Leading Actor Joined: 4/14/12
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
This episode was all over the place for me. We simply need more Hilty/Bombshell and less McPhee/Hit List. Why must every song that McPhee sings be badly autotuned?? The Hang the Moon number was a highlight for me and Rodriquez's number just didn't make sense. WTF was that anyway??
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Well I basically just watched the Bernadette scenes, not gonna lie.
I hate this show so much it hurts but my BP love took over.
She looked ridiculous and couldn't move her face, though. I liked the song and her voice sounded good.
But did anyone else burst out laughing when she said "I won a Tony for Anything Goes!"
RUDE. and amazing.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
I'm loving the Hilty/Bernadette/Bombshell stuff. Those scenes are some of my favorite of the season.
I could really do without Hit List. They need to explain what role The Diva plays. She only had one song? The number definitely felt like Spider-Man. Ana would make a good Arachne.
Drug Dealer plotline...zzz
I know right, they are so pushing the "Jimmy is bad news" storyline. And the fact that he took the drugs in the end is supposed to indicate that he is just totally unstable. I have to say, as an actual young person (don't be fooled by my use of the phrase "young person". I swear I am), I know MANY MANY MANY people who would gladly accept a bag of free recreational drugs were it to be dangled in front of them and they aren't anywhere near "dangerous" or whatever. But to say Smash's writing team is out of touch with reality would be the understatement of the year so..... Jimmy's overdosing in T minus 3 episodes?
I really feel like they are going to kill off Jimmy- maybe on Tony night. When they call out his name for Best Score or Best Actor he'll be in the Marquis bathroom choking on his own vomit.
bjh, It would be funny to see Karen's part reduced in Hit List after she quit Bombshell to do the show.
I do appreciate that Martin's character admitted that the story of Hit List needed work.