Broadway Star Joined: 1/28/04
In the Broadway revival of Cabaret.
Not the Destiny's Child person, the Oscar nominated one.
This could be brilliant casting. She has that mix of strength and vulnerability that Natasha Richardson brought to the role and remains one of the best performances I've ever seen. I'd love to see it happen.
Get Mary Beth Piel as Fräulein Schneider and I would just drop dead from happiness.
I said the same thing when I found out Jen was up for it!!! Though, if they still have the same Frau Schneider from a few weeks ago, I'll be happy with that as well.
I actually think this is ideal casting. IDEAL.
^That would be brilliant casting, Jordan. I hope they're as smart as you.
~ promise?
Is it bad that I still kind of want to see Liza as Schneider?
Broadway Star Joined: 7/20/07
Broadway Legend Joined: 1/18/12
Oh goodness, I thought of the one from Destiny's Child, and I was so unhappy.
Can she even SING? How come no one is asking that question?
~ can michelle williams *even* sing?
~ we all know what a fantastic vocal powerhouse jill haworth was in the role.
~ those are some hard shoes to fill...
I don't know from Jill Hayworth. I know them the best. LIZA, baby!
^ Natasha was no Liza, either. So, what about her? Updated On: 9/3/13 at 04:13 PM
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Michelle singing in "The Baxter":
Michelle singing on Dawson's Creek:
Michelle, as Marilyn, singing in "My Week With Marilyn":
~ it's jill HA-WORTH *not* jill HAY-WORTH...
~ she was the ORIGINAL sally bowles in the 1966 OBC of cabaret
~ get acquainted with the original and then get back to me so you could know that whoever plays sally bowles does NOT have to be the belter liza was in the film...
Updated On: 9/3/13 at 04:15 PM
A Sally who's a mediocre singer? I don't know if I could deal. Though of course I do think she's a pretty good actress.
It works better for the character for Sally to be pretty mediocre of a singer
Did you miss the late 90's?
A Sally who's a mediocre singer? I don't know if I could deal.
HEAD - - - -> DESK
LOL the 90's are a blur to me. Lots of meth, and I was too poor to ever come to NYC.
I'm pretty sure lovebwy has me blocked, but just in case I'm wrong, WHAT ABOUT NATASHA???
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
Now imagine if they had cast the other Michelle Williams. I bet lovebwy's racist head would exploded..
Broadway Legend Joined: 5/28/13
"LOL the 90's are a blur to me. Lots of meth, and I was too poor to ever come to NYC."
~ if he/she's so racist how come the avatar of miss pearl bailey?
At least we know the other Michelle Williams can sing.