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Official "Beauty & the Beast" Film Adaptation Thread- Page 14

Official "Beauty & the Beast" Film Adaptation Thread

#325Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/27/15 at 4:42pm

" how about Osnes as Babette. :)"

I approve. Emma Watson to star in Condon's

Wow! The casting just keeps getting better and better!

All the while I'm growing more and more curious about the "objects"!

n2nbaby Profile Photo
#326Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/27/15 at 4:54pm

Changed the title of the thread since way more than Emma Watson has been announced and we keep talking about it here. :)

Kad Profile Photo
#327Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/27/15 at 4:57pm

Has there been word yet about how these enchanted objects will be depicted in the film?

"...everyone finally shut up, and the audience could enjoy the beginning of the Anatevka Pogram in peace."

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#328Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/27/15 at 5:19pm

I second Osnes for Babette. Laura better than no Laura :)

And Annaleigh Ashford, Kara Lindsay, and Lena Hall as the Bimbettes?

#329Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/27/15 at 8:45pm

I'm going to get something off my chest. I am very nervous about the casting of Lumiere. We have not heard anything yet and that makes me think that they might be having a hard time casting the part. I really hope they get a very talented actor and singer for the role.

Seeing the man on the right in the 10th photo of this article at an opening night of an Alan Menken musical, and with Menken being there as well, gave me a really horrible thought that the person in the photo might have something to do with the film or that he wants to do it.

If they ruin the casting of Lumiere I'll be a complete mess...

Emma Watson to star in Condon's

Please do not ruin this film, Alan and Bill.

Updated On: 3/27/15 at 08:45 PM

#330Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/27/15 at 8:51pm

I wouldn't be surprised to see Kelsey Grammer's name thrown in the ring for Lumiere.

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#331Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/27/15 at 9:57pm

So far, the cast is perfect and I'm really impressed with how much they're trying. So, I am not worried about Luimere and Cogsworth. Plus, we need Chip, the Bimbettes, Babette, and Monsieur d'Arque. The shootings start in May, so we should get news soon.

Bilbo3 Profile Photo
#332Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/27/15 at 10:13pm

Why would they give this a march release date? Everyone knows February and march are the deadest film months. It's usually when studios release their reject movies. Sad. Disney got away with screwing Into the woods, but don't screw the best animated film ever made.

Countdown til Jordan comes on raging about how much loves me! 3..2..1...

#333Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/27/15 at 10:30pm

^ Bilbo, 'Alice in Wonderland' 'Cinderella', and 'Oz the Great and Powerful' did very well when they were released in March. Non Disney films like 'The Hunger Games' and 'The Divergent Series' have also achieved success during the month of March. Also, even though we have to wait two years for this I think it's a good idea not to release it in 2016. That year is too crowded already. Plus, it will give Disney more time to work on the 3-D and special effects. I also remembered that 'Maleficent' started filming in June 2012 and it was not released till almost exactly two years later.

ucjrdude902 Profile Photo
#334Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/27/15 at 10:37pm

Spring seems to be their go to time-frame.

2014: Maleficent (May)
2015: Cinderella (March)
2016: Jungle Book (May)
2017: BATB (March)

#335Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/27/15 at 11:44pm

^Jungle Book is April 2016 because Alice in Wonderland: Through the Looking Glass is being released in May 2016. Maleficent was originally scheduled for March 2014 then moved to July 2014 then when Pixar delayed The Good Dinosaur, they moved Maleficent to May.

March has been a go to month for big releases for a while, the reason Disney isn't Jungle Book in March 2016 is because they already have Zootopia scheduled for release on the 4th.

westendfanatic Profile Photo
#336Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/28/15 at 9:21am

what about Tom Hiddleston as a possible Lumiere? he proves he has the skills and the chops for the character in the following videos and link and he has done work with Disney before and I think he would be perfect...

video 1 =
video 2 =

tumblr link =

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#337Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/28/15 at 9:32am

^I just thought about that! :)

sueb1863 Profile Photo
#338Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/28/15 at 10:18am

Kelsey Grammer would be all wrong as Lumiere. However, he wouldn't be a bad Cogsworth. I think if they cast him anywhere in this movie, it'd be as Cogsworth.

As for the owner of the asylum - how about Alan Rickman? Or Ian McKellan.

Bilbo3 Profile Photo
#339Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/28/15 at 10:26am

You all are forgetting that we don't even know how they will do the objects yet. It doesn't really matter who really fits the part of Lumiere if all we will here is the actor's voice. My best bet is that they we will here the voices of Emma Thompson and whoever else only and then just have a CGI object with possibly the same facial features as the actors. Just like they did with Alice in Wonderland.

Countdown til Jordan comes on raging about how much loves me! 3..2..1...

#340Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/28/15 at 11:29am

There is absolutely no reason to worry about this film, and to say that a March release date is screwing it up is ridiculous. Like others have said, Cinderella was released in March and it is doing extremely well.

The people behind this film know exactly what they are doing. They know how to make successes out of films; they will make sure they make money. Then, it's up to the creative team to see if it's actually good. The Cinderella creative team provided that aspect, and same with Into the Woods.

Absolutely no need to worry. We have an excellent cast so far, all the way from Belle to Lefou.

Just as long as you enter the film with optimism and not preconceived criticisms, all will be fine. If one enters a film proclaiming it "crap", then that is how he/she will probably feel after seeing it.

Bilbo3 Profile Photo
#341Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/28/15 at 11:33am

Oh God. This is going to be Into the woods 2.0 for you, isn't it? Can you at least wait for a trailer before you devour this thread with your passive aggressiveness on why Beauty and the beast will be 'PERFECT' and 'AMAZING' and have 'no flaws at all'?

Countdown til Jordan comes on raging about how much loves me! 3..2..1...

#342Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/28/15 at 11:35am

I cannot.
This film will be perfect.
I've made up my mind.
My opinion is fact.

The film will be *FLAWLESS*

JP2 Profile Photo
#343Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/28/15 at 11:38am

"Why would they give this a march release date? Everyone knows February and march are the deadest film months. It's usually when studios release their reject movies. Sad. Disney got away with screwing Into the woods, but don't screw the best animated film ever made."

Everyone doesn't "know" that because it couldn't be further from the truth.

You must be thinking of January...

Bilbo3 Profile Photo
#344Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/28/15 at 11:40am

I'm looking forward to you desperately bumping this thread every time a "New social media image" is posted. Oh good times...

Countdown til Jordan comes on raging about how much loves me! 3..2..1...

#345Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/28/15 at 11:46am

Thanks! Glad you look forward to it!

**sarcasm over**

All I want to do is discuss the film...

that's all.

Bilbo3 Profile Photo
#346Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/28/15 at 11:53am

"You must be thinking of January..."

January is when all the studios slip their last minute Oscar films in at the very last second. It's an Oscar strategy. (Zero Dark Thirty, American Sniper, anyone?). It's no secret February and March (and even april) are when studios release the films that aren't quite big enough for the summer and aren't good enough for any real success other than mild profit at the box office.


September - October: Films premier at festivals that are hopeful critic darlings for Oscar awards.

November - Studios release baity Oscar films that have buzz.

December - The usual "Christmas Day" strategy where studios release either Oscar buzz films or big family films that they know will do well over the holidays. BEAUTY should have been released in December. Obviously it wont be ready in time.

January - A split between last minute Oscar contenders and reject films that studios need to release. It's usually the cliché CGI wannabee actions films that aren't good enough to compete with the summer releases.

February - May: Usually bad valentine films/ romantic comedies *cough* 50 shades of grey *cough* *cough* last 5 years *cough* mixed with Disney's desperate attempt to throw their new updated WICKED wannabee stlye live action Disney films with a "twist" in our faces. *Cough* Cinderella *cough* Why do you think all their updated Disney films come out in these months? Cause Disney knows the market is completely dead during these months cause the Oscars just finished. It's a strategy.

May-july: Summer blockbusters pouring out the wazoo.

Countdown til Jordan comes on raging about how much loves me! 3..2..1...
Updated On: 3/28/15 at 11:53 AM

disneybroadwayfan22 Profile Photo
#347Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/28/15 at 2:16pm

Just thought this: Phil Lewis/Mr. Moseby as Cogsworth!

JP2 Profile Photo
#348Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/28/15 at 2:20pm

You literally just admitted January is the dump month, which is what I just said and you're somehow arguing.

You realize Cinderella (March) was a huge hit critically AND financially, right? So was Kingsman (February), The Lego Movie (February), The Winter Soldier (April), the first Hunger Games (March) and a slew of others. You're suggesting that Disney is dumping this film in March when in reality they're placing it in a month that has worked for countless films, including their own.

May-July has been so over packed with blockbusters over the last decade that studios have been wising up and placing bigger films in other months to avoid competition. That's why a film like Guardians of the Galaxy had an August release, and why next year's Batman V. Superman has a March release. Updated On: 3/28/15 at 02:20 PM

Bilbo3 Profile Photo
#349Emma Watson to star in Condon's
Posted: 3/28/15 at 2:27pm

I didn't argue with your point, I just said January is the month for late Oscar arrivals. Chill.

Countdown til Jordan comes on raging about how much loves me! 3..2..1...
Updated On: 3/28/15 at 02:27 PM
