Seeing this on Monday. VERY excited!
Going tomorrow evening. Looking forward to it.
For those going and who haven't heard the London revival recording (or watched the streamed version)...beware that there are lyric changes in several songs from the original (and not just the addition of "Maybe". So, don't be too surprised.
ggersten said: "For those going and who haven't heard the London revival recording (or watched the streamed version)...beware that there are lyric changes in several songs from the original (and not just the addition of "Maybe". So, don't be too surprised. "
Or, you know... be surprised. That's what the creators want.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
When I just walked by TKTS it was 50% off.
I'm going tonight and super excited. This was my first show ever and Eva's aunt was my Kim way back when.
In the theater now, very excited! Sitting in the last row of the mezz and feel like I'm a mile away, but I'm here and that's what matters!
For those asking the playbill says Lianah Sta. Ana plays Kim "at certain performances", so it does not look like there is an alternative schedule that has been made public yet.
Anyone get rush tickets this morning? If so, how many people were in line and where are the seats located? As you can see from my avi, I absolutely love this show and and beyond thrilled this is back on Broadway!
They fixed the wrong Vietnamese lyrics! Now it's real Vietnamese that makes sense! kudos!
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
supersam1026 said: "In the theater now, very excited! Sitting in the last row of the mezz and feel like I'm a mile away, but I'm here and that's what matters!
For those asking the playbill says Lianah Sta. Ana plays Kim "at certain performances", so it does not look like there is an alternative schedule that has been made public yet.
She's also in the ensemble.
I was there tonight and it was a bit of an odd evening for me. This production feels a lot less like a revival and more like a stop on the 3rd national tour- which isn't really an insult, but rather a remark on how familiar and safe it all feels. It's not a slavish recreation, but it doesn't really bring anything new to the table either. You won't see anything you wouldn't expect to see from any production of Miss Saigon. It's being presented as a sort of comfort food and ends up being just kind of there, albeit in a very professional way.
I had heard so many rave reviews about Eva Noblezada from London and was really expecting to be bowled over, but the performance wasn't as revelatory as I was hoping for. Don't get me wrong, she's very good, but there were often times when if you had told me she was lip syncing to Salonga's recording I totally would have believed you. I wore out the original cast recording when it was first released and the handful of Kims I've seen since have all followed in Salonga's vocal footsteps to a tee.
Jon Jon Briones changed things up the most from his cast recording counterpart and he does come across as the strongest of the bunch (and the star of the show). He kind of Rex Harrisoned his way through the first 1/3 of the score and I wondered if they hired him for his acting chops rather than his singing voice, but he acquitted himself nicely from "If You Want to Die in Bed" on. Unfortunately his "American Dream" was upstaged by a Trump punchline; it got the biggest reaction of the night, but his performance sold the song without it.
It was only the first preview so I'll say I didn't care for Alistair Brammer's acting and leave it at that.
I still have a soft spot for the score and it was nice to hear it sung live like this. I still get chills during the big confrontation between Thuy and Kim and loved their, "You will not take my child/You don't know hoooooooow to kill/ I have no other choice, what I must do. I. will! This is the hour..." It's so exciting! And yet I was often all too aware that I was watching the show and not becoming fully immersed in it.
I didn't mind the lyric changes. They weren't jarring the way the Falsettos lyric changes were. "Maybe" was bland though.
I think this production might please the fans who want to hear the score again, but next time they revive the show I would like to see something new done with it.
Broadway Star Joined: 9/4/13
I was there tonight. And I have to say I was actually blown away. Especially for it being the first previews. The staging is fresh and exciting. Eva Nobelzada absolutely took my breath away as Kim. For this bring her broadway debut and in such an epic role. I have to give it to her. She truly delivered beyond my expectations. Jon Briones as the Engineer was also just as brilliant. Giving what I believe to be one of the best male performances on Broadway as we speak. So far to me it's between him and Ben Platt of Dear Evan for Leading Actor TONY. The rest of the principals are great as well. It's a tough year for lead actress but I could see Eva squeaking in. I saw Saigon 20 years ago and I feel as if it had been given a breath of fresh air that has made it still relevant or more relevant today. The intermission was quite long but I was able to forgive that given it's the first preview and the amazingness I saw on that stage. So far it's the leading revival for me. I'm excited to see what Dolly brings to the table. It will definitely be between those 2 of I had to make a premature guess. Both are huge productions. I think it will just come down to what the people like. This is going to be a great year for the theater community.
As somebody who has yet to see a live production of Saigon, this honestly sounds perfect for me (and others in my generation that missed it the first time around)...
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
^^^The mishap with the gun not firing right took me completely out of the moment with Kim and Thuy.
Regarding Maybe, I'm not sure whether it's the problem of the sound mixing or Katie's voice, but she didn't give me the chill I had when I was watching the 25th Anniversary. If you disregard her age, Tasmin Carroll really nailed the song. Her Maybe was heartbreaking, and you could feeI how torn she was. I liked Katie's acting, but her voice just feels too flat for what the song calls for.
mailhandler777 said: "^^^The mishap with the gun not firing right took me completely out of the moment with Kim and Thuy.
Also to add on to this, I was sitting in the fifth row center orchestra and I heard someone who I assumed to be one of the stage hands yell "go" before the last thing happened.
How's the set design?? Helicopter moment? Any standout things that differ from the original set wise?
Where was everyone sitting? Any seat advice/reports?
Some other thoughts:
For some reason, the scene where Gigi goes home felt less heartbreaking than the production I saw in Japan last year. BTW, the Japanese revival and the Broadway revival are the same production.
I love how Why God Why is reinterpreted. The first part gives you a glimpse of nighttime Saigon. You see a beggar, a monk, and someone dressed like Kim being sold to who I assume to be a pimp. You get the feeling that Chris is not only lamenting about his miserable life but also everyone else's. The second part turns the focus back to Chris, and I think Alistair does a pretty good job showing the conflicts Chris is confronted with. It then very smoothly transitions to This Money's Yours. Very well-done direction.
Again, I applaud the creative for changing Dju Vui Vay to real Vietnamese words that make sense.
Bui Doi is now less showy, although still a little bit, than in the London production.
Overall, I loved this production. Even better than the Japanese production I saw last year (mostly because of the language). There were a few mishaps, but nothing that couldn't be fixed during the preview.
Alistair Brammer is handsome. He has a sweet voice. I saw this twice in the first month in London, and, based on Whizzer's comments, it's a shame that Brammer has not grown in the role.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/15/15
GreasedLightning said: "Where was everyone sitting? Any seat advice/reports?
I was in the lower mezzanine in the 5th row on a aisle left center(E 2). It was a pretty perfect seat. No seat in front of you since they are staggered. Prefect view of the stage and not too far away.
Alistair's vocal on the recording have turned me soooooo off from this show. I'm dying to see a production of Miss Saigon, but I so hate his vocals. And sounds like his acting is just as bad.
EvanK said: "How's the set design?? Helicopter moment? Any standout things that differ from the original set wise?
The set is simplistic in most scenes, but doesn't detract anything from the show. I guess it's a show when you get a barebone set, you realize what really makes it work is not the razzle dazzle but how genuine and moving the performance itself is. The Helicopter scene is done exactly the same way as in the London revival: dark, barebone, but nevertheless real helicopter. The American Dream has a sort of distorted steel face of the statue of liberty, which gives you the similar feel of the statue of Ho Chi Minh. You can easily tell what the creative team wants you to think.
Regarding the seat, I was at 5th Row Orchestra Center (Bought my ticket the moment the AMEX presale started). The stage is very high, and you do miss some details in the back. I think two rows back would be perfect. Still, an amazing view.
Dancingthrulife2 said: "EvanK said: "How's the set design?? Helicopter moment? Any standout things that differ from the original set wise?
The set is simplistic in most scenes, but doesn't detract anything from the show. I guess it's a show when you get a barebone set, you realize what really makes it work is not the razzle dazzle but how genuine and moving the performance itself is. The Helicopter scene is done exactly the same way as in the London revival: dark, barebone, but nevertheless real helicopter. The American Dream has a sort of distorted steel face of the statue of liberty, which gives you the similar feel of the statue of Ho Chi Minh. You can easily tell what the creative team wants you to feel.
Regarding the seat, I was at 5th Row Orchestra Center (Bought my ticket the moment the AMEX presale started). The stage is very high, and you do miss some details in the back. I think two rows back would be perfect. Still, an amazing view.
Does this production maintain the flying car gimmick? Or is that gone?
EvanK said: "Does this production maintain the flying car gimmick? Or is that gone?
Not sure about what you mean. The helicopter moved both up and down and back and forth. The car is still there in American Dream.