Broadway Legend Joined: 5/14/03
Why do I think that PaperLantern and WaxLion are one in the same?
If in Heaven you don't excel, you can always party down in hell...
"the one with the green girl" Hahaha, that's a good one, I like it.
All anyone can say is that its live theater, you cannot predict what could happen on any give night, at any given time.
KC had like a strained neck or something and wasn't it the hair flip, that would aggravate it? I think she had therapy and all that to help it, along with a neck brace.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/21/05
Oh, and for the record...the back injury that was suffered by Norbert Leo Butz was unrelated to "Wicked".
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
Oh Paper Lanter, JoeKv99 feels the same way, but JoeKv99 didn't want to bring down Jesus lover's wrath.
Any of you guys ever tried the Pink Floyd - Wizard of Oz thingy?
Regarding the Kristin injury...didn't she have a hernia or something? She talked about it during her interview on Letterman. I know she said she got a hernia from the hair flipping...though if that was the cause of why she was in a bedazzled neck brace I'm not a hundred percent sure.
Paper Latern, I'm with you! Yes, the Wizard of Oz and Pink Floyd thing works.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/21/05
OMG! I was JUST thinking about this! We think alike! But seriously, I don't know if it's a "curse", but it sure is coincidental. Maybe, someday, when I'm in Wicked, just my presence will stop the curse. Because as Adam Pascal once said, "Thank God for me!"
Updated On: 6/24/05 at 05:56 PM
Did Butz REALLY have a back injury? I have to ask, because it seemed like right after he left, he starred in Dirty Rotten Scoundrels, which is a rather physical role. Not to start rumors or whatnot, just curious.
Kristin's injury wasn't because of the hair toss, that just agrivated it.
But, as people have said, thats live theatre.
In the Lion King, Heather Headly (as Nala) broke her ankle during a performance. Her understudy was on vacation and the second understudy was out sick. An ensemble member went on as Nala but had to hold a script for the rest of the performance. An understudy was on as the giraffe, he took a misstep and fell and was rushed to the hospital. Someone was on the wrong mark when the back of the stage rose and she fell and had to be taken to the hospital. There have been a bunch of other injuries too, these are just off the top of my head.
And just remember Christina Applegate, she broke her foot TWIRLING AROUND A POLE, not doing anything particularly difficult or dangerous.
"pink floyd thingy" aka DARK SIDE OF THE WIZARD OF OZ is totally flippin sweet. it works. but they didnt do it on purpose. and there is no wizard of oz curse, and though no one has brought it up yet, if anyone was going to- the munchkin that was supposed to be hanging himself in the back of the set is a LARGE BIRD i dont know how anyone could have mistaken what is clearly a LARGE BIRD for a human being but lots of people did.
people get injured in live theater, thats what happens with all the gadgets theyre inventing now. im just waiting for one of those kids to fall out of that flying car... that is scary how that thing tilts....
My friends and I tried this last year. It was kinda trippy and made me want to take a nap afterwards. Then we went to this website to see what the "experts" in this were saying, and there's definitely a lot more links between the 2 than I thought there was.
Dark Side of the Wizard of Oz
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/27/05
You know [b]ElphabaRose[/b] I am really suprised there hasn't been more injuries in "The Lion King", if you think about it, that show would be more acute to injury then most other Broadway shows.