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Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?- Page 3

Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#50Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/10/10 at 11:19am

The Lion King is currently running at 2:45 nightly, but they do feel that at 2:30 including the intermission, that the audience will be happier.

Because they have been unhappy for 13 years? Because word of mouth from all these unhappy people brought down sales and attendance? This doesn't make any sense at all.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

EVIE Profile Photo
#51Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/10/10 at 11:49am

I like Chow Down, cut One By One and/or Scar's song about being adored.

CapnHook Profile Photo
#52Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/10/10 at 12:38pm

Makes a little more sense as to how this idea came about, but still, it's WAY too late.

I wonder if, after the current Zazu's contract is up, if the role will now offer less salary? The character one big number was cut.

Same with the kids. Both Morning Report and Chow Down are two musical numbers that they no longer need to rehearse new kids for. That saves a HUGE amount of time in rehearsal, but now these kids have much less to do on stage.

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

winston89 Profile Photo
#53Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/10/10 at 12:52pm

Now, this is clearly not the first time that one production of a show was altered and the others were as well to all match. Remember Avenue Q when it played at it's full lenght in Vegas? They incorporated the changes that they did in the Vegas production to the Broadway production. And another example (though not involving Vegas) would Wicked when it opened up in London, and how they put in the changes that were created for London into the Broadway production.

But, the only production of The Lion King that would make sense to shorten is the Vegas one but only due to where it is playing. It wouldn't have been a shock to the system to hear that they wanted to shorten the Vegas production so that way people aren't spending too much time in the theatre and have the ability to do other things that night. It just seems to me to be a bit odd to do this with the Broadway production since it is not only reducing the stage time for the kids. It is also not needed for the Broadway run because of its high box office intake and how it has been doing more then fine for close to thirteen years.

"If you try to shag my husband while I am still alive, I will shove the art of motorcycle maintenance up your rancid little Cu**. That's a good dear" Tom Stoppard's Rock N Roll

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#54Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/10/10 at 3:34pm

Well. I guess it makes sence going by what they said. But I am happy because they didnt mess with any of the songs or parts I like.

I never liked Chow Down, perhaps they can replace that with the chase music from the film which isnt even on the Film's CD (there will still need to be some sort of chase sequence) Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

TheaterBoy7777 Profile Photo
#55Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/27/10 at 12:25pm

Well Mister Matt you have to also imagine in 13 years the audience has changed, now it is full or 4-10 yr olds who cant sit for 2hrs and 45 mins, full of people visiting from other country's who don't understand english, and then a small portion of adults from the US. Having worked at the show a few years ago I am in favor of these cuts as there are many points in where the show drops. This will tighten the show and should have been cut 13 years ago to begin with. I guess we will see when this happens if it was for the better.

#56Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/27/10 at 12:29pm

Three weeks on and no confirmation of this cockamamie rumor. When do we officially declare it bogus?

#57Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/27/10 at 3:02pm

It's not bogus. It's true. It's certainly happening to the London production with the latest cast change.

#58Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/27/10 at 3:12pm

Link please?

#59Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/27/10 at 4:28pm

If I could link you I would. I can't link you to the man who works on the show who told me and explained the reasoning - that the cuts have already been put in place for one of the recent international productions (he thought Korea, but as far as I know that opened and closed a few years ago?) and the creative team decided they liked them so much they wanted to implement them across the world.

I'm not pulling this out of nowhere, and I'm trying to be as clear as I can without saying "SO AND SO TOLD ME, WHO IS SUCH AND SUCH FOR THE LONDON PRODUCTION". The cuts will be implemented for the next cast change, which is either in rehearsal or has just opened, I can't remember when.

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#60Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/27/10 at 4:42pm

Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?

For Joe.

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#61Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/27/10 at 6:40pm

Ooh they are changing up the London cast?

a lot of them are great, but as a fan of this show, I find a lot of the main cast members stay VERY LONG in their roles. Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

MamasDoin'Fine Profile Photo
#62Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/27/10 at 6:46pm

There have been rumors in the West End that the London production was to get a 'freshen up' later this year!

#63Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/27/10 at 8:46pm

WELL MY friend, who works at the show told me that YOUR friend is a big fat liar and everyone there knows it!

And thanks for the sausage Matt!

#64Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/27/10 at 9:02pm

Now, this is clearly not the first time that one production of a show was altered and the others were as well to all match. Remember Avenue Q when it played at it's full lenght in Vegas? They incorporated the changes that they did in the Vegas production to the Broadway production. And another example (though not involving Vegas) would Wicked when it opened up in London, and how they put in the changes that were created for London into the Broadway production.

I know it has nothing to do with this thread, but what changes were made to those two shows? I've only seen them on tour, so I'm sure what I saw was somewhat different anyway.

-- SDG

darquegk Profile Photo
#65Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/27/10 at 9:06pm

Avenue Q was shortened, with several numbers, especially Schadenfreude, being cut down. In addition, Purpose was rewritten heavily, with an entirely new beginning to the song.

tommo2k Profile Photo
#66Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/29/10 at 5:27am

Does anyone know when the changes are due in London specifically? I am seeing the show next week and I would love them to have cut "Morning Report" by then (I know it is not likely as it is too soon) as that was so out of place and I really didn't enjoy the song when I saw it a few years back. I am not too concerned about the cuts mentioned as I much prefer the music with a more African feel as it is much more sophisticated and more fitting in my opinion.

Upcoming Shows: 9 to 5 (Birmingham), Priscilla (Wimbledon), Matilda (London), Cats (Manchester) and others TBC.

#67Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 5/29/10 at 4:23pm

until I see an explenation by tom schmacher and disney i'm not believing it. if taymor wants to make changes for know reason for a production that she directed 13 years ago it sounds like she has nothing to do on her plate. and is just bored.

tommo2k Profile Photo
#69Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 6/6/10 at 3:51pm

I apologise if this message appears twice but my old one doesn't seem to be appearing!?
I saw the show on Weds 2nd June in London and there was no Morning Report and I didn't notice a ballet sequence in Can You Feel The Love Tonight either (the song did seem quite short to be honest) Chow Down was still there though (as was One by One for those worried)
The show was a matinee performance and it seem to start quite a few mins late so it could have been that they just cut it from that one show for time issues? or maybe the cuts have already taken place in London?

Upcoming Shows: 9 to 5 (Birmingham), Priscilla (Wimbledon), Matilda (London), Cats (Manchester) and others TBC.
Updated On: 6/6/10 at 03:51 PM

adamgreer Profile Photo
#70Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 6/6/10 at 4:03pm

Thom Christopher Warren, who stands by for Scar, Zazu, Pumbaa, and Timon on Broadway, confirmed it was true on his facebook. I don't think there's anything wrong with posting this, since his page is completely public. He wrote:

Thom Christopher Warren is, in all probability, singing his last two "Morning Report's" today.

Then, in a comment, he clarified:

Thom Christopher Warren I should clarify - I'm not leaving the show and they're implementing some really smart cuts into the show next week - one of those cuts is Zazu's song - plus a bunch of small internal cuts here and there.
Updated On: 6/6/10 at 04:03 PM

LizzieCurry Profile Photo
#71Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 6/21/10 at 6:47pm

"This thread reads like a series of White House memos." — Mister Matt

#72Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 6/21/10 at 6:48pm

Oh no! They've FIRED people now?

Radioactiveduck Profile Photo
#73Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 6/22/10 at 3:04am

I saw the tour about 2 weeks ago and so far, everything is still there....

and the show was too long. Honestly. There were sooo many moments I was thinking "this is totally unnecessary for the story and not entertaining enough to make up for it."


"Grasslands Chant" stops the show dead in its tracks 10 minutes in...cut it in half.

"Morning Report" is cute, but awkward.

I like "Chow Down", but it needs to be a minute shorter.

Take out (or shorten) the dance break during "Be Prepared" and have them march like Nazis like in the movie (waay more effective story telling).

"One By One" is the most awkward, non-sequitor Act II opener ever. Make it go away.

Take out "Lion Sleeps Tonight". No point. At all.

Cut the dance break in "Can You Feel the Love Tonight?" in half. It's beautiful, but it's too long and does nothing story-wise. And cover up the dude's butt cheek. Seriously, we don't need to see his entire cheek to get that he's buff as hell from a lifetime of ballet.

CapnHook Profile Photo
#74Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 6/22/10 at 3:41am

They FIRED the actors that played Mufasa, Nala, Zazu, Timon, Pumbaa, Scar. Does anyone have the names of those actors? Supposedly the last three were with the show for over 10 years.

Anyone have the latest cast list with the replacements?

"The Spectacle has, indeed, an emotional attraction of its own, but, of all the parts, it is the least artistic, and connected least with the art of poetry. For the power of Tragedy, we may be sure, is felt even apart from representation and actors. Besides, the production of spectacular effects depends more on the art of the stage machinist than on that of the poet."

millie_dillmount Profile Photo
#75Lion King cutting songs - anyone know if legit?
Posted: 6/22/10 at 5:05am

CapnHook, one of those actors (I think) was Tim Alan Robbins, who played Pumbaa (now being played by Ben Jeffrey) and was a remaining member of the original cast. According to IBDB, Jeff Binder was the only Zazu involved with the Lion King since its transfer to the Minskoff. The role is now being played by Cameron Pow.

You can see more replacements here:

"We like to snark around here. Sometimes we actually talk about theater...but we try not to let that get in our way." - dramamama611
