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Kristin Chenoweth to leave WICKED July 18th- Page 4

Kristin Chenoweth to leave WICKED July 18th

orchajaws Profile Photo
#75re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/15/04 at 8:48pm

Why do I suddenly have a vision of Harvey Fierstein coming down in the bubble?

nystateomind04 Profile Photo
#76re: re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/15/04 at 8:53pm

he's just so versatile i guess, haha

DAME Profile Photo
#77re: re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/15/04 at 8:53pm

I like her work. But watching her in interviews she seems a little phony. And I think the comparison with Kathie Lee is dead on.


#78re: kristen
Posted: 4/15/04 at 9:02pm

Wow. This thread is one of the nastiest I've ever seen here. Is Chenoweth really that evil, or are the ever-present Menzel partisans just trying to boost their girl by putting down her costar?

NYCbabe3789 Profile Photo
#79re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/15/04 at 9:05pm

"Is Chenoweth really that evil, or are the ever-present Menzel partisans just trying to boost their girl by putting down her costar?"

What on Earth are you trying to say? I find it's mostly the Cheno-lovers who try to put IDINA down.

I love them both, so I don't care, but please don't accuse Idina fans of trying to belittle Kristin.

Most of the Kristin-bashers are Wicked haters all-around, anyway.

WestEndBird Profile Photo
#80re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/15/04 at 9:09pm

God I am SOOOOOO glad I saw it when she was in it!! BYE KRISTEN!

"Even if I could let you see me cry you would never understand what I was feeling inside, you see it and use it but dont believe in it..."

KChenowethfan Profile Photo
#81re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/15/04 at 9:15pm

Obviously, given my user name, I admire Kristin greatly. I am not a psycho fan and actually like Idina more in Wicked than Kristin, due to her acting choices and general character portrayal. It helps, of course, that I identify with Elphaba moreso than Glinda, who is the kind of girl who I would have hated in high school, and in college for that matter.

I am disappointed that alot of you are personally attacking Kristin's spiritual beliefs. I know that her views are not the norm in today's world, but I don't understand how a group of people who have time and time expressed the need for diversity on Broadway and in this world with regard to sexual orientation, could possibly feel ok about making some of the mean comments that have been made in this thread.

I say this as a person who possesses the same beliefs that Kristin has and who loves Broadway. Yes, they can co-exist. Regardless of whether you like Kristin or not, find her phony or not, show some respect to her.

"Why do you care what people might say? Why try to fit into their design?" (Side Show)

#82re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/15/04 at 11:23pm

Born-again Christians are running this country. How "out of the norm" does that make her in this world, exactly? Her people are in POWER!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

BrooklynsChild Profile Photo
#83re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/15/04 at 11:32pm

I think we need more born again Jews! We seem to have our heads screwed on straight!

I'm shedin my skin so you can see my face. I need you to know who I am. ~Idina Menzel

BrooklynsChild Profile Photo
#84re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/15/04 at 11:32pm

I think we need more born again Jews! We seem to have our heads screwed on straight!

I'm shedin my skin so you can see my face. I need you to know who I am. ~Idina Menzel

#85re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/15/04 at 11:39pm

I personally am a bored-again Christian and would never dream of making fun of anybody's faith. Unless it's Scientology or Mel Gibson's. Or Mormons. But other than that, no.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#86re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/15/04 at 11:45pm

I think we need to all be a little more accepting of peoples differences. I saw the show with Kristen and she does a wonderful job as Glinda, she's perfect in that role. It has nothing to do with her religion or the way she acts on talk shows... Grow up already, you just wish you were as popular as she is. Don't hate her because she's got to a level that you wish you were at. Instead of putting all of your energy toward saying nasty things about her , put your energy toward your career and maybe you'll get there too.

#87re: re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/15/04 at 11:48pm

Who are you lecturing?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

JLfrom NYC
#88re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/15/04 at 11:55pm

Not her publicist. Not her agent. Not Kristin. As to whether or not I know her, that is my business, but neither here nor there, as far as I am concerned.

What I don't understand is why so many of you spread such angry nastiness on a board designed for people to come together out of love for this industry. Critiquing Kristin's performance is one thing. Not liking her performance and saying so, and stating the reasons why, is one thing. If you can't stand her voice, or her performance, or the way she dresses, or whatever, that is one thing.

But taking personally-charged pot-shots at a person you don't know, and for no reason (because I can't think of anything Kristin has said or done in the media that is so horrible, besides the fact that she values her religious beliefs) is another. Not only does it make you seem like a person other posters would not care to know, it is cruel. And it's not just Kristin who gets it here; a lot of you are just universally nasty, and I don't get that. What is gained by posting such things?

I mean, it doesn't really matter in the long run (beyond my curiosity) why you guys post what you post. The fact is you will, and this is just a message board, and performers know that this sort of thing comes with the territory.

But if you think they're not human, or that they don't know what's being said online, and if you think it doesn't hurt to read such nastiness, you're wrong.

And that's my last post because I don't care for the atmosphere here. And since nobody is forcing me to post here, and since it is a big internet, I will just leave you to it. But I just really wanted to speak my mind. Updated On: 4/16/04 at 11:55 PM

#89re: re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/15/04 at 11:59pm

Thank you JL! Very well said!

**Once I'm with the wizard*My whole life will change*Cause once your with the wizard*No one thinks your starnge**

#90re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/16/04 at 12:02am

"[O]n a board designed for people to come together out of love for this industry?"

I don't think there are any industries I love. I love the artform of theater, when it's done well. Does that count? Oh wait, you left. Darn. I had a day off yesterday!

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

BrooklynsChild Profile Photo
#91re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/16/04 at 12:03am

ha! That was funny!

I'm shedin my skin so you can see my face. I need you to know who I am. ~Idina Menzel

TheBalladeer Profile Photo
#92re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/16/04 at 12:49am

I must post this. A lot of you people who post here are very mean, bitter, ignorant people, and I don't care what you say to protest this sentiment of mine. There is no need for (Namo, Dente, et al) to be so critical, and nasty in almost every post that they make. It really is disgusting. For people who are supposedly "in the know", you lack class, and the intelligence that would be associated with that. As an aspiring performer, maybe I am hyper-sensitive to the nasty criticisms of other actors, but I find it unneccesary.

Yes, people are allowed to critique and say what they don't like about a performance or an actor's take on a role, but I believe that it should be done in a classy, and respectful manner. There are a lot of posters here who are respectful, and not overly nasty just for kicks, and you all know who you are...but there are others here who just never have anything positive to post at all, and it makes me wonder why they even post.

Thank GOD that I have a life, and don't have the time to sit and criticize people on the internet every chance I get, and that I have enough confidence in myself, my abilities, and who I am that I don't feel a need to hide behind an internet identity and bash others. That would be pathetic.

And some posters wonder why I don't post as much as I used to anymore. Maybe when some intelligent posts arise, minus the excessive negativity, that I would be behooved to do so.

To the others who contributed to this thread in a classy manner, thank you. Your posts remind me that not most of the people who post here are buffoons.

The Balladeer

"Someone tell the story...Someone sing the song...."

leomaxfrank Profile Photo
#93re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/16/04 at 1:00am

well said. there's just no need for the bull****

But I won't live alone in a house of regret.

#94re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/16/04 at 1:01am

Ya see, Ball, words like "classy" are words that are completely nebulous. What you mean is, people who post in ways that YOU deem to be "classy." And babe, we know you are one, hep, classy cat. After all, you began a sentence with "As an aspiring performer..." which just gives you an amazing, classy amount of credibility and cache. But, ya know what, there is no universal agreed upon definition to words like classy. To a HUGE percentage of the population that means ratting your hair up real high and renting a 40 foot limo. Why you yourself could be just as classy, with a capital K!

What *I* love are people like you who lump people like me into the category of somebody who never says positive things about anything. On account of you're WRONG. But then again, how would you know, what with you're being so busy and having a life and all?

You might think I am mean, which in your definition as an aspiring performer appears to be the opposite of classy, but I know I ain't bitter and I know I ain't ignorant.

Best wishes in your career. As an aspiring performer.

(Now didn't I end that with a classy flourish? I had a day off yesterday!)

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

leomaxfrank Profile Photo
#95re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/16/04 at 1:06am

i honestly think a lot of the stuff that goes down on this board is due to lack of understanding the sarcasm, and the confusion of not being able to hear audible responses. Therefore, people assuming statements mean certain things. there's just no need to wade in this discussion.

But I won't live alone in a house of regret.
Updated On: 4/16/04 at 01:06 AM

TheBalladeer Profile Photo
#96re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/16/04 at 1:20am

Namo, I see you are grasping at straws to refute my post. Whatever. The only reason I used the phrase, "As an aspiring performer" is to make a possible explanation as to why I find it grating, and a topic that strikes a nerve, when people are overly nasty with criticism. Nothing more, nothing less. And as for my definition of "class"....let's not be cute. We know what the general meaning of having class is in a social setting, and more so in the context of this thread. And yes, I am a classy, hip (hep) cat. And whether or not you were being sincere in your best wishes for me, thank you.


"Someone tell the story...Someone sing the song...."

#97re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/16/04 at 1:22am

This is a message board. Where people type text and it comes up on a web page. On what side of the thread do the salad forks go in this social setting?

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

#98re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/16/04 at 1:29am

One can only imagine where one would like to place said salad fork. But having "class" precludes me from stating a desired location.

Is now a good time to ask, when will people here start to grow a thicker layer of skin? And if someone does not desire critcism...about anything...well... they're certainly in the wrong business.

Rest in peace, Iflitifloat.

#99re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: re: kristen
Posted: 4/16/04 at 2:06am

Gasp, how the sheep have turned on the little one. I really think this is a real low point in a Stephen King "Misery" kind of way.

next headline "Glinda hobbled", and for the 12 year olds on the site. That is a movie reference. Rent the dvd, with your parents guidence.

Kristin is a class act, she knows when to leave a party, she'll be back with her Versace dress pressed in no time.
