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Latebreaking RENT FILM CASTING NEWS- Page 34


#825songs in context
Posted: 11/6/04 at 7:50pm

Tune Ups (3) & Voice Mails (5)
On the Street
We're Okay
Christmas Bells
Happy New Year (A & B)
Finale (A & B)

I just typed up all the songs that weren't included major and non major. It's kinda sad Christmas Bells isn't in it but it seems like an easier scene to do without music but I think that's why I was looking forward to it as a musical number. It can either be done really well or it can be disastrous. The songs that were cut seem to probably follow the same track as You okay honey and You'll See boys. I think Halloween is such a beautiful song but if that number gets turned into dialogue, I think that'll be a nice place to see the writing shine though since Larson already did such a great job capturing the moment in the song.

ETA: to take out ICY. I definitely skipped over the "and Reprise." Updated On: 11/6/04 at 07:50 PM

Today4U83 Profile Photo
#826songs in context
Posted: 11/6/04 at 8:04pm

hey, well whatever chris and steven have in mind will be good. Ive been reading anthony's posts and the stuff he says about the movie has been amazing :) I just wish some of the christmas bells, and halloween was in.

2.One Song Glory
3.Today 4 U
4.Life Support (in part)
5.Out Tonight
6.Another Day
7.Will I...?
8.Seasons of Love
9.Santa Fe
10.Tango: Maureen
11.Over the Moon
12.La Vie Boheme
13.Goodbye Love
14.Without You
15.Take Me or Leave Me
16.I'll Cover You and the Reprise *
17.What You Own
18.Your Eyes
19.Light my candle
20.I should tell you

Yes "I'll cover you" and the reprise is in the movie.
Updated On: 11/6/04 at 08:04 PM

#827songs in context
Posted: 11/7/04 at 9:34am

*bump* to first page lol songs in context

#828songs in context
Posted: 11/7/04 at 9:39am

christmas bells will be missed, but some stuff has to be cut. oh well

#829songs in context
Posted: 11/7/04 at 9:45am

im getting scared hearing all of these updates

Today4U83 Profile Photo
#830songs in context
Posted: 11/7/04 at 11:50am

im not, i think it's great.

#831libretto question
Posted: 11/8/04 at 1:15am

Hey Anthony,

I've been puzzling forever over something to ask you that I'd really like to know, and I think I finally figured it out.

So, I was looking through the rent book the other day, and I realized that there is a line in it that no one i've talked to has been able to explain. We all have our ideas, but no one seems to know what Jonathan Larson actually meant by it. It's Maureen's line at the end of contact: "I think I missed...don't get pissed." I know it's probably inappropriate subject matter, but I was hoping that since you were around during the workshops and such, you might have some insight and be able to put the debate to rest.

ok, so not the greatest question, but it's the best i could do.
Great job in LSOH! I really enjoyed the show.

edit: I think the CB answer is dumb. I was just hoping there was something better. Updated On: 11/8/04 at 01:15 AM

ajayspak2 Profile Photo
#832libretto question
Posted: 11/8/04 at 1:28am

Um...Uh...I want to answer this question to what i think Maureen meant but i think i might PM you instead cos it just might not be appropriate.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#833libretto question
Posted: 11/8/04 at 1:30am

I kind of think these boards have seen way worse.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#834libretto question
Posted: 11/8/04 at 1:31am

Scroll down about midway. Or, if you're lazy, use your Find tool, and type in "dildo". Oops, I think I just gave it away.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#835mimi casted
Posted: 11/8/04 at 9:51pm

According to, Rosario Dawson has been cast as Mimi in the film version of Rent....

just thought I'd post it while noone else has yet...

edit: sorry 'bout that (posting something posted elsewhere)...(i was in such a hadn't ben posted on this spec board and..well...sorry..::kinda embarassed:: ) Updated On: 11/9/04 at 09:51 PM

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#836mimi casted
Posted: 11/8/04 at 9:54pm

Thanks, but we've got 2 lively threads on the subject alreasy. (Look underneath this one.) mimi casted

How was Disneyland? Oops - threadjack - meet me on one of the OT threads!

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#837mimi casted
Posted: 11/8/04 at 10:14pm

This is a threadjack diguised as a bump, saying that I love the CB FAQ. I reread it occasionally just for a laugh. Yeah, I'm a dork.

#1Elphie Profile Photo
#838mimi casted
Posted: 11/8/04 at 10:17pm

I love it too, Insomniak! It's great when I need a laugh.The sad thing is that some of those questions/statements are still asked on the boards.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#839mimi casted
Posted: 11/8/04 at 10:23pm

It's the rare time I actually don't mind the mean Bowlers ripping the newbies out a new one.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#840mimi cast
Posted: 11/8/04 at 10:26pm

I've never really been on compulsive bowlers, but I felt like procrastinating, so I read the FAQ. Hilarious. I would love a post like that for BWW.

Oh, and casted isn't a word, so I changed the subject.

Why do we play with fire? Why do we run our fingers through the flame? Why do we leave our hands on the stove, although we know we're in for some pain? -tick...tick...BOOM!

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#841Mimi has been casted
Posted: 11/8/04 at 10:32pm


That works!

CB is good but I keep my posts to a minimum. All my dumb SH*T happens on this board. Mimi has been casted

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#1Elphie Profile Photo
#842Mimi has been cast
Posted: 11/8/04 at 10:36pm

I don't think "casted" is a word no matter how you use it...
and yeah, I don't usually post on CB, either. I lurk there! It's more fun over here.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#843Mimi has been cast
Posted: 11/8/04 at 10:38pm

Oh yeah, you're right. "has been cast" sounds right. **blush** And I prided myself on my grammar. Mimi has been cast

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#844Mimi has been cast
Posted: 11/8/04 at 10:39pm

I used to be a big CBer, but the two-year old mentality got out of hand. Every time someone posted something that there was an old thread for, they got flamed for not searching first. If they revived an old thread to ask, they got insulted for that too. It's just unecessary. If it bothers you, ignore it.

Alix7272 Profile Photo
#845Mimi has been cast
Posted: 11/8/04 at 10:49pm

i was wondering if you guys are at all concerned about knowing too much about the movie. *gasp* i know. i too am very curious and on the one hand want to know as much about it as i can and the latest developments and details and everything, but i feel like, other than casting, if i know too much information i won't be able to enjoy the experience of the movie fully. i want to be able to be surprised by the way they present the songs and the show. obviously, i want it to be done well, but i think the best way to see the movie is with an open mind and the best way to achieve that is to not know too much going in and having pictures in your head of what each scene will look like and what will work and what won't. what do you think? does knowing too much in advance spoil the magic (or potential magic)?

No Child:
I Love You Because OCR:

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#846Mimi has been cast
Posted: 11/8/04 at 10:58pm

I hate surprises. I like to know what to expect and what to brace myself to be disappointed for.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#847Mimi has been cast
Posted: 11/8/04 at 11:01pm

I want to know who's cast, not the script and scene-for-scene details. Anthony can't tell us, I'm sure, and I'm glad because I don't want it all ruined. I just couldn't stand being in the dark for a year.

Alix7272 Profile Photo
#848Mimi has been cast
Posted: 11/8/04 at 11:03pm

yea, definitly knowing that members of the original cast are in it is so cool and makes me look forward to it even more, but even knowing what songs are there and which ones aren't will make me more conscience of it throughout the movie and make the experience less enjoyable i feel.

No Child:
I Love You Because OCR:
Updated On: 11/8/04 at 11:03 PM

Chloe Profile Photo
#849Mimi has been cast
Posted: 11/8/04 at 11:32pm

The thing about filmmaking is that things change all the time. Whatever script exists now will probably be rewritten somewhat, even during shooting. And once shooting is finished, the editing process will change things again, whether in reordering scenes or in cutting things out. Even when using the material as written, editing can change the meaning of a scene.

If you see a test screening or preview, don't count on the movie being the same when it's released. It's quite similar to the theater out-of-town tryout and preview process - a lot of changes are subtle, while others are monumental. It can be quite a rollercoaster ride.
