Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
Broadway Star Joined: 12/19/06
Understudy Joined: 2/10/13
I am perplexed as to how supporting character Krysta Rodriguez gets a complete number two weeks in a row, and Megan Hilty gets barely anything to sing. Don't really care for Krysta or her character.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/27/05
Although I would love for it to happen, how the heck could they reduce Karen's role? What details they have given us about this incredibly vague storyline imply that she needs to be a pretty big part of it. Unless they change the music-thieving maneater to the Diva instead of Amanda.
I was no fan of the Arachne idea, but at least that made more sense than this. Aghh.
I have to admit, I had one "Oh, yay, this represents ME!" moment last night, when the writers began to worry about the question of "How can you build a one-scene cameo character into a lead role?"
That's EXACTLY what I'm doing in my writing right now. It required rejiggering of the entire script beginning to end.
I wonder if the intent was to make The Diva's character come off as Arachne-esque. I don't know how any of us could watch that number and not think of Arachne, and then having them beef up her part to misguidedly take over the show would be following in Taymor's footsteps.
I just don't think there's enough time left to explore all these ideas. Plus it would assuredly make Hit List into a flop musical, and I think the writers want us to believe it will be a trendy hit.
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
Understudy Joined: 2/10/13
Somebody in authority must have it in for Hilty. I read somewhere that Spielberg wanted to fire her. I think they wanted to make this show a "smash" for McPhee and when she bombed, and was so manifestly outshined by Hilty, they resented it. Hit LIst is transparently designed for McPhee's style, she just wasn't up to the classic style of the Bombshell numbers. And I think they hoped that numbers in the Hit List style would attract a young audience.
The decision to make Hilty a secondary, and sympathetic character seems one of hindsight, when Hilty proved too likable to really play the brilliant but massively flawed character she was designed to be.
The idea of the Ivy character as it was originally conceived- a massively more talented, but incredibly unstable and far-from-dependable performer- would have been a fascinating foil in Season 1. Now, we have that character in Jimmy, freeing Ivy to be the more down-to-earth but less interesting character she has become.
The ratings are out: 0.9
That probably means it's getting renewed.
If anyone seems to have pissed off one of the writers is Jeremy Jordan, what did he do to them to get such an awful, unlikable character? It's just so dumb.
I loved the stuff with BOMBSHELL, as sloppy and poorly done as some of it is, I'm a sucker for it especially if Bernadette is involved. However, I agree with whoever said that the song sucked and that if it was in an actual musical I'd be bored out of my mind, it's just one of those throwaway numbers that you see in plenty of shows a lot of the time.
I couldn't stop thinking about Pink and Arachne when I saw all the diva nonsense. The way Phyllis feels about Sam, I feel about Ana and Jimmy. I pretty much hate everything concerning HIT LIST.
Swing Joined: 10/15/12
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07
HIT LIST is sung through!??!?! When did they ever mention this before? That makes serious no sense since all of the songs sound vastly different from one another. I could never imagine those songs in the same show much less sung straight through together. And how could Julia come in as a dramaturg on HIT LIST if that's the case?
I'm going to echo everyone's comments about The Diva character because none of that makes any sense either. "Let's get Lea Michele to come back to Broadway to since ONE song in the first act." That clearly would never happen. And why was her number fully staged during the benefit while Karen just stood there like an autotuned bump on a log and slept her way through that subpar rendition of "Broadway Here I Come?" Rodriguez was really good during "Reach for Me" and it slightly changed my disdain for her.
Sam is still obviously the worst. No one made you quit the BOM tour for the drunken promise of one song in a show. Did anyone notice Kyle lovingly caress the stage manager(?) during Karen's performance in the theatre?
Can we please talk about how HIT LIST is going to be included during the Tonys when it's still only Off-Broadway? That is going to be some magical time travel sh!t to explain it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 9/16/07