Okay, well this thread has (mostly) gone the way I did not intend for it... Sigh. Partially due to that miserable 19 year old poseur
There is only one person who is responsible for how this thread has gone and that is you.
So what do you expect me to do? Break down crying and thank you for breaking through my inner demons and filling my heart with sunshine, gumdrops, and lollipops?
A simple thank you and a little respect would suffice.
And by that I mean respect for your fellow BWW posters, respect for the older "queens" who came before you, respect for the younger "queens" you think yourself so very, very superior to, and maybe, in the process, you'd develop a little respect for yourself.
And by that I mean respect for your fellow BWW posters, respect for the older "queens" who came before you, respect for the younger "queens" you think yourself so very, very superior to, and maybe, in the process, you'd develop a little respect for yourself.
CLASS I ALERTS BLACKWATCH PLAID: real life drama being played out on the board BURNT SIENNA: a gang-up on one poster CADMIUM: blatant shilling CELADON: all hell has broken loose CHARTREUSE: mild turbulence, with possibility of escalation CRIMSON: open hostility and sniping in progress...clear to all that it's happening, but the back story is known to only a few ELPHIE GREEN: unbridled paranoia FUSCHIA: a poster is having a meltdown, but will be okay by morning JAUNDICE: uncommonly nastiness, even by BWW standards MAGENTA: bitch fight in progress;probability of escalation MOTTLED: unverified report of demise of another poster. NEW PHILOSOPHY BROWN: poster is spinning a tale of high drama, most likely faux... OXBLOOD: homicidal maniac in midst...take cover PUCE: nothing happening; dull SAFFRON: private conversation threadjack UNMELLOW YELLOW: rampant self-deletion VERMILLION: a poster is having a total meltdown that will have residual effects (like leaving the board or at least a prolonged absence)
***Adding any of the Class II factors to any Class I alert increases chance of a meltdown by 20%***
CLASS II ALERTS: Modifiers ANTIQUEWHITE: grammar/spelling stickler on the loose BABYBLUE: the kids are taking over CHAMPAGNE: celebration in progress CHESTNUT: assh*le on the loose CORNFLOWER: sock puppet in midst GOLDENROD: ridiculous attention grab in process MAUVE: unexpected appearance of information that was told to someone in confidence (loose lips) PERIWINKLE: risqu? posting PRESCHOOL PINK: tantrum QUICKSILVER: passive/aggressive posting with a non-sexual double or deeper meaning aimed at making a point to a certain reader or group of readers RAW UMBER: a dead horse is being beaten to death...again SALMON: unbelievable cluelessness STUCCO: someone seems to be posting while plastered THISTLE: someone's very touchy TOMATO: snarkiness
CLASS III ALERTS: Moderator Lunacy AQUAMARINE: PM warning received BLACK: thread or post deleted LILAC: perceived inappropriateness; warning posted NAN: thread locked
"I don't want the pretty lights to come and get me."-Homecoming 2005
"You can't pray away the gay."-Callie Torres on Grey's Anatomy.
Ignored Users: suestorm, N2N Nate., Owen22, master bates