Sophia Grace? I don't see it. At all.
Featured Actor Joined: 5/10/13
I just don't see this Sophia Grace in the role. We shall see.
"it will probably be very funny and anything but "sexual," which I'm sure will sit well with Disney."
Exactly. I'm sure HELLO LITTLE GIRL will be stripped of all it's Sexual tones and just be more of a comedy thing. Did anyone really expect Disney to keep it in?
Stand-by Joined: 10/21/11
God is dead and we killed him.
Is there any chance this movie could still fall through?
Daniel Huttlestone is OFFICIALLY cast as Jack. The cast just started rehearsals and he posted pics including one of James Corden.
Daniel Huttlestone Official FB
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
^But they haven't posted it as news here on the site.
Updated On: 8/6/13 at 10:13 PM
Understudy Joined: 6/13/11
Such interesting casting choices. Really excited to see how it all works out.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
"Did anyone really expect Disney to keep it in?"
You are obviously referring to the sexual tones and not the song itself. The song will be in the film otherwise Depp has no solo.
I'm still surprised that Depp agreed to be in a film where his role is being featured for less than 10 minutes...
And who are writing these headlines? Why is there a ?!?!? at the end of it when Grace's uncle or father said it was OFFICIAL.
Updated On: 8/6/13 at 10:23 PM
Hey BroadwayWorld, Rosie is her cousin. Not her sister. You might want to fact check your pieces.
And this: "Of note, no official confirmation has yet been given as to what actor will essay the role of Jack, though young LES MISERABLES lead Daniel Huttlestone is rumored as the front-runner"
They obviously haven't done any research.
Updated On: 8/6/13 at 10:31 PM
Oh my offense to Sophia, but NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO. She has a good voice, but c'mon! They have SO much better choices like Lilla or the Matilda. Just WHY?!
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/18/12
Have you been writing the headlines disneybroadwayfan22?
@disneyonbroadway Stop.
We haven't even seen what she has yet, give the girl a chance.
Updated On: 8/6/13 at 10:36 PM
Just WHY?!
Because they saw her audition, presumably.
And to pile on to the BWW story; I rarely read the dreck that passes for news (read; press releases) on these sites but wow that thing is almost as fiction as it is non-fiction. Come on, guys. Have the editorial standards of a middle school newsletter.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
"They have SO much better choices like Lilla or the Matilda. Just WHY?!"
Lilla Crwaford was one of my top choices as well.
I really do feel guilty about reacting to this, but there's so many choices out there like Lilla Crawford that have experience like this. Sophia has a great voice, but will she be strong enough for I Know Things Now?
Of course she is, have you seen her perform...
Found this of her acting: (Scene starts at 0:33)
She has the acting chops.
I mean, she's a great actress, but idk if she'll be strong enough for singing.
Well, Red Riding Hood is down. Granny, Cinderella's Mother, the Giant, and the Steward is left.
Thanks, justin. That clip actually made me laugh! There's a reason they cast her as LRRH and we shall see next Christmas! :)
I think I would have preferred Honey Boo Boo instead.
I just came across this BWW interview with Sondheim that I thought was very interesting, considering the fact that Disney is producing the film version:
PC: The challenge dictated the form.
SS: Yeah, I think what it was, is that I wanted a sort of contemporary feeling to the show, anyway - you know, so it wasn't Disney-esque.
PC: Cartoonish.
SS: Yeah, that was the thing I wanted to avoid, was all the Disney fairy tales. So, I think that was what led me to think of the Witch delivering the exposition in rap.
Full interview: