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Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony

Bilbo3 Profile Photo
#25Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/7/15 at 11:27pm

You find it disrespectful to compare actors when that's exactly what the award season is about? Comparing actors to see who gave the better performance? Weird.

Countdown til Jordan comes on raging about how much loves me! 3..2..1...

#26Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/7/15 at 11:36pm

I agree it's disrespectful and she has a glorious voice with in my opinion the best rendition of Hello Young Lovers I ever heard recorded. That said, a lot of O'Hara supporters had no problem disrespecting Jessie Mueller all thoughout this Tony period.

#27Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/7/15 at 11:37pm

A BIG, BIG Mazel Tov to Kelli on a well deserved win. For me. that was the highlight.

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#28Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/7/15 at 11:40pm

!Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony


"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

Robbie2 Profile Photo
#29Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/7/15 at 11:40pm

Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony


"Anything you do, let it it come from you--then it will be new." Sunday in the Park with George

RaiseYouUp Profile Photo
#30Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 12:03am

"This was NOT a pity win.  Her performance was flawless, elegant and exquisite.  She was deserving plain and simple.  "

 Wasn't it, though? Of course her performance was flawless, that's why she was nominated for a Tony. But that does not mean it was not a pity Tony when she won. Had she won last year, there is not doubt in my mind that Kristin would have won tonight. She takes it to another level, and Kelli, while wonderful, is rather standard to me (for lack of a better word). My gut reaction to Kelli is that she is wonderfully talented but is not that exciting. Kristin Chenoweth, on the other hand, is a fire cracker! 

#31Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 12:03am

Very often the showier role will win the award for its actor and Kristin gets to do everything but set herself on fire in 20th. I was delighted to see Kelli win for a more understated and, I think, more difficult role.  Showing off, however expertly, is perhaps easier than bringing to life a still-waters-run-deep character, as Cerveris also triumphed with over actors with showier roles.

#32Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 12:50am

100% agree, Wilmingtom.  Well said! 

Updated On: 6/8/15 at 12:50 AM

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#33Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 12:52am

Congrats Kelli!!! Goddess.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#34Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 12:57am

Her dress was to die for!

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

#35Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 1:03am

I find myself agreeing with those who say had Kelli (deservedly) won last year, Kristin would be taking home the medallion tonight. Of course, in an ideal world, they would have tied. 

#36Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 1:17am

Kelli absolutely deserved to win last year, but that does not mean she didn't deserve to win this year.  There is no such thing as a "pity Tony."  That anyone would suggest such a thing is absurd. 

Updated On: 6/8/15 at 01:17 AM

#37Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 1:27am

Kristin should be on the lookout for more over-the-top roles.  She'll get a Tony, sooner or later.  And we will applaud all the harder.




Phyllis Rogers Stone
#38Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 1:54am

 i'm applauding for her now. 

Soaring29 Profile Photo
#39Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 2:40am

I'm still in shock that Kelli has finally won, although I do believe that the fact that she was overdue gave her the edge over Kristin. Not to say both weren't deserving.  I'll be going to New York  soon and I will hopefully be catching both of their performances.  I still think it was very close, I'd love to know how close it was.  But I am just so happy and relieved for Kelli.  What a GREAT SPEECH!  


To the Chenoweth Fans: Kristin does already have a Tony after all. She has said it herself about awards in general. Sometimes it's just not your time. She will come back in another role and win.  

RaiseYouUp Profile Photo
#40Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 9:51am

"Kelli absolutely deserved to win last year, but that does not mean she didn't deserve to win this year.  There is no such thing as a "pity Tony."  That anyone would suggest such a thing is absurd. "

 I'm sure her Tony won't be engraved with the words "pity Tony", but that does not mean that some substantial percent of voters did not vote for her because they did not want her to have been nominated so many times without a win. In that sense, I think it was given somewhat out of pity or at least sympathy. I do not think that anyone here believes that she would have won a Tony for the same performance in The King and I had it been several years earlier in her career.

Skimbleshanks2 Profile Photo
#42Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 10:56am

Anyone who is saying that Kelli won because of pity votes should buy a ticket to 'The King and I' and actually see the show. She gave a beautiful performance; her renditions of 'Getting to Know You' and especially 'Hello Young Lovers' in Act 1 are gorgeous, and her acting in Act II is Tony worthy all in itself. This is not Al Pacino in 'Scent of a Woman.' 

Sometimes this board can be such a miserable place. The Tony voters gave the award to a high caliber performance, which is not something they always do. Sheesh.

"See that poster on the wall? Rocky Marciano." - Andy Karl as Rocky in 'ROCKY'

#43Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 11:07am

Oh gee, and here I was thinking they really engraved "Pity Tony" into the thing...

Sure, momentum played a role in her winning, but that in no way weakens her performance.  No one can do what Kelli does onstage.  She consistently gives beautiful performances.  This was the right combination of show, role, and acting.  It was definitely her time.  

#44Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 11:12am

Sort of odd how no one seemed to feel Jessie Mueller wasn't deserving until this year, most on the board were predicting her for a win...she was far and away better than Kelli last year. Kelli was lovely but it wasn't the star-making moment that Jessie had with Beautiful. Kelli deserved her win this year, she was much better than Chenoweth to me. She was understated and restrained and did a beautiful job making me feel interested in a show I've seen a thousand times.

I am very, very happy Kelli finally took home a statue though, but I completely disagree that it was a pity win. I thought she was just the best one in the category. 

#45Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 1:02pm

I really thought Kristin would win, and it would have been equally deserved, so when I heard Kelli's name I cried I think more than more parents! I am so happy for her and that performance I saw did not produce a sympathy win. it was a real win. 

goldenboy Profile Photo
#46Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 1:42pm

Let me preface this with saying I really like Kelli O'Hara. Her work on Bridges and South Pacific both should have been a tony win but...

Remember Sandra Bullock when she won for the Blind Side at the Oscars? A terrible movie and an ok performance. This was an award for Sandra's body of work. This is very similar to what happenned to Kelli.

It's never fair cause if it was, Kelli would have won for Bridges or South Pacific. The King and I was NOT her best performance.


I agree that her accent was in and out. She didn't quite nail the British thing as she did with the Italian accent.  When she confronted the king, I did not believe her one iota. When Deborah Kerr confronted the king she was formidible. Kelli was like well you did kinda did promise me a house sorta kinda whine whine. Deborah was "This was not our agreement." It was too hesitant a take on Anna.

So in my opinion, the best performance this year was Kristen and it wasn't "fair" that she did not take home the Tony. But it wasn't fair that Kelli didn't take it home for South Pacific.  And I don't get the love for this "King and I". Both leads were lacking.


So lets call this a "body of work" Tony. Cause her body of work is excellent. Kelli as  Anna Leowens was not.

Updated On: 6/8/15 at 01:42 PM

PalJoey Profile Photo
#47Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 1:44pm

I disagree. I disagree fundamentally, with every word of your post.

Liza's Headband
#48Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 1:54pm

Cannot believe I am typing this but I agree, one-hundred percent, with PalJoey. 

henrikegerman Profile Photo
#49Kelli O'Hara has won the Tony
Posted: 6/8/15 at 1:55pm

"Remember Sandra Bullock when she won for the Blind Side at the Oscars? A terrible movie and an ok performance. This was an award for Sandra's body of work."

I'd say it was more a win for a well liked star who finally got an oscar nomination rather than for her body of work, which, with some exceptions (the most important one, Gravity, being after Blind Side!), is pretty much made up of terrible movies with just ok performances.

I like Sandra Bullock a lot.  Particularly in Speed, Gravity and a few of her comedies (While You Were Sleeping, Miss Congeniality).  

But I think few would compare her movie career pre-Blind Side to the sustained record of standout work that a great many of us (not all of course) and a great many Tony voters would ascribe to Kelli O'Hara's last decade on Broadway.
