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NBC's SMASH, Season 2 -- Discussion- Page 85

NBC's SMASH, Season 2 -- Discussion

broadway guy
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:00pm

Isn't that a little on the nose? I just sorta find that in bad taste

Jane2 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:01pm

I thought in the promo for next week, I saw a picture of Kyle in a frame, and I heard someone say "For Kyle" that made me think he dies.


showchoirguy Profile Photo
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:02pm

The preview for next episode seemed extremely rushed!

Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:03pm

Wasn't it hinted at one point, though, that....


Jimmy would kiss Kyle before the end of the season?
I thought they stated when they were giving other potential spoilers about a death and other things that there would be another guy/guy kiss that would be out of normal or something like that. Maybe I'm making that up?

Updated On: 4/27/13 at 09:03 PM

dramamama611 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:04pm

Isn't this the first preview we've even gotten in a few episodes?

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:05pm

Found something online that shows him with Tom next week . And that is the first preview in a while.

Updated On: 4/27/13 at 09:05 PM

Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:05pm

Wow...I really thought Kyle was going to find Jimmy dead or the final scene of Jimmy on the ledge of a building singing "Broadway, here I come" right before he jumps.

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:06pm

You saw right, Jane. Kyle is done. I liked his song and performance before he was killed though. It was surprisingly moving.

The rest of this episode though...yikes. It was a dog. I can't wait to read the Shukert recap tomorrow morning. She'll have a heyday with this one!

Hit List looks absolutely horrific. That choreography with the chairs?! Karen's performance in the show was beyond awful too. The producers are right- this would have no chance on Broadway. I liked that they had some "edgy" young audience members bopping along to the songs though. Hit List is so totally cool and hip!

Jimmy the Jerk was insufferable tonight. Too bad he wasn't the one killed off. Killing Kyle is bad because, as others have mentioned, he's the only nice character on the show!

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!
Updated On: 4/27/13 at 09:06 PM

all that jazz Profile Photo
all that jazz
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:10pm

I think this was Karen's worst episode yet.

Something tells me that Eillen may produce Hit List after all.

Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:11pm


Found what the pic bove from a BroadwayWorld article with pics from next week.

Eileen will probably lend Hit List some money to get to Broadway.

Updated On: 4/27/13 at 09:11 PM

OperaBwayLover Profile Photo
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:13pm

Boo. The wrong guy got killed off.

gabrieljwickedone Profile Photo
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:15pm

Ummm...wasn't the picture of Kyle outside the theatre with pictures of the other creative team? That's what I saw...

And Jimmy was saying that he wanted to win the Tony for Kyle. Maybe he felt guilty after Kyle finally cut him off?

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:18pm

Not that imdb can't make a mistake, but they also list this episode as Mientus' last credited episode. If they want to redeem Jimmy at all I understand their thinking that killing Kyle will snap him back to reality, but I don't know if the death will ultimately be worth it. I've already made up my mind to hate Jimmy, and no amount of remorse for Kyle will change that.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:22pm

Whizzer - Shame they are killing Kyle but it sets up the story line of maybe having Jimmy get his act together after the death of his friend and partner. I agree and really like "The Last Goodbye", actually bought it on I-Tunes. IMO - "Hit List" is cool and hip compared to "Bombshell" which is a typical Broadway musical. "Bombshell" is a much better musical but it is not something I would see the twenty something crowd would love. As for Jimmie the Jerk, I don't think he was any more insufferable than usual. If he is not getting his own way, he acts out like a spoiled brat.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:22pm

Holy F*CKballs, this episode might have been the series nadir.

Hit List looks like the most boring piece of crap on the face of the earth. Forget Mimi poisoning the producers' minds, every song sounds the same, every scene looks the same, nothing about it makes a lick of sense.

Tom and Julia's fight had me clawing my skin off. Every fight on this show sounds like it's between teenagers, which maybe is the Gossip Girl legacy, I don't know. But there's absolutely no justification for Tom to act like that with her. It's just. So. Stupid.

Everything is telegraphed from a mile way. As soon as Jimmy mentioned Kyle doing Tom the second time in five minutes, I only knew it was a matter of time before he spilled the beans in front of... I can't remember Kyle's boyfriend's name, but he looks a lot like Adam. I actually thought he was Adam when he walked in the room at the beginning.

I never noticed it before, but Kyle and Jimmy's apartment looks exactly like the backstage of the Hit List theatre. Or do they live in the theatre?

Also, Kyle's song was kind of gross at the end. So he WAS in love with Jimmy? Give me an effing break.

This. Show.

Updated On: 4/27/13 at 09:22 PM

Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:25pm

I see on imdb that Bernadette is due back next week. Maybe we'll get At Your Feet after all.

Phyllis, I totally agree with your last post. Updated On: 4/27/13 at 09:25 PM

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:28pm

Thanks, ham!

It is the picture of the creative team that they show on the preview for next week, but since Kyle's is in the middle and his picture is bigger than both Derek's and Jimmy's, my money is on him being dead.

Updated On: 4/27/13 at 09:28 PM

DottieD'Luscia Profile Photo
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:29pm

Thanks, Phyllis. I felt the same way about Tom in this episode. Last week he was writing Julia off (and beating around the bush about it).

When Smash focuses on Hit List, my interest in it wanes.

Hey Dottie! Did your colleagues enjoy the cake even though your cat decided to sit on it? ~GuyfromGermany

Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:32pm

I guess killing off Kyle is meant to make people think Jonathan Larson.

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:32pm

"Tom and Julia's fight had me clawing my skin off. Every fight on this show sounds like it's between teenagers, which maybe is the Gossip Girl legacy, I don't know. But there's absolutely no justification for Tom to act like that with her. It's just. So. Stupid. "

There is no justification but ever think that somebody like Tom can be petty when he does not get his own way. He was fine telling Julia that he wanted to direct but once it fell through then he cares about the partnership. I am quite sure most show business partnerships have their fights and probably most of them are fairly juvenile.

Phyllis Rogers Stone
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:34pm

I guess killing off Kyle is meant to make people think Jonathan Larson.

Oh, of course it is. The kids camped out on the sidewalk, the off-Broadway buzz, etc. It's totally a ReNt ripoff. I just assumed Jimmy would be the one to die since it's so obvious (and Smash doesn't shy away from obvious) but they kill the saintly gay instead - just like ReNt!

Updated On: 4/27/13 at 09:34 PM

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:34pm

Isn't this the first preview we've even gotten in a few episodes?

Yes and it actually surprised me that NBC bothered - lol.

Fire and Music
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:34pm

I agree that Kyle is dead. Why else would his picture be front and center and bigger than Jimmy and Derek's outside the theater? I honestly got so excited when I thought Karen would be the one to die tonight. I can't stand her.

yankeefan7 Profile Photo
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:36pm

Looked that way with her holding the Playbill of "Hit List" in her hand and looking at the theatre "Bombshell" is playing. Why would she do this and help another show compete against "Bombshell" ?

WhizzerMarvin Profile Photo
Posted: 4/27/13 at 9:40pm

Phyllis, Of course Kyle was really in love with Jimmy!! Why else would a gay guy be friends with a straight guy unless he was secretly in love with him?

yankeefan, I think Jimmy upped his jerk factor much more in this episode than usual. The speech at on the bar was a lowpoint for sure, but just the general drug use, not caring about his show, letting Karen fall, messing up the staging- it was all too much to handle.

I can tell you this: The writers this season thought the audience would LOVE Jimmy. They thought he would be the scrappy underdog we all wanted to watch overcome his demons, succeed and get the girl. They were shocked when he turned into such a hated character by the fans and critics.

Marie: Don't be in such a hurry about that pretty little chippy in Frisco. Tony: Eh, she's a no chip!
