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Love Never Dies cast recording- Page 3

Love Never Dies cast recording

Mister Matt Profile Photo
Mister Matt
#50Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/5/10 at 12:04pm

My mom is even interested, and that was a surprise...she likes Phantom, but prefers Les Miserables.

I like your mother!

"What can you expect from a bunch of seitan worshippers?" - Reginald Tresilian

Magdalene Profile Photo
#51Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/5/10 at 2:38pm

I like my mother too! Love Never Dies cast recording


musicaltheater1 Profile Photo
#52Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/5/10 at 2:39pm

"Yes. I sent them an email yesterday and they replied today saying that they will be shipping next week, which seems odd since so many people say they have all readt received theirs."

Thank you, TheatreDiva90016. I was wondering the same thing. Well, at least they replied to your email.

"I love acting. It is so much more real than life." Oscar Wilde
"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music." Aldous Huxley

#53Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/5/10 at 7:55pm

does anyone have a link to beauty underneath, or beneath a moonless sky? I heard there was leak a few hours ago again but alas work made me miss it.

pushdabutton Profile Photo
#54Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/5/10 at 8:00pm

How is the bonus dvd in the deluxe version? Is it worth the extra money?

Magdalene Profile Photo
#55Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/5/10 at 10:14pm

The bonus dvd was worth every penny to me! I've read enough on the boards to be a little apprehensive about the show, but watching the dvd made me lose that apprehension. I will go to this show with a more open mind---it was interesting seeing the interviews with Ramin, Sierra, and Sir Andrew (as well as others). It was recorded before the show opened for previews, but talks enough about the characters, mood, etc.


pushdabutton Profile Photo
#56Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/5/10 at 10:24pm

Thanks for the response Magdalene. I am going to order the deluxe version. I know nothing about the show but am a huge fan of Phantom. I just hope I am lucky enough to get tickets when it opens in New York.

Magdalene Profile Photo
#57Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/5/10 at 10:43pm

The dvd helped me keep an open mind. I saw Phantom over 50 times (only paid twice, though, I worked the other times as a volunteer in a local theater), and I absolutely adored the show. After reading some of the posting on the West End boards, I was really nervous about LND. I know the object of the interviews is to put a positive spin on things, as the actors and Sir Andrew want it to do well, but watching the interviews really made me feel better about the whole thing, and after some of the explanations about why they did such and such, I thought "oh, that makes sense"
So I look forward to seeing LND, and won't bring any POTO baggage with me when I do see the show!


Magdalene Profile Photo
#58Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/5/10 at 10:45pm

Geez, I sound like shuch a shill! Love Never Dies cast recording


Phantom of London Profile Photo
Phantom of London
#59Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/6/10 at 7:27am

The lyrics by Charles Hart for 'The Phantom of the Opera' are far more haunting and spine-chilling than Glen Slaters recent contributions, which allowed the Phantom to work on a intense psychological level, this is missing from 'Love Never Dies', or am I wrong?

Here are a few examples, of Charles Hart's marvellous lyrics;

Passarino - go away!
For the trap is set and waits for its prey ...
You have come here in pursuit of your deepest urge, in pursuit of that wish, which till now has been silent, silent"
-The Chandelier Crash-

"Insolent boy, this slave of fashion,
Basking in your glory!
Ignorant fool, this brave young suitor,
Sharing in my triumph!"
- The Mirror (The Angel of Music)-

" Flattering child, you shall know me. See why in shadow I hide. Look at your face in the mirror. I am there inside."
- The Mirror (The Angel of Music)-

"Did I not instruct that Box Five was to be kept empty?"
-Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh-

"Your part is silent, little toad!
A toad, madame? Perhaps it is you who are the toad ..."
-Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh-

"Down once more to the dungeon of my black despair"-
-Down Once More, Track Down the Murderer

"Down we plunge to the prison of my mind Down that path into darkness,
deep as HELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Why, you ask,
was I bound and chained
in this cold and dismal place?
Not for any mortal sin
but the wickedness of my abhorrent face"
-Down Once More, Track Down the Murderer-

"That fate, which condemns me to wallow in blood
Has also denied me the joys of the flesh...
This face, the infection which poisons our love . . ."
-Down Once More, Track Down the Murderer-

"Wait! I think, my dear, we have a guest Sir."
-Down Once More, Track Down the Murderer-

"this is indeed an unparalleled delight
I had rather hoped that you would come
And now my wish comes true (Holds Christine close)
You have truly made my night!"
-Down Once More, Track Down the Murderer-

"Your lover makes a passionate plea."
-Down Once More, Track Down the Murderer-

"The world showed no compassion to me!"
-Down Once More, Track Down the Murderer-

"Be my guest, sir...
(He pulls the lever, opening the gate. Raoul enters)
Monsieur, I bid you welcome
Did you think that I would harm her?
(Reaches into the water and takes out something)
Why would I make her pay
for the sins which are YOURS?!!!"
-Down Once More, Track Down the Murderer-

"Order your fine horses now
Raise up your hand to the level of your eyes
Nothing can save you now, except perhaps Christine."
-Down Once More, Track Down the Murderer-

"Too late for turning back, Too late for prayers and useless pity."
-Down Once More, Track Down the Murderer-

"Past all hope of cries of help,
No point in fighting
For either way you choose, You cannot win."
-Down Once More, Track Down the Murderer-

"So do you end your days with me
Or do you send him to his GRAVE?"
-Down Once More, Track Down the Murderer-

And lastly one of the most emotional moving lyrics ever to be written in musical theatre.
"This face, which earned a mother's fear and loathing
A mask, my first unfeeling scrap of clothing."
-Down Once More, Track Down the Murderer-

Scarywarhol Profile Photo
#60Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/6/10 at 7:54am

I'm not a huge fan of the lyrics in the original, but they do seem mostly superior from what I've hard of LND. But I honestly think we have Sir Andrew to thank for the constantly disintegrating quality of the lyrics in his shows more than the lyricists. Glen Slater is a clever, talented guy.
Updated On: 3/6/10 at 07:54 AM

gvendo2005 Profile Photo
#61Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/6/10 at 9:13am

Key note from a friend of Jim Steinman, one of Webber's slightly more recent lyricists:

"Webber is obsessed with perfect rhymes. No false rhymes; they all have to fit a definitive rhyme scheme. He can and will sacrifice the meaning of a verse or phrase if it means there's a perfect rhyme."

Have we just figured out why his new lyrics from otherwise great collaborators are so sucky?

"There is no problem so big that it cannot be run away from." ~ Charles M. Schulz

StarUsher Profile Photo
#62Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/6/10 at 10:05am

Wow, he really is the opposite of Sondheim!

dreamerjj Profile Photo
#63Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/6/10 at 1:08pm

I don't know if it's Webber's fault or Slater's but this sequel lacks of smart lines, and sometimes is repetitive, though the score is sublime. It's not like you have to be Sondheim to write good songs, but sometimes these ones are childish.

#64Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/6/10 at 9:01pm

beneath a moonless sky is quite a good song I thought lyrically and musically, a little overuse of the word caress, but I love the little story it told. Updated On: 3/6/10 at 09:01 PM

Director =) Profile Photo
Director =)
#65Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/6/10 at 9:11pm

I've seen mention of the awful choices ALW has made in terms of lyricists. Charles Hart is still alive and kicking. I wonder if he was approached? It would make sense. Maybe he said HELL NO.

#66Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/6/10 at 9:18pm

yeah im surprised hart wasnt used maybe he did turn it down.

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#67Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/6/10 at 9:46pm

Well, Hart did get kind of snubbed with the first Phantom because his lyrics weren't 'serious' enough, so they hired Don Black... it'd make sense he wouldn't want to do a sequel (or that Webber wouldn't see him as the candidate to write one.)

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

HollyGolightly2 Profile Photo
#68Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/7/10 at 5:06am

I really like the score and the story of Love Never Dies, but I think it would be much better as a standalone show, not a Phantom sequel. The characters are completely different, except for their names. If the names were changed, you'd have a completely new and original show, with nearly no ties to Phantom at all.

Back to the cast recording, Sierra and Ramin were lovely. Sierra has improved a lot since Phantom Vegas, and I've always been a huge fan of Ramin, since his Miss Saigon days.

One thing that bothers me is that Ramin and Sierra appear to be using their natural accents, and Summer Strallen fakes an American one. What happened to the inexplicable British accents they had when they were in Paris? I know every now and then a Phantom has an American accent, but that's usually in the American versions. Generally he does have a British one, and this is a West End show anyway (and Ramin would fake a British accent in Phantom 1). Phantom and Meg may have been living in America for ten years or so, but their accents wouldn't sound completely and perfectly American (Canadian in Ramin's case?) like they do. And yet Madame Giry retains a French accent, and Raoul and Gustave have the inexplicable British ones utilized in the first show. Is there any rhyme or reason to this?

Another thing is the tone of the show. The song styles are all over the place. Most of the show is a throwback to the dark, classic style of Phantom 1, but then there's the seemingly random rockout number The Beauty Underneath, and silly songs like Heaven By the Sea. It just seems really disjointed. The melodies/orchestrations in songs like Heaven By the Sea and Only For Him/Only For You feel like they could have come from Little Mermaid.

Like I said, all in all I quite like the score and show, but there are those few things that bug me, the biggest of them being that it's really not 'Phantom' at all. I'd like it much more as a show with original characters.

Updated On: 3/7/10 at 05:06 AM

#69Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/7/10 at 4:04pm

just heard prologue and devil take the hindmost. New raouls voice is a little irritating but the song is cool as hell

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#70Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/7/10 at 4:34pm

Well, Hart did get kind of snubbed with the first Phantom because his lyrics weren't 'serious' enough, so they hired Don Black... it'd make sense he wouldn't want to do a sequel (or that Webber wouldn't see him as the candidate to write one.)

Wasn't it the other way around? And with Richard Stilgoe? I thought it was Charles Hart who was hired to rewrite a lot of Richard's lyrics?
Updated On: 3/7/10 at 04:34 PM

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#71Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/7/10 at 4:34pm

Where'd you hear them? I'm really curious about "Devil Take The Hindmost."

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

#72Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/7/10 at 4:38pm

someone gave me a link to it. Love Never Dies cast recording

Justin D Profile Photo
Justin D
#73Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/8/10 at 1:35pm

I see that in one of the Gustave's bio pages on the website (the Gustave that is on the recording) they list the recording as the "Premier Symphonic Recording" that's a snazzy title and a good one for those that were debating what they should call it since it is not really the full London Cast.

I'm still hopeing that if the show takes off, and is radically changed up for Broadway, they they do a Broadway cast Recording with any changes.

Will Ramin and Sierra reprise their roles in NYC? I think they probably would.

Does anyone know if equity had to strike a deal for Sierra to play in London? (remembering all the drama about Sarah doing the original in NYC) which lead to Ann Crumb playing Rose in Aspects. Phantom at the Royal Empire Theatre

pdjennings Profile Photo
#74Love Never Dies cast recording
Posted: 3/8/10 at 1:53pm

Funny you bring that up, Justin -- I popped into this thread to ask about Gustave.

I don't have my CD yet, so I don't have any liner notes to check this. I see that the web site says that Charlie Manton is singing Gustave -- and I just wanted to check with anyone who DOES have the liner notes as to whether this is indeed the case. I've only JUST begun listening -- and so far, Gustave is sounding (to me) like they were using a female for his voice -- and I was hoping that this was NOT the case. (That bugs the everlivin' crap outta me -- kinda like on "Titanic". Ugh!)

Anyway -- verify for me that it's Charlie and make my day.

