Broadway Legend Joined: 3/29/12
I want to stagedoor for MisterMatt's dog - he/she is so cute!
I could comment on this guy, but I won't. Simply put, PJ, the lesson he needs to learn is "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all." I hope it rubs off on him, but it looks like something else already has.
Christmas Eve '45
I'd rather people be obnoxious with their praise than obnoxious with their derision.
Oh, go produce your imaginary "Dance of the Vampires" revival, and see an orthodontist while you're at it.
Some people need more lessons than others, I suppose.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/14/08
I guess it's not the first time in history that a 25 year old has behaved like a petulant 6 year old whose parents didn't buy him the pony he wanted.
emlodik--did you read my last post?
I want to stagedoor for MisterMatt's dog - he/she is so cute!
LOL Thanks! Betty is something of a celebrity. She's always being greeted by fans on State Street in Chicago.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/29/12
Chi town! She gets to see Kinky Boots before me, and she needs to have a display in the windows of Marshall Fields, too!
Updated On: 7/18/12 at 04:23 PM
I'm sorry, what's that? Jim Steinman COMMISSIONED you to rewrite a new English language revival of "Dance of the Vampires?" TELL US MORE!!!!!! :)))
"emlodik--did you read my last post?"
Which one?
NEXT TO NORMAL fans were the worst since RENT.
I'm sorry, what's that? Jim Steinman COMMISSIONED you to rewrite a new English language revival of "Dance of the Vampires?" TELL US MORE!!!!!! :)))
I've spoken about the subject at length under my other account, in a thread where you posted. Look it up if you're so inclined to hear it again.
It didn't occur to me until PJ said it, but "self-loather" really is you all over -- the negative gay slurs, the put-downs of other people, the obsession with Nazi paraphernalia in spite of your Jewish heritage.
If I was ever actually angry at you, that feeling is long gone. I can only give you the one thing you don't want: my pity. I feel sorry for you. Small consolation though it is.
At least I didn't claim Lilianna Cavani phoned me and asked me to remake "The Night Porter" for her, you creep.
What claim? I sent you the screenshots of the emails. There's no pleasing some people. :P But I have said too much already. And incidentally, who the hell is she? I'm assuming it's a she at least...
You never sent me anything. Well, maybe in your little schitzo head you did, alas, not in the real world...
As it is, I did send them. To your Yahoo address, I believe it was.
By the way, you do know that you're the one who looks crazy in this thread, right? To quote a lamentable musical by Frank Wildhorn, "...please watch your tone. Dammit, man, can't you see? You're on your own!"
You couldn't make half this sh!t up even if you wanted to. W-T-F!!!
This is strange, even by Broadwayworld standards.
Went through both my emails archives, there's nothing. I guess the people in your head left in the outbox... :-/
"They come here. They all come here. How do they find me?"
-- Max Bialystock
Oh well. I did send them. Although you did threaten to block my address like a frightened little child at one point. Might that be why?
Ah. You can't help but feel pity for the guy though. Must be terrible to hate yourself so much.
Fights between newbies is always so odd.
It's okay, Wynbish, I'll explain in a sentence: once I tried to show the OP that if you can't say something nice, say nothing at all in this thread, he decided to dredge up a bit of semi-personal history between us. He does this often when I happen to appear in the same thread as him. It's not winning him any supporters, is it?
@Jordan: I'm gvendo2005, silly. Read the sig. I'm far from new.