kinda gross now
The Hollywood Reporter
Gregg Kilday ?@gkilday 47m47 minutes ago
#IntoTheWoods has made the transition to screen intact and full of life. A real pleasure, both clever and heartfelt.
let the tweets begin...
Kristopher Tapley ?@kristapley
Into the Woods was nails on a chalkboard for me, but this tends to not be my bag. Meryl was delightful though.
Sasha Stone ?@AwardsDaily
So Into the Woods wins costumes walking in the door. More serious and sad than the stage show I saw. Teared up a few times.
Sasha Stone ?@AwardsDaily
You could call this a darker interpretation of Into the Woods. Chris Pine and Anna Kendrick standouts. And Streep. Of course.
David Ketchum ?@KetchumAtMovies
The real standout of the fabulous Into the Woods was actually Chris Pine. #SHOCKED #WhoWouldHaveThought
Pete Hammond ?@DeadlinePete
Rob Marshall's Into The Woods is the most dazzling screen musical since his own Oscar winning Chicago. Sublime Sondheim. A true winner.
Pete Hammond ?@DeadlinePete
Into The Woods defines what a great ensemble cast really is. They all shine but Streep soars. Kendrick. Blunt, Pine, Corden all terrific.
Anne Thompson ?@akstanwyck
Waiting for the live stream of the post-Into the Woods q and a at Disney Main Theatre. Streep, Kendrick, Blunt, Pine, Corden are standouts.
Anne Thompson ?@akstanwyck
Depp is fine in short bit as The Wolf. This is gorgeous & expensive Sondheim. Applause for Streep and the opening number. @IntoTheWoods
Jenelle Riley ?@jenelleriley
I guess embargo is off. I loved Into the Woods tho the tone veers between theatrical and realistic. Whole cast is great esp Streep, Pine.
gregoryellwood @HitFixGregory
Meryl Streep and Chris Pine are the standouts in Into the Woods. Steep is fantastic.
gregoryellwood @HitFixGregory
Into The Woods could make the best picture 10 but debatable. Entertaining but feels long. Bumpy moments.
gregoryellwood @HitFixGregory
Meryl Streep is absolutely fantastic though in Into The Woods. Seriously. #oscars
gregoryellwood @HitFixGregory
Chris Pine has to be purposely channeling William Shatner as the Prince in Into the Woods. It Works!
gregoryellwood @HitFixGregory
Don't see Emily Blunt as lead actress category with Into the Woods. Maybe lead on stage but not here. #oscars
gregoryellwood @HitFixGregory
Worth noting Anna Kendrick, James Cordon, Emily Blunt all do strong work in #IntoTheWoods. Movie gets increasingly stagey as it goes on.
ThePlaylist ?@ThePlaylist
Into The Woods overstays welcome & bleeds its many charms. Streep kinda grand, but 3rd act drag undoes what was slight, but enjoyable film. y5zPV9z1qej1i6o8_500.jpg
With all of this praise, do you think Pine will get nominated for an Oscar?
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
This is very much an ensemble piece. All the actors are mostly good but don't really stand out against some of the other likely contenders this year. While it would be great for the movie to win awards, I doubt it will. I'm just glad that we got a very good and faithful adaptation. I couldn't ask for anything more.
Let's also keep in mind that these are just first reactions. They hardly ever mean anything when all is said and done. However, I am saddened to see that no one really mentioned Blunt. Perhaps she gets outshined by Streep and Kendrick
"When the Witch sings "Who out there could love you more than I? What out there that I cannot supply?", she should be desperately sad, not angry like Meryl does it. Her performance is good in the rest of it but not there. She's losing her daughter and wondering why her love isn't enough. Angry doesn't fit that situation."
MagicalMusical, sorry but that is kinda ridiculous. I can understand if you didn't like the choice but it's silly to say "she SHOULD be" a certain emotion. People react to things differently and most people are more layered than just sad or mad. Try reading the the five stages of grief and loss. Anger comes right after Denial. Meryl Streep is not the second coming but lets not give someone of her experience a line reading…
Agreed. It's her choice and I actually like it. Sure she is sad, but there is a lot of anger and jealousy there as well. I like how she starts to release it a bit, which ultimately scares Rapunzel as she starts to cry, and then the Witch begins to calm herself down again. Great acting choices on Meryl's part.
Updated On: 11/23/14 at 11:26 AM
ShakinBacon: Blunt is actually really great. I wouldn't say she was upstaged by the other characters. I just think the part of the Baker's Wife lost a bit of its charm in the crossover.
Updated On: 11/23/14 at 12:05 PM
"Sure she is sad, but there is a lot of anger and jealousy there as well. "
Yeah matttaylorr021. I totally see the jealousy in it as well. Sad, mad, jealous, panicked, scared… meryl is a good actress and can play of those in a single moment.
I think MagicalMusical couldn't be more off the mark with his comments re "Stay with Me." There's so much anger in that song, there's a lot of fear and jealousy which often manifests itself through anger. Not only do I think it's a valid interpretation of the song, but a genius one.
It sounds like the movie is a bit polarizing much like LES MIS. Chalk up a 19th Oscar nod to Streep, wonder if Blunt can crack the top 5 for actress.
I don't think she can anymore. It doesn't seem like she stands out enough and the other ladies are campaigning hard right now. Looks like it will be The Streep show. Which is fine.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
I agree with those who support Meryl's emotions/acting in Stay With is my favorite interpretation!
Some more positive reviews:
Brad Bessey ?@BradBessey 33m33 minutes ago
@AnnaKendrick47 You're #brilliant in @IntoTheWoods. The subtleties in acting & singing: stuff fairytales are made of. @etnow #annakendrick
Gregg Kilday ?@gkilday 56m56 minutes ago
#IntoTheWoods has made the transition to screen intact and full of life. A real pleasure, both clever and heartfelt.
gregoryellwood ?@HitFixGregory 1h1 hour ago Burbank, CA
Meryl Streep and Chris Pine are the standouts in Into the Woods. Steep is fantastic.
Pete Hammond ?@DeadlinePete 58m58 minutes ago
Rob Marshall's Into The Woods is the most dazzling screen musical since his own Oscar winning Chicago. Sublime Sondheim. A true winner.
Emily Turner @emilycturner · 21m 21 minutes ago
Meryl killed it. Lilla was perfection. #IntoTheWoods is the best.
Emily Turner @emilycturner · 3m 3 minutes ago
But actually the highlight of #IntoTheWoods was EVERYTHING!
Lisa McMullan @LisaMcMullan · Nov 22
You guys. @IntoTheWoods was even more perfect than I could have hoped. #IWish
Nancy Friedman @Hip2Housewife · 12h 12 hours ago
"I wish" everyone could see @intothewoods,like I did last night. Fairytale cast. Magical art direction. Sondheim. Streep. Perfect.
Alexandra Cutler @cutleralexandra · 10h 10 hours ago
Saw an advanced screening of @IntoTheWoods! SO good and beautifully done! #Intothewoods #merylstreep
Joel Dommel @Joel_Dommel · 10h 10 hours ago
Saw an advanced screening of #IntoTheWoods last night. Very well done. Finally, a good movie…
natalia bozika ?@nataliaboz 2m2 minutes ago
Anyways the whole cast of #IntoTheWoods was amazing especially #MerylStreep and #JamesCorden haha I laughed so much with those 2! Can't wait
Doreen Spicer ?@DoreenSpicer 6m6 minutes ago
Another great performance. #IntoTheWoods. #MerylStreep
Twiniversity ?@Twiniversity 8m8 minutes ago
Saw it! Can't wait to tell you all about it. Meeting the cast tomorrow! #intothewoods
Erich Bergen @erichbergen · 49m 49 minutes ago
In case you're wondering, #IntoTheWoods is spectacular.
Oh, I should also mention that Into The Woods was AMAZING. And it’s true what’s being said: Chris completely stole the show.
"And where do I begin!
First and foremost, you have to go with mind set that this a MOVIE adaptation of a STAGE show that is so well loved by so many who may struggle with this, me included having seen the OBC taping over a 100 times. Let me relieve your doubts by saying this is by far the best/true to the original version of of a stage version I have seen!
Secondly, for anyone who was able to read the "leaked" early version of the was an EARLY version and I would guess only about 50-60% of that version remained with many of the changes done so much better than what was originally envisioned. Kudos to Stephen & James for this incredibly hard task.
I want to give so much detail about what I saw but do not know how much to reveal without pissing off those who may not want to hear what is in the final version. (I saw it with a lot of "industry" people in NYC with a lot of them from ABC/Disney). If this is not critically liked/loved I will be shocked. My guess is about a 75-80 on Rotten Tomatoes.
ACTING: A+ (everyone cast was perfect for their respective parts even though some of you saw "others" in some roles)
SINGING: A (what you heard in the "leaked" snippets of songs are the real deal and are even SO much better in the larger format)
SET DESIGN/COSTUMES/WIGS/SPECIAL EFFECTS: A+ (many Oscar nominations here!)
DIRECTING: A (Rob took many of the scenes and opened them up to visually stunning/acted scenes that you "felt" like you were in
the middle of the woods with them)
Several things that some of you have been worried about are answered in very appropriate ways I.e. Rapunzals fate, how Last Midnight was filmed and how No More was done. I think most will be happy.
Not everyone will agree with me and that is totally acceptable as we all see things with different eyes/mind sets. Just go knowing you are in for a treat and it is so fast paced you are shaking your heads when it is over. (The running time is 2:05 and the cut songs/scenes that have been made to achieve this are done with no issues from me).
I LOVE this show and I did not know what to expect even with the various clips/songs we have heard just hoping it was done with the appreciation/respect to the original. It has succeeded.
If there are any specific questions that some of you need answered, I will do my best to answer without "spoiling" it for others. I've never used the spoiler function on this so I may have to do so.
Hope this was helpful in some way and makes the anticipation even greater, just sorry you all have to wait another month! It will come sooner than you think with the holiday season taking up some of your time. ENJOY!!!"
And the Oscar ball gets rolling for Streep. I doubt she'll win, but the article has some nice comments about her performance and mentions a few other things about the film.
Can Meryl Streep Actually Win a Fourth Oscar?
The irony: this is the weakest year for Best Actress since Louise Fletcher won for a truly supporting role "Cuckoo's Nest," everyone agrees. (Quick, name 5 candidates for the category. In ... like two hours, not two minutes; movies you've actually seen, not heard about coming out for one week in December; good luck). So, Streep might've gone into the Best Actress category and even won the damned thing. I would vote for anyone to keep Rosamund Pike from nailing it. But damned, she might. Streep may belong there after all. Too bad.
No way she would have won if they pushed her in the Leading category. Julianne Moore and Reese Witherspoon are duking it out for the top spot with Rosamund Pike steadily in 3rd and then you have Hilary Swank and Jen Anniston who are campaigning like crazy. And you also have to worry about felicity jones. Streep would not have been close to a win. Besides, no way is the academy going to give her her fourth Oscar so soon.
And the last weak year we had was when Jen Lawrence won for SLP.
Updated On: 11/23/14 at 08:33 PM
The Anniston film has weak to bad press, and barely anyone has yet gone to see the Swank (and it has yet to end up in the SAG screeners, the most important factor, folks, screeners, always). Yes, this is the weakest year in decades, this close to the cut-off. Streep wouldn't likely win, but if the Witch performance ends up as touted as it has been from he screenings, sure, she might've secured a place. She got one last year and many critics loathed her work in AUGUST: OSAGE (go back and check). The other actresses are in projects most people have yet to see, as of 11/23. It's up for grabs. Again, keep an eye on those screeners. I'm in the WGA, and I can tell you: the screeners writers have received prove this is a bizarre year.
Hmm good point. Have you seen Selma yet?
SPOILERS for those who still have never seen Into the Woods in any format ...
Even if Emily Blunt is considered "award worthy" in this movie, she has a "category identity" problem. The Baker's Wife is definitely the leading lady for 2/3 of the story, and then she dies and isn't on screen again until the finale.
So is she leading or supporting? Disney will undoubtably push her into the leading category to keep her out of Streep's way as Best Supporting Actress, but that doesn't mean Academy voters will buy it.
Also she disappears for the LAST part of the story. It's different when a leading lady is introduced late and then dominates the plot for the remainder the film. They leave a bigger impression as a character. But when you check out long before the end, people are more likely to think of her as supporting even with a heavy campaign push into the other category.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
She's not gone from the movie long. It moves very quickly from the time she dies to the end. And even in her absence, her presence lingers.
Nevertheless, I think this might be Julianne Moore's year
Just saw an "Into The Woods" commercial during the AMA's! I'm too excited for this film!
I just got back from an industry screening of this.
I thought it was FANTASTIC. I've always loved the stage version but Rob Marshall and his team have done a fantastic job of adapting this for the screen.
I'm never very good at reviews like others on this site but here are some highlights:
Anna Kendrick's interpretation of "Steps of the Palace" was an inspired idea. Freezing time and allowing the song to exist in the moment really gave it new life.
"Giants in the Sky" elicited a round of applause form that audience. Very moving performance.
"Agony" was surprisingly awesome and hilarious. I was never a fan of that song but both actors were hilarious.
Emily Blunt's songs were all equally amazing.
Loved how the witch transformed to tar/quicksand.
This was one of the best movie musical adaptations I've seen in a very long time.
The cast was present for a Q&A after the screening. Not much new information was shared I think they were all very moved to be part of such a strong ensemble.
A highly recommend this movie to everyone.
The Baker's wife is in a weird position, category placement wise. I doubt she will get nominated at all but if she does, I still think it will be leading. Only because supporting actress is packed.
The producers have submitted Emily Blunt for Lead Actress. So if she gets nominated, it will be in that category. James Corden was submitted for Lead Actor. Meryl, Anna, Chris and Johnny were all submitted for supporting.
People at the Oscars don't get "submitted" for a specific category; the Academy member has the option to nominate a performer in whatever gender-specific category they like. The studios and actors campaign for specific categories, but it's up to the voters to decide whether to follow that or not. Campaigns are often ignored; for example, Kate Winslet heavily campaigned for supporting for her movie THE READER, and she was submitted as such for the Globes, but voters rightfully placed her in lead for the Oscars and she eventually won the whole thing.
Ugh, what a terrible year that was. :P Her performance in The Reader was supporting (and her Revolutionary Road performance was far superior, IMO). It was also just kind of a crap movie and I was annoyed she finally won her first Oscar for it. :P