I wasn't sure Dev realized though Ivy did (she saw his photo as well).
In my Quantum Smash, Wesley Taylor plays Marilyn.
I wish they'd give Wesley more to do. Gay Pal isn't very interesting.
Yes, to quote others Dev should just "grow up". He gave up a career opportunity of a lifetime to move to DC and is really paying the price for it now professionally. And he didn't even discuss it with Karen because he supported her choice for theatre and didn't want to jeopardize that in any way, nor make her feel responsible for his decision to turn down that job for her. He has even avoided the issue and hasn't explained to her why his current job has turned so bad -- because he sacrificed for her. How immature and self-centered of him. WTF?
Ivy knows who Dev is. She gave the look. Dev should know who Ivy is, but in his hard done by Dev world, I'm not sure he does. Plus he's been more than nursing a few bourbons...
Oh, I'm sure Dev knows who Ivy is. Even if he is a little fuzzy at the moment...there's no way he wouldn't recognize the name.
I'm irritated with both Dev and Karen. What they currently have is not a mature relationship. Yes, he kept things from her to allegedly be "supportive" of her career, but that's not what adults do. Situations are always going to come up with jobs, personal life, etc., and you've got to be honest with your partner and tell them what's going on so you can work on solutions together. His keeping his job issues from Karen just resulted in his feeling more and more resentful of her while she had no idea that he was dealing with anything serious.
But similarly, I think she should have been more up-front with him about what "tech" actually means (unless she did it off-camera, but given their track record for honesty and real conversations lately, I doubt it.) If he doesn't understand how demanding tech is, of course he's going to feel slighted if she can't spend any time with him.
Oh my gosh, I'm talking like these are real people. I think I need to get a life...
She did. She told him on the phone not to come as she wouldn't have much opportunity to see him.
(I'm more suprised he thought he could 'watch' the tech.)
Oh yes, you're right! OK, then he really is being obtuse. All in all I think Dev is more to blame than Karen right now. Apparently he was OK with her being a struggling actress, but is not handling it so well now that she's getting some success.(Hm, do I see "A Star is Born" parallels? He started out on top, with a promising career, and she was on the bottom - now it looks like things are reversing.)
Uma character nailed it: he's afraid he'll lose her, to a lifestyle he isn't a part of. He also has a worry of her not needing him. (who doesn't like to be needed?)
Does anyone else wish Dev had run into Wesley Taylor at the bar and offered to buy Wesley a drink?
"Does anyone else wish Dev had run into Wesley Taylor at the bar and offered to buy Wesley a drink?"
I just chock that up to my wanting Wesley Taylor in every scene.
I watched tech once. It wasn't exciting
Does anyone else wish Dev had run into Wesley Taylor at the bar and offered to buy Wesley a drink?
Swing Joined: 5/2/12
Since the first episode, I've been waiting to see more of the Bobby character (played by Wesley Taylor). I think they could make more of his friendship with Karen, and he'd be a good love interest for Tom (Christian Borle), as well.
I had never heard of Wesley Taylor before "Smash," but now I am going to look him up and keep an eye on his career. He is one of those actors that somehow just shines, even in a small role. Whenever he is in a scene, it just seems to sparkle more.
More Bobby, please!
KatLady, he was in the original Rock of Ages cast and The Addams Family. He also had a web series called Billy Green.
Broadway Legend Joined: 12/31/69
We're something like 13 episodes into this and suddenly Wesley Taylor is in it? Where has he been all this time? Did they recast a part and not mention it? I think if Bobby is going to be a major character we should have met him before now. Literally, the first time we see him he's out of town with Bombshell initiating sing offs between the leading ladies! This show is CRAZY!
Joe, your kidding right?
Really Joe? I'm fairly sure he's been there since the pilot. (He seems to get a LITTLE more to do each week, but I don't see it becoming anything big.)
He was one of Karen's back-up dancer/singer people when she performed Rumor Has It.
I just adore Leslie Odom Jr. as Sam. I think he and Christian's character make a nice couple, much more so than that lawyer guy. There are so many characters on this show, it's kind of difficult to give any of them more screen time. I could do without dull bartender guy, mayor's office homewrecker, etc.
Swing Joined: 5/2/12
Thanks for the background info on Bobby (Wesley Taylor), Wynbish! I noticed him from the beginning of the series. He didn't have much to do, but his personality and adorable smile grabbed me.
I want Leslie Odom and Christian Borle to do a Fred-and-Ginger number, something like "I Won't Dance," with a long dance break in the middle, ending with the two of them falling on the floor with each other, laughing.
Does anyone else wish Dev had run into Wesley Taylor at the bar and offered to buy Wesley a drink?
That's a good start.
Wesley Taylor did a webseries called "Billy Green":
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/24/09
Pal Joey that's an amazing idea. That might save the show !