Oh, nevermind, I was being stupid and hitting the wrong thing. I've got it up now.
God, I hope not. There's certainly going to be a good deal of CGI, but I hope it's not as bad as that terrible Alice in Wonderland. I hope it's mostly practical sets and effects.
"I would be SHOCKED if this doesn't look exactly like Alice in Wonderland or that Oz movie. I'm sure it will be 3D too. It may not be live-action but you can bet they will release something with lots of fugly CG."
Those were eye-sores after a while... they look great at first, but then it ends up being so unrealistic when it cuts to scenes obviously shot on a soundstage. I hope this steers away from CGI and 3D shooting as much as possible, unless necessary like the Wolf, from what I've read online, who is probably CGI.
Updated On: 6/19/13 at 06:19 PM
While I was reading the stepsister's dressing room scene, I defiantly pictured Sierra Boggess walking through the "mirrored door" as Cinderella. I think she would be a wonderful choice...
Updated On: 6/19/13 at 06:30 PM
I would def put money on 90% of this film being shot in front of a greenscreen.
It kinda makes me sad when stuff like this is leaked.
It spoils so many surprises. I, for one, wouldn't like to rob myself of the experience of discovering this movie (as a whole) for the first time.
I agree, BEST12... I forgot that's how I felt when I saw Hairspray because I followed almost every little thing that came up about the movie... I just can't help but dig deep into what's going on before, during, and after production.
Oh, I totally understand the temptation!
It's like kids at Christmas who try to find out what they're getting ... or peek under their parents' bed only to discover boxes and wrapping paper ... and realize it's all an illusion. Nope. No Santa.
I'm cynical enough in this world, due to age and experience. I would like to treasure the few things I care about and try to experience them as they were intended.
This is one "cat" who will try his level best not to be "killed by curiosity."
The other thing I know is that I will take all reactions to the film from people who read the script in advance with a HUGE grain of salt. You can't say "the movie lacked surprises and punch" if you know every shot, line, revision, and camera angle of the film in advance. That's not the film's fault, the actors' fault, the director's fault, or the screenplay's fault.
Swing Joined: 7/18/12
I downloaded the script. But just so I can have it after I see the movie. I also have a tendency to devour all the pre-movie stuff that by the time I see it, I'm kind of numb with it all. This happened to me with Sweeney. And I don't want to happen with ITW.
I don't mind the casting discussions and such. But, as Bestie said, to lose the surprise of it all unfolding before you in the theatre kind of ruins the whole thing for me.
PS, the link still works for me...
I was able to read through the script this evening. I'll make a few notes, here hopefully nothing to spoily.
1. This script stayed VERY close to the source material as far as I could tell. I do not know the show as well as some but I'm familiar with it. I'd say I could repeat most of the dialogue if pressed. It is pretty much intact here. As are the songs. So much so I was a bit bored. I guess when you look at the songs it's really hard to stray from that path.
2. Lapine has done and interesting job in translating this park-and-bark musical into something that might translate pretty well. There is a lot of movement which never worked on stage. You get the sense this will be a journey or a quest story. The songs while still park-and-bark are framed in either flashbacks or what seem like CG storytelling moments. Giants in the Sky for instance says it takes place with Jacks surroundings this is a good breakaway from the Flashbacks. He starts the film moving and it seems like it will keep moving. There is a cute giant bit at the beginning. Bits of foreshadowing here and there.
3. Two problem areas for me. Mostly visual. 1. The first song has a threeway split screen, that seems like it's not gonna happen. That kind of visual is a bit modern and even TVish for this film. Seems like they just need quick edits back and forth. But hey Lapine was trying! 2. The wolf slaughter is in silhouette that doesn't read on paper.... but the flashback LRRR has is neat.
4. I think the songs are our going to be sped up quite a bit because it seems this thing is just gonna move very quickly even though it might be 2hours?
5. I really like Meryl in this role. It's funny and quippy. Also it's clever they let Johnny be Johnny and then turn werewolf...
6. Lastly I welcome the new song, it's really needed for those of us that have seen this show a kazillion times. The script I read stays VERY true to musical and holds on to the best parts of it. It's a clunky piece to begin with. I really hope this works!
I can tell that this film will include a lot of CGI work as others have said. Especially during most of the Witch's scenes and transitions and the graveyard scene (I'm really excited to see how that scene is going to turn out, it sounds amazing).
Updated On: 6/19/13 at 09:26 PM
I really liked the description of Cinderella's Grandmother Willow-style mother.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
I can't get the link to work either, and after much consideration, I am glad. Best12bars is right, peeking at the screenplay is a bit like a kid taking the magic out of Christmas. I don't want the surprises to be too ruined.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
I want the surprises to be ruined for me lol I can't wait. I'm not a patient guy...I am a Broadway Guy HAHAHAHA.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
HAHAHAHAH Okay i seriously laughed out loud at that. That was so dry and comical HAHHA crazy Jordy.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/5/11
I skimmed through some of it. It looks extremely faithful. Very surprised, but relieved. Hopefully it stays that way.
Broadway Legend Joined: 4/10/12
Skimmed through it, it's pretty faithful to the Lapine's original libretto. I love what he's done with the prologue. It sounds very promising.
Downloaded and speed-read through the script tonight. I happen to be playing Rapunzel's Prince right now, and discovered this link at the start of act two, so after my wife got squished, I went backstage and read for about forty minutes. It was a very interesting experience, I can tell you!
A quick list of important SPOILERS for those who can't be bothered to go back a few pages:
*the Narrator and Cinderella's Father are Cut. The Mysterious Man is gone through most of the show, appearing only for the "no More" scene as a ghost and in flashbacks to the Baker's childhood. Most of his role is taken over by the Witch.
* Cut songs include "I guess this is goodbye/Maybe they're magic", Cinderella at the Grave, Both First and Second Midnight, Ever After, So Happy/Act Two Opening, Agony Reprise and No More. Most of these are turned into dialogue scenes. Lament, contrary to popular belief, is still in this screenplay, and serves as the intro to the Witch's new song, which is TBD (although it is the shorter version of the song, the version that does not contain the "now you know what's out there in the world" section, which was cut during the original run but has since been restored to the show.)
*The only characters to die are the Baker's Wife and Jack's Mother. The Narrator is cut, so he doesn't get killed. Rapunzel, instead of dying, rejects her mother, steals her prince's horse and rides away from them, leading into the new song (I'm hoping there will be some sort of scene that explains this transition; Since there's no time in between her rescue and the giant's attack this creates a bit of a plot hole). Jack's Mother gets a delayed death, surviving long enough to wander off in the woods in search of her son and presumably die of her wound. The Baker finds her body at the end of the "No More" scene. The manner of her death affects "No One is alone" as now, instead of deciding to kill the Steward, Jack castigates himself for not listening to his mother.
I look forward to the film, especially now that I've read it.