There's a posting on the IMDB board for the film and there's a link to the script. That's how I found it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
"So it does not appear that Marshall is taking an ax to the score like he did with NINE."
So far, it appears that the score is safe. NINE really was a confusing mess though after he got his hands on it. Hopefully this follows Chicago into becoming a hit, rather than taking the course NINE took.
Coming up roses-- beware, my friend. You're passing on confidential info from a DISNEY property script that no doubt had the watermark of the crew member emblazoned on every page. Disney has no compunctions about blithely firing whoever was responsible for such info being shared so publicly. (I've worked on other Disney features.)
As a poster on BWW I love reading all your insider scoops, but as a once-employee of Disney I know what dangerous ground your crew contact is treading.
I don't know any of these people. I just stumbled upon it and checked to see if it was legit and it appears to be. It's a draft from a few months back, so I have no idea how much has changed since then.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
When i try to download it, it tells me that the site has can't be loaded. oh well.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Someone -- were you only on feature films?? I was at Disney Television in the 90s. Wondering if we might know the same people. I'll PM you.
Also, broadway guy, CHILL OUT.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
HOLD UP!... So for all we know that script could have been a rough draft and not the real version where the keep The Lament in?! ughhh U know what...You people are giving me a headache! Im not going to believe a single word about this script until they send it out to the public like Les Mis did ( and even that script wasnt the finished product). For all we know the film could be severely different than the script this person is reaiding! They might not even have the script completely finished! I am keeping my faith in this film. Im going to take a couple hours off here cause i just have a headache from worrying about the sanctity of ITW.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
LAMENT is gone. It is not coming back. Not now, not ever. A new song is being written to replace it.
Well I got it and I can't wait to read it!!!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
"i just have a headache from worrying about the sanctity of ITW."
So do we. For very different reasons. Enjoy your break! Take your time!
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
finebydesign, PM me with a link to it, would you?
The first portion of Lament is in there and then there's a note that says something along the lines of "New song goes here" So I'm guessing Sondheim's keeping the first part of Lament as a lead in to the Witch's new song.
I'd heard rumors of the song "Rainbows" from the proposed 90's film version being included, but it was nowhere to be found in the script.
As I said, this is apparently a draft dated a few months ago, so there will be changes. No doubt about it. It happens with every film. They're still probably trying to work a lot of stuff out, but the basic structure is probably going to stay the same.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Headband, feel free to PM me, but nope, I never had any connection to Disney Television in the 90's or now. I only knew the folks involved in the features I worked on there in the last few years.
I hope "Rainbows" does not end up in the film.
I don't see Rainbows... apparently there is a Meryl Streep song here but I'm not seeing it.
It basically says "insert" new song here for witch lol. Unless there is some nutzo fan this look legit. It could also be the earlier version. Not sure why they would not have had the new witch song for that earlier reading. Who knows this is neat though!
I refuse to believe this could be the work of a fan. If it is, they certainly are dedicated. It seems too professional to be a fake. You can usually spot most fan scripts a mile away.
Updated On: 6/19/13 at 06:02 PM
So, I've found the script... But does anyone know how I can get it to open on my iPad? I'd appreciate any help.
Chorus Member Joined: 4/26/13
Is anyone else unable to download the script? It says "Peer's Certificate has been revoked." when I click on the download link.
That's a PDF....I think Apple hates pdfs i'm not sure... maybe an app?
I just got through reading the opening and I can't help but think this would've definitely worked as an animated film, but I am interested in seeing what Marshall and company bring to the film. The opening is my favorite part! lol.
"would've definitely worked as an animated film,"
I would be SHOCKED if this doesn't look exactly like Alice in Wonderland or that Oz movie. I'm sure it will be 3D too. It may not be live-action but you can bet they will release something with lots of fugly CG.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/29/12