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Mean Girls Cast Replacements

FlyHigh523 Profile Photo
#175Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 2:49pm

hamiltonstradition said: "copathetiic said: "Just announced that Laura Leigh Turner will be taking over for Karen and making her broadway debut on March 10th"

She is not getting a warm welcome. Twitter fans have found out her political stance (Pro-Trump, Pro-Life).

I mean... with a musical about female empowerment, filled with Trump jokes, I expected this kind of response from fans when they found out her political affiliation. 

squip Profile Photo
#176Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 3:20pm

As awful as this is, what can we really do except not go see the show? Wouldn't it be considered discriminatory to replace her just because of her political views?

FlyHigh523 Profile Photo
#177Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 3:57pm

I believe Sabrina Carpenter is going to be our new Cady. She posted a cryptic Instagram comment referring to the show, as well as an Instagram story saying “big announcement tomorrow!”

B.JAMES Profile Photo
#178Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 3:57pm

It's comical because I see people from her hometown congratulating her and making a big deal about it.  And I am just over here like... you know Karen dances in her underwear and gets so high and trashed that she ends up on the floor of the party, right? I will bet a chunk of money that the same people singing this girls praises are the same mothers who were throwing around their fake outrage over the Shakira and JLo performance at the Super Bowl.  Very interesting, indeed. Will be keeping an eye on how this plays out.

#179Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 4:44pm

FlyHigh523 said: "I believe Sabrina Carpenter is going to be our new Cady. She posted a cryptic Instagram comment referring to the show, as well as an Instagram story saying “big announcement tomorrow!”"

Her insta story is just pictures of her in pink outfits so you may be on to something. 

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#180Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 4:55pm

squip said: "As awful as this is, what can we really do except not go see the show? Wouldn't it be considered discriminatory to replace her just because of her political views?"

Is that a serious question? This is America, and that would be illegal. Someone can have a different viewpoint than you and still do their job really well, as shocking as that sounds.

treblemakerz Profile Photo
#181Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 5:25pm

It would 100% be illegal to not hire someone on the basis of their political or religious leanings, so it's a tricky situation. Especially since, from what I've heard of her singing voice, she's incredibly talented. So that really would have been their ONLY basis.

However, I'm personally not interested in supporting her in the role. I'm really, really disappointed to see someone with these beliefs among such a diverse and wonderful cast, and in a show so centered around female empowerment and lifting each other up.

She also seems to be trying to scrub her social media accounts now that some of these things are being sent around.

#182Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 5:42pm

So now only people who subscribe to your same political view can be in a show on Broadway (or anywhere, for that matter)?   What if she were pro-Trump but pro-choice?   What if she supports Bernie but is pro-life?   People are entitled to their opinions and beliefs.  Grow up.  This is what is wrong with this country in a nutshell.  And this is coming from a very liberal, very pro-choice person.  

#183Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 5:52pm

Do you guys remember the story of the woman cast as Cosette on Broadway who quit because she didn’t want to pretend to be a prostitute? 

Won’t be surprised if something like that happens here lol

#184Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 6:04pm

jakethesnake said: "So now only people who subscribe to your same political view can be in a show on Broadway (or anywhere, for that matter)? What if she were pro-Trump but pro-choice? What if she supports Bernie but is pro-life? People are entitled to their opinions and beliefs. Grow up. This is what is wrong with this country in a nutshell. And this is coming from a very liberal, very pro-choice person."


I absolutely agree! Since when did we live in a society where we all have to be atheist pro choice democrats in order to have a job! Her views might not be the same as mine or a lot of others, but she’s still entitled to them and from what I can tell she isn’t posting hate or anything offensive on her social media. If people choose not to see the show because of her casting then that’s their prerogative!!


treblemakerz Profile Photo
#185Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 6:06pm

jakethesnake said: "So now only people who subscribe to your same political view can be in a show on Broadway (or anywhere, for that matter)? What if she were pro-Trump but pro-choice? What if she supports Bernie but is pro-life? People are entitled to their opinions and beliefs. Grow up. This is what is wrong with this country in a nutshell. And this is coming from a very liberal, very pro-choice person."

No, what's wrong with this country is people who support Trump, a hateful man who advocates only for himself and actively threatens the lives of most minority groups. She's entitled to this job, by law. So she CAN be in any show she wants. But people also CAN be upset about it. Let go of the "different political opinions are okay!" stance, it was garbage in 2016 and it's garbage now.

ChildofEarth Profile Photo
#186Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 6:08pm

Here is hoping that her heart and mind can be opened by the messages of the show and the fantastically talented cast. Here’s also hoping that her castmates take the emotional labor on themselves to educate her and show her the mass terror caused by the administration she supports.

Sutton Ross Profile Photo
Sutton Ross
#187Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 6:12pm

Or they will just leave her alone and trust she can make up her own mind since she's a fully grown adult. It's a professional job, and she can think and believe anything she wants.

Since when did we live in a society where we all have to be atheist pro choice democrats in order to have a job! Her views might not be the same as mine or a lot of others, but she’s still entitled to them and from what I can tell she isn’t posting hate or anything offensive on her social media. If people choose not to see the show because of her casting then that’s their prerogative!!


#188Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 6:31pm

Do you have any solid concrete proof (I.e. a post on Instagram, her website, etc..) that says she is a trump supporter. I know many Christians who aren’t Trump supporters. Could she fall into that category? I’m genuinely posing this question. Only because I don’t want to see someone’s career be ruined over (ignorant) assumptions. Like I said, not every Christian is a Trump supporter.

#189Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 6:36pm

Mean Girls Cast Replacements Broadwayfanboy44 said: "Do you have any solid concrete proof (I.e. a post on Instagram, her website, etc..) that says she is a trump supporter. I know many Christians who aren’t Trump supporters. Could she fall into that category? I’m genuinely posing this question. Only because I don’t want to see someone’s career be ruined over (ignorant) assumptions. Like I said, not every Christian is a Trump supporter."


#190Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 6:36pm

double post

Broadwayfanboy44 said: "Do you have any solid concrete proof (I.e. a post on Instagram, her website, etc..) that says she is a trump supporter. I know many Christians who aren’t Trump supporters. Could she fall into that category? I’m genuinely posing this question. Only because I don’t want to see someone’s career be ruined over (ignorant) assumptions. Like I said, not every Christian is a Trump supporter."


Updated On: 2/10/20 at 06:36 PM

#191Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 6:42pm

this made a HOWL. thank you. 

S394206H Profile Photo
#192Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 6:44pm

I went to college with Laura Leigh and let me tell y’all it is wildly entertaining to see half the people who knew her congratulating her and the other half trying to drag her.

God, the almighty and all-knowing, has misplaced a cup?

#193Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 6:51pm

Thank you for sharing this photo. I must’ve missed it. Is anybody else wondering what they would disagree about? Lol

Call_me_jorge Profile Photo
#194Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 6:54pm

Telsey and Co really should’ve done their homework on this one.

In our millions, in our billions, we are most powerful when we stand together. TW4C unwaveringly joins the worldwide masses, for we know our liberation is inseparably bound. Signed, Theater Workers for a Ceasefire

#195Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 7:11pm

inmyownlittlecorner said: "Mean Girls Cast Replacements Broadwayfanboy44 said: "Do you have any solid concrete proof (I.e. a post on Instagram, her website, etc..) that says she is a trump supporter. I know many Christians who aren’t Trump supporters. Could she fall into that category? I’m genuinely posing this question. Only because I don’t want to see someone’s career be ruined over (ignorant) assumptions. Like I said, not every Christian is a Trump supporter."

So she writes in the comments of that photo that she disagrees with Trump on a few things    Not that any of this matters, as I said earlier, but how does this make her a hateful person again?  


treblemakerz Profile Photo
#196Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 7:20pm

Just to be clear, as it seems to have been cut out of this screencap, this was posted the morning after election day in 2016. So this was her #makeamericagreatagain victory post.

The comments on it were a mix of positive and negative. There was actually a "........." comment on it from Chad Burris (who will now be costarring with her as Damian) as it seems they knew each other previously.

#197Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 7:21pm

treblemakerz said: "Just to be clear, as it seems to have been cut out of this screencap, this was posted the morning after election day in 2016. So this was her #makeamericagreatagain victory post.

The comments on it were a mix of positive and negative. There was actually a "........." comment on it from Chad Burris (who will now be costarring with her as Damian) as it seems they knew each other previously.

Apparently, they both won the same scholarship so I guess that’s how they know each other

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#198Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/10/20 at 7:31pm

I 100% hate Trump and I'm disappointed in this. But when it comes to being Republican/Democrat, pro-life/pro-choice, why does it matter in someone's acting career? Stan Twitter is acting like only Democrats are allowed to have an acting career. What are fans expecting the producers to do? Kick her off over the fact she's Republican?

B.JAMES said: "It's comical because I see people from her hometown congratulating her and making a big deal about it. And I am just over here like... you know Karen dances in her underwear and gets so high and trashed that she ends up on the floor of the party, right?"

I know, right! I'm shocked that she agreed to this role.

squip Profile Photo
#199Mean Girls Cast Replacements
Posted: 2/11/20 at 11:18am

Sabrina Carpenter is now confirmed for Cady for a limited 14 week engagement through June 7th.
