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Legally Blonde understudies- Page 24

Legally Blonde understudies

Anakela Profile Photo
#575re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/2/08 at 11:22pm

re: Legally Blonde understudies

She was so good!!

Vocally I loved her, and I also really loved some of her character choices, the way she delivered some of her lines had me seriously laughing. Her What You Want ok honestly, could have used a little more rehearsal, but it was still good.

She had an adorable moment during Harvard Variations where she just dropped her line- "and President of Delta Nu sorority where I founded the, um, wait, where I founded the, uh..." and Bryce had to come in with the "what, like a charity?" save to help her out.

And what with Beth out and April out and everyone else on apparently they were short on girls for the So Much Better, so I finally for the first time saw Nikki Snelson do this- fun!

Kate Shindle's vacation is apparently March 12-16. I hope her u/s covering schedule is announced ahead of time, I've seen TJE!Vivienne a few times now, want to catch Gaelen!Vivienne this time around.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#576re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/2/08 at 11:24pm

I noticed that with her dancing too...she seemed fine during the numbers where Elle's choreography matched the choreography she does as Margot, but the other numbers...she looked, like you said, a little lost.

Nevertheless, that was definitely the best sung Elle Woods I've ever heard.

Speaking of Orfeh...has she missed a show yet? I know she has always had an impeccable attendance record, and just wondered if that was still the case. Updated On: 3/2/08 at 11:24 PM

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#577re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/2/08 at 11:26pm

hey anakela do you mind if I post that understudy board pic on a facebook group?

Anakela Profile Photo
#578re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/2/08 at 11:30pm

hey anakela do you mind if I post that understudy board pic on a facebook group?

if it's for the understudy fans group it's already posted there, if not- if it's for a Haven group or something- sure, go right ahead!

And Adam not counting her vacay Orfeh has missed one night at Blonde. Wayback in the day, and Leslie Kritzer had to go on as Paulette.

adamgreer Profile Photo
#579re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/2/08 at 11:37pm

^Wow, pretty awesome. When she took her vacation, was it Gaelen!Paulette, or did someone else go on?

Anakela Profile Photo
#580re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/2/08 at 11:40pm

Amber and Gaelen split it evenly, they each got four shows the week that Orfeh was out.

(*ahem* Michael Rupert's on vacay this week, hopefully there will be some Andy!Callahan in there *ahem*)

fishergirl819 Profile Photo
#581re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/2/08 at 11:49pm

Color me pleasantly surprised with how good Haven was as Elle. Her voice is fabulous, her acting choices were wonderful...yes, the dancing could use some work, but I was VERY impressed - I'm not a fan of her Margot in the slightest, so I was thinking her Elle would be in the same vein. Glad to say I was wrong!

#582re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/2/08 at 11:54pm

She impressed me! Her vocals are OUTSTANDING..and sure, the dancing was definitely awkward..especially during WHAT YOU WANT, but I loved some of her character choices and she really stood up and made the character of Elle her own, which is a tough thing to do since the character of Elle is very much the "stereotypical blonde" and many people think that there's only one way to play it. HER RIFFS WERE AMAZINGGGG..I talked to her after and told her how proud I was and how great she was and I've never seen somebody be so genuinely appreciate and grateful. It was amazing.

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
#583re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/3/08 at 3:02pm

Apparently, when Kate is out, TJE won't be on at all. They are giving it all to Gaelen from what I hear?

What is with these people? Not letting Andy go on for Callahan and not letting TJE go on for Vivienne. I'm not the biggest fan of Gaelen's Vivienne or Kevin's Callahan so it upsets me...

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

verynewyorkcurious Profile Photo
#584re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/3/08 at 3:05pm

When is LBB going to be out till?

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#585re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/3/08 at 3:10pm

I still can't believe they're not putting Andy on, but they're putting Gaelen on as Vivienne? Ridiculous.

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
#586re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/3/08 at 3:17pm

Gaelen on as Vivienne for four shows, I understand. Splitting it is reasonable. Giving her all eight shows is a little ridic.

and LBB is supposed to be back Wednesday....

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

#587re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/3/08 at 3:30pm

ok, so who is all going to be out for march 12th that we know of. who is going on for them?

carymetorent2 Profile Photo
#588re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/3/08 at 3:50pm

Kate Shindle will out. Gaelen will be on as Vivienne. And her part will be covered by a swing. Everyone else SHOULD be there.

Michael Rupert is on vacation this week. Then he comes back and Kate goes on vacation the following week. Then, Kate returns and Nikki Snelson goes on vacation. No full cast for a while :-P

There will be one week left of it until Nikki Snelson leaves. Which will be a huge loss, to say the least.

"Less Of A Marilyn, More Of A Jackie"

#589re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/3/08 at 4:10pm

My reasoning for giving all of Kate's vacation to Gaelen is so that Tracy can play her part for awhile since she's been out so long. But I could be completely wrong

#590re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/3/08 at 5:15pm

thanks carymetorent2

winter_sky Profile Photo
#591re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/3/08 at 6:44pm

I'm the exact opposite of Anakela. I've never seen TJE as Vivienne but I've seen Gaelen. I kinda wish they'd let LNC cover Vivienne. Kinda random, but she seems to rock it out with the roles she actually covers.

Anakela Profile Photo
#592re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/3/08 at 7:33pm

^^ winter_sky, what'd you think of Gaelen!Vivienne?

And I can totally see what you're saying re: LNC, I have *loved* her in every track I've seen her swing in on, and that's...yeah, that's been a lot of tracks.

arapp721 Profile Photo
#593re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/3/08 at 7:38pm

I was there last night as well. Fantastic show and everything went by so quickly trying to take everything in at once. I've seen Haven in Rent, so i was excited to see her in something new.....I think she did a great job... i only have a comparison with the MTV show but I believe she would be an amazing elle if given more of an opportunity to go on..... I also loved despite shortage of people, understudies, that it didn't detract from the energy and flow of the show.

FosterChild Profile Photo
#594re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/3/08 at 8:04pm

It's stupid of them to make up the rules as they go along as I for one would LOVE to see Andy Karl's Callahan. As for Haven Burton as Elle, I enjoyed it, I didn't think it was the all time greatest Elle performance. Her dancing skills are, well, nonexistent, her take on Elle was a bit too "street" for my taste but it was really refreshing to hear the score sung by a normal, strong *non* character voiced Elle. In that department alone, she was the best singer of the three Elle's I've seen. She's also the shortest woman on the stage and that's something I'm not used to with regards to Elle. I agree with those who said, Orfeh was sheer perfection last night and I thought the show itself was one of the better LB shows I've seen. I think most of us felt that way.
Updated On: 3/3/08 at 08:04 PM

#595re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/3/08 at 8:12pm

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winter_sky Profile Photo
#596re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/3/08 at 8:25pm

I thought Gaelen was a bit too sweet for Vivienne. She also doesn't have a commanding stage presence like Shindle does. Her voice is okay but after hearing some of the notes Kate hits,'s kind of hard to top. Also to be kind of superficial, her and Richard look off together.

I'm still bummed I've never seen an understudy for Enid and I really hope Natalie takes a break so I can see Gaelen (who I've heard great things about in that role) and LNC.

Anakela Profile Photo
#597re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/3/08 at 8:37pm

See, I've seen Gaelen's Enid, and I agree with what you've heard, I thought she was so good. And plus, Gaelen and Becky's "Pie Jesu" from the Broadway Sings for Toys benefit a few months back was possibly one of the most beautiful songs I have heard in a while. So I'm really interested to see her take on Vivienne.

Although, what with Beth and Michelle both getting turns as Brooke, and plus Nikki's last, this is a *lot* of Blonde coming up over the next month.

Grand Motel Profile Photo
Grand Motel
#598re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/3/08 at 9:04pm

Fishergirl, seemed to me at the matinee that Burton had taken all the bad habits she's developed as Margo and incorporated them into her Elle. The tough girl thing didn't work for me at all BUT her singing more than made up for it and was surprisingly good especially compared to the frantic tear fest that is Ms. Bundy's take on the songs and the audience was in a near riotous state over her. Orfeh is at the top of her game and perfection as always. Generally, it seemed the cast was really in support of Burton which was nice to see. She dropped some lines, messed up some dance steps here and there but that's to be expected for a first timer.

Anakela Profile Photo
#599re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 3/5/08 at 1:47pm

Apparently it's understudies galore at Blonde for the matinee today, including Kitty!Brooke, AND Rod swinging in for Amber again??

Callahan: Kevin Pariseau
Brooke: Michelle Kittrell
Dad: Jason Gillman
D.A.: Tiffany Engen
Winthrop & Store Manager/Judge: Rod Harrelson
Reporter: Rusty Mowery
Stenographer: Lindsay Nicole Chambers

Would love to hear reports anyone who is there. :)
