"Ok so I've learned the stage play is different from the movie. I don't see the need to get all snippy about it!"
Maybe you shouldn't post about things you have no idea about.
It just makes you look ignorant.
I believe learning is a life long process. You never stop. I love the movie of Cabaret and just assumed it was like the Broadway show. Is that so crazy?
~ no. other people have made that mistake as well.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
Lovebwy, the film version is very different from the stage version. The character of Sally is a very different animal in the stage version. The two versions bare very few similarities apart from the score ,a few character names, and common themes.
Sally is meant to be a mediocre singer singing in a seedy night club, and not doing well enough to pay her own rent.
~ sally is also american in the film and british in the original stage musical, play and novel (i am a camera)
I'd rather see an actress with SKILL play Sally, regardless of how proficient her vocal ability is. You have to be good to be bad. Sally is a lousy singer. She's not there for her "talents", she's there because she's screwing the boss and loves the spotlight.
The actress playing Sally has to be able to give the songs character, which unfortunately to the aesthetically spoiled generation, involves singing "bad".
I think it's fair to assume most film versions of musicals (or plays) likely have differences from their original stage versions.
Back to the topic at hand....I LOVE this possible casting.
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/05
Broomstickboy hit the nail on the head.
Liza is the ultimate Sally,
No, you are wrong. I am second to none in my appreciation for Liza, but the late Julie Harris was the ultimate Sally.
Your punishment is to read Christopher Isherwood's Berlin Stories as well as John Van Druten's play adaptation I Am a Camera and the flawed film version of it with the afore-praised Julie Harris re-creating her stage role.
Of course, reading one or both or even watching the (again, flawed) movie would hardly be considered punishment, but since you've proven yourself to be a vapid and insipid trolling twit who won't do either anyway, what does it matter?
"Broomstickboy hit the nail on the head."
Can he do the same to lovebwy?
What is this thing with the hostility and name calling? Everyone chizz-ill out.
I do love Broadway but there ARE some gaps in my knowledge. I look forward to reading I Am a Camera. That sounds very interesting indeed.
I guess your inability I not post racist statements gets under some people's akin and your avatar that you conveniently put up after your latest "grape soda & hot slim jim" incident is beyond insulting.
I defy you to find a single time when I was being intentionally racist. There was one incident where I said something, not realizing the implications, and took it back immediately.
Time to let it go, bro.
Yeah, the thing is though, that the SH*T you said isn't "let it go" worthy. It's "WOW. This dude is an all out cracker racist who doesn't see anything wrong with what he's saying". And so there's no "letting anything go" and there shouldn't be "letting anything go".
Wow this casting would be brilliant! I never even thought of her in the role, that's certainly inspired.
Oh please. If you can't forgive one stupid unintentional statement, then you are the one I feel sorry for.
I'd love to see Carey Mulligan play Sally, but I think Williams could be fantastic.
I think Williams is such a perfect choice. Hopefully this revival will actually happen...
The Times is also now reporting that Williams has been cast. Based on Roundabout's statement, it seems like an official announcement is imminent.
ONE statement. There are no others.
Anyways, I think Michelle Williams might be wonderful now that I understand what the deal is with Sally.
Ain't you tired, lovebwy?
Jill Haworth singing Don't Tell Mama:
Judi Dench:
I'm just gettin warmed up, baby.
Thanks for those clips, MrMidwest. I can see that Liza played a very different Sally than other interpretations. Very interesting.