Y'know, Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen would be a lot of fun for the Stepsisters.
I really do hope there are some more interesting casting choices. As much as I LOATHE Taylor Swift, she should have been in the Les Mis movie. Samantha sure can sing, but what a freaking waste of a moment.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Im sorry but i really don't think Taylor Swift would have been a better Eponine than Sam.
Sam has an amazing voice, and while her performance was technically superior to most of the other actor's in the film, it was kind of underwhelming. Don't get me wrong, she still had me in tears during OMO, but her belting was not as grand as it could've been.
And don't even get me started with her Oscars performance, now THAT was a complete disappointment.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
I sadly agree all that jazz. Her singing was fine but I feel like she didn't get to really show off her voice in the film. It seemed like she was holding back. I loved her "A little fall of rain" but her "on my own" really did nothing for me. I was spellbound by her 25th anniversary performance. She was amazing onstage and she was good on film. I didn't fall in love with her in the film like i did watching the concert.
I think the Les Miz movie only showed how thin of a role Eponine really is, at least in the story as it's told in the musical. She's there pretty much to be a fangirl for Marius. Her one plot point is that she intercepts a message and delays Cosette and Marius from getting together. Then she dies.
It really takes someone "interesting" to make this role come alive. Not just a good singer or good actor. That's why I loved Frances Rufelle in the OBC. Just by her presence, personality, and voice, she brought a uniqueness to the role that isn't on the written page. She made Eponine interesting, because she was interesting. It felt like she had more history and dimension than was actually there.
I didn't like Barks in the concert version. I thought she was adequate but unremarkable. And I didn't think she could act. She did a much better job in the film with her acting. I thought she pulled back in her singing too much. But even if she'd belted it out, that alone won't have made the character more interesting. (More impressive, perhaps, but not more interesting.) As a result, she did a fine job with an underwritten character, and ultimately wasn't that memorable.
I don't know if Taylor Swift would have been better, but she does have a more unique quality than Barks. Whether she could act or sing, who knows? Obviously, they cast Barks ... but who knows the reason? Was she better, or did she just fit in better with the cast? Perhaps "fitting in" shouldn't have been a big consideration for this particular role.
Frances is my favorite Eponine. No other actress for me conveys the level of intensity and desesperation in her voice as well as she does.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
I found the whole film to be unremarkable actually. It really had the potential to be something great and iconic but instead we got a hotmess. Not all of it was bland and mediocre..Anne Hathaway stole the show. She was complete perfection. Hugh jackman was kinda hit or miss. I'm still a bit disappointed how that film turned out.
"I didn't like Barks in the concert version. I thought she was adequate but unremarkable. And I didn't think she could act"
Well it was after all a CONCERT. The singing was the focus and not the acting. I don't think you should so quickly judge her acting by just the concert. Have you seen her do it onstage during a regular performance?
The role of Eponine is paper thin I agree. She doesn't really do anything that advances the plot and "on my own" is really pointless. It does nothing to further the show, in fact it just stops it. Its really easy for Eponine to come off as a whiny 1 dimensional character but I thought Sam gave Eponine a real genuine quality.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
Barks' performance in the film had nothing to do with her abilities. She was directed to sing it that way. And please, keep Taylor Swift away from anything Broadway-related. Had she been Eponine, she would have had either a blank or shocked look on her face the whole movie.
Well it was after all a CONCERT. The singing was the focus and not the acting.
Everybody else in the concert version was acting. Didn't she get the memo?
EDIT: And it wasn't that she wasn't trying to act at all. Her choices (smiling way too much) were lousy.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
I think Swift could handle playing Nessarose in the film adaptation of 'Wicked'. I don't think she will be in this film since one of exes is in it. They went through an awful breakup.
Updated On: 6/20/13 at 12:49 PM
I blame that on the way that Les Mis was shot.Having the microphone an inch and a half from her face just wouldn't allow a full on belt approach. She would have blown out all of the mics.
Everybody else in the concert version was acting. Didn't she get the memo?
Maybe Nick Jonas hid it from her, so he had a fighting chance at not being the worst
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
"Everybody else in the concert version was acting. Didn't she get the memo?"
Well I completely disagree but you are entitled to your opinion i guess. I found her absolutely stunning during the concert. She was genuine and moving and really hit all the right notes for me. She didn't try to do that stupid cockney accent that most eponines do and she didn't do the crazy bit either. She really honed the character and brought tears to my eyes. I was thrilled by her acting choices. I thought she went back to the basics and made people remember why they love Eponine so much.
She was one of the the better actors up there if you ask me. Alfie boe is a great singer but he had the same face for the whole show. I didn't see much acting from him at all. Nick jonas looked constipated the whole time so i didn't see any acting from him either. Sam, Norm, Lea, Katie and Ramin were the best actors up there in my opinion.
Speaking of Les Mis and getting back on topic, I wish Matt Lucas could get something to do in Into The Woods. He has a good look for fairy tales and is really great at different characters.
I was watching ROCK OF AGES again and thought Diego Boneta would e great as one of the princes
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/21/06
I'd love to see Diego and James Marsden as the princes.
As much as James Marsden would be perfect as one of the princes, I think it's way too close to his role in Enchanted. Not only would it feel repetitive, it might actually confuse some audience members who are recognizing various fairy tale characters.
"Is that the prince from Enchanted? I don't get it!"
That's true, especially since the prince from ENCHANTED is cut from the same cloth as the princes in INTO THE WOODS. Marsden would have made a good Baker, actually, but I'm very happy with Corden.
Diego Boneta couldn't act if his life depended on it and he's one of those people whose energy gets completely sucked out as soon as the camera starts rolling. No, thank you.
Any word on who'll be playing jack? I'd love to see Todd Holland (who played BILLY ELLIOT on stage and was wonderful in one of my favorite movies last year, THE IMPOSSIBLE) tackle the role.
Well, I guess that's true, Best. I also wanted James for the baker!
Don't shoot me, but if they're looking for a star to play Jack, I think Harry Styles could pull it off.
It's as shame the Beebs is too old for this role!
The script says Jack is 16, so that opens up the role to a lot of young Hollywood. There are some 25 year olds who can still pass for 16 after all.
What are the chances Chris Colfer has auditioned for Jack? I don't want him to be a part of this movie, but I kinda do just to see the BWW meltdown...but then again, I want this to be the best movie it can be, so no.