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Legally Blonde understudies- Page 31

Legally Blonde understudies

#750re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/25/08 at 4:19pm

Asmeret said "Please tell me their the fun size."

what was she supposed to say? isnt that the line?

misto625 Profile Photo
#751re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/25/08 at 5:04pm

That is the line, but I think usually Margot says it. Seems like Manuel Herrerra is sick or something.

Dean: Can I tell you something? Lorraine: That depends on what it is. Dean: I think you're really really pretty. Lorraine: (after a pause) Ok, you can tell me that.

maya5892 Profile Photo
#752re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/25/08 at 5:05pm

Well, I mean, if we're getting specific, the line is actually "nuh uh, please tell me those are fun size!".

And no, Pilar does say it.
Updated On: 4/25/08 at 05:05 PM

#753re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/25/08 at 5:06pm

oh really? asmeret said it last time i saw it and on MTV. i dont know!

shh282 Profile Photo
#754re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/25/08 at 5:09pm

Asmeret = Pilar?

maya5892 Profile Photo
#755re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/25/08 at 5:40pm

Yeah, sgv, they're the same person...

#756re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/25/08 at 5:48pm

yea, i know that asmeret plays pilar i was just confused about
defyingravity07's post.

Kelly2 Profile Photo
#757re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/25/08 at 6:11pm

I'm still a little bewildered that someone found Matthew Risch's Kyle to be better than Andy Karl's? I enjoyed Matt Risch, he's a fantastic understudy and an amazing dancer, and I really LOVED him as Warner. But Andy is so deliciously sexy. He manages to be just ridiculous and campy enough to be funny, but you're not laughing AT him or Paulette for the reaction she has to him, because he's attractive enough that you completely buy it. I also find that Orfeh and Andy (DUH) have the best chemistry as Paulette and Kyle than any other combination that I've seen. I also don't really think anyone but Andy really looks right. Kyle is supposed to be Irish, and with anyone but Andy (who, okay, isn't REALLY Irish, I don't think? But with the slightly red hair and fair skin, he's close enough), it feels a little off to me when Paulette goes crazy for him. Like, Paulette's getting this great, attractive, sexy guy, but he's not her Irish sailor!

"Get mad, then get over it." - Colin Powell

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#758re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/25/08 at 7:07pm

I don't don't I just prefered Matt, but to be fair I've only seen Andy on the MTV recording. The line is supposed Margot runs out and says "She's eating Milky Ways!!!" and Pilar is supposed to say "Uh... Tell me their NOT the Fun Size!" it was small but I still caught it.

Posted: 4/25/08 at 7:24pm

Updated On: 6/9/08 at 07:24 PM

#760re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/25/08 at 7:39pm

"The line is supposed Margot runs out and says "She's eating Milky Ways!!!" and Pilar is supposed to say "Uh... Tell me their NOT the Fun Size!" it was small but I still caught it."

I'm pretty sure the correct line is "Tell me those are fun-sized!" She's hoping they are, because the regular size has more fat, calories, etc.

And, as much as I enjoy Legally Blonde, I can't believe I'm actually dissecting lines from the damn thing.

#761re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/25/08 at 7:45pm

yeah, i think thats the line as well.

shh282 Profile Photo
#762re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/26/08 at 12:39pm

yeah it is the line

#763re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/26/08 at 8:41pm

I wasn't a fan of Jason Gillman as Warner--I thought he spoke sang a lot of the songs. But to each their own.

ETA: Also, I think Dani Spieler was on as one of the sorority girls, but I'm pretty sure she wasn't on in April Berry's track, like I said. I'm having a hard time remembering. It was like she did April's line in "Whipped into Shape" (I hate you Brooke, but I love you for it) but there was another girl in the sorority scenes, wearing a similar outfit to the one April wears.

Anakela Profile Photo
#764re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/27/08 at 9:18pm

Blonde matinee today:

re: Legally Blonde understudies

also: Beth Curry as Brooke; and swings Dani Spieler and Casey Leigh Thompson were on in female ensemble tracks- my first time seeing these swings, and seeing Beth!Brooke

I really enjoyed Beth's Brooke! Her Whipped into Shape isn't as... frantic?... as it felt like Nikki used to do it, but Beth does this whip/twist type move with the rope when she's doing the "left, right" parts that looked really cool. And, she was hilarious with her lines! Very enjoyable.

And- where did they find the new vacay swing Casey Leigh Thompson? She is omg SO adorable- loved watching her on stage, love her! They had her on in Beth's track, and Thompson is *maybe* 5 feet tall, so it totally looked like they'd shrunk Beth Curry when Thompson was on as the stenographer- hilarious. But the best was her being the top point of the delta in the Delta Nu formation- with her arms raised the tips of her fingers were *barely* visible above TJE's head. Thompson is just so adorable and high energy on that stage that from Omigod You Guys on my eyes were always drawn to her.

Christian Borle did the BC/EFA speech- I think that's the first time I've ever heard Borle do the speech. The usual resumes and posters, although they were down to their last two so they were $150 each.

defyingravity07 Profile Photo
#765re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/27/08 at 9:22pm

Has Manuel been out lately he was out of the Wed. matinee as well.

#766re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/27/08 at 9:48pm

he was out for yesterday's mat.

Anakela Profile Photo
#767re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/27/08 at 9:50pm

Oh, and, not understudy related, but... I think they've changed the So Much Better key? That's what it sounded like, someone better musically trained than I can weigh in on that.

jonartdesigns Profile Photo
#768re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/27/08 at 10:18pm

whats with the track switching with the understudies?

specifically splitting up nikos and padamana into 2 actors

"Grease," the fourth revival of the season, is the worst show in the history of theater and represents an unparalleled assault on Western civilization and its values. - Michael Reidel

Anakela Profile Photo
#769re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/27/08 at 10:42pm

*shrug* it's how they do it there @ Blonde. It's like when Andy Karl goes on as Emmett, and so they have to have two guys swing into his roles- one as Grandmaster, another as Dewey/Kyle.

Or like this day:

re: Legally Blonde understudies

where Kevin was Callahan and each of his roles (Dad/Winthrop/reporter) had a different cover. I didn't mind it today, though: Rod's "ooooooooo" Carlos and Kenkel's "ay dios mio!" Nikos are my favorite...

ClumsyDude15 Profile Photo
#770re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/28/08 at 1:31am

Anakela: Did you student rush for that performance?
Any update as to why they changed the policy?
I'm going up on May 7th till the 11th and was planning on trying to see Blonde. I have a college ID with a valid sticker on it, but I'm still confused by the change.

"Anybody that goes to the theater, I think we’re all misfits, so we ended up on stage or in the audience.” --- Patti LuPone.

Anakela Profile Photo
#771re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/28/08 at 1:11pm

You should be fine, that's exactly the kind of i.d. my friend has- the school issues an id, and then it gets updated every year with that year's validation sticker- and she was fine to buy tix yesterday.

No clue why they changed what (although I'm told they're not so much "changing" as "just now enforcing what was supposed to be the policy all along"?), but I did see a couple of people in front of us Sunday am get turned away unable to buy tix... I think if your school is one that doesn't date your student id in any way that the box office will take a dateless id along with a copy of that year's reg schedule or something, but don't hold me to that.
Updated On: 4/28/08 at 01:11 PM

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#772re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/28/08 at 1:15pm

" I think if your school is one that doesn't date your student id in any way that the box office will take a dateless id along with a copy of that year's reg schedule or something, but don't hold me to that."

That's what I was planning on doing next week. I hope it works.

Anakela Profile Photo
#773re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/28/08 at 1:19pm

That's what I was planning on doing next week. I hope it works.

Me too! I heard it from someone, but I don't remember now if it was something that was actually accepted, or if it was something that they were going to try and do also.

Or, if you're around and in the city beforehand, what we actually did was swing by the Blonde box office on Saturday, show the id we planned on using on Sunday, got an ok that it was valid, and so we didn't worry about rushing on Sunday. (Truth be told we were on line about 15 minutes before the box office opened- but that's still 15 minutes you don't want to have to waste only to find out that you can't get tickets.)

obsessedjb Profile Photo
#774re: Legally Blonde understudies
Posted: 4/28/08 at 1:25pm

Lol I was going to do that too--just so I'd know whether or not I'd be wasting my time.
