I find it a little odd it's being kept secretive that it's based on the musical but nevertheless, Emma Watson is a great choice for Belle. I can't wait for this.
Updated On: 3/27/15 at 11:08 AM
The link doesn't work. Can Emma sing? I can't see her as Belle at all. I've never found her to be a great actress.
Maybe in one of your other 10 screen names you did like her?
Sorry! I accidentally copied a Facebook link, I fixed it.
"I find it a little odd it's being kept secretive that it's based on the musical..."
Umm, the first sentence of the story says musical, though?!
“Harry Potter” alum Emma Watson has closed a deal to star in Disney’s live-action musical “Beauty and the Beast,” TheWrap has learned.
"Umm, the first sentence of the story says musical, though?!"
And Emma's status mentions what songs she'll sing and that she's taking vocal lessons. What more is there to say?
Haha, it was the most obvious choice. Great choice!
Weird choice for script writer. I've always wanted to see a live action film of my favorite cartoon, just never pictured Emma Watson as belle. Hopefully she will surprise me.
Featured Actor Joined: 4/10/11
I actually love that they're doing a live-action version of the musical (animated and Broadway). The expected route to take would be to make a grittier, more violent version of Beauty and the Beast but it's great that they're going back to a formula that has been proven to work. I can't wait to see how lavish and opulent it will look visually.
The question is whether they'll use prosthetics and make-up for the Beast or utilise CG to some extent. In fact, it's going to be very difficult to credibly pull off the enchanted objects in a live-action context.
Updated On: 1/26/15 at 11:43 AM
Donny Osmond/Hugh Jackman as the Beast or Gaston
I can’t think of a good Lumiere right now
John Cleese as Cogsworth
Julie Andrews or Audra McDonald as Mrs. Potts
Josh Gad as Lefou.
Throw in these people in BEAUTY & THE BEAST and we have ourselves a movie.
Donny Osmond/Hugh Jackman as the Beast or Gaston
I can’t think of a good Lumiere right now
John Cleese as Cogsworth
Julie Andrews or Audra McDonald as Mrs. Potts
Josh Gad as Lefou.
Throw in these people in BEAUTY & THE BEAST and we have ourselves a movie.
While i think Emma Watson is a talented girl, I kind was hoping for someone else. Who I dunno but definately someone else.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/11/07
Can Angela Lansbury be Mrs Potts? Although I guess in human form she's be way too old to have a little boy.
Cameo role for Susan Egan somewhere?
How long till NPH weasels his way into this as Lumiere?
Leading Actor Joined: 3/3/08
I thought Emma was doing the little mermaid movie for them?
John Cleese is retired, I believe. What about Hugh Bonneville, aka Lord Grantham, as Cogsworth instead?
Josh Gad as Lefou would feel too much like reprising his Elder Cunningham. I've always wanted to see Charlie Day as Lefou. As far as Gaston, I think a lot of it will depend on how much older than Belle they want to go. Emma reads very well as a woman in her very late teens or early twenties- she actually looks more youthful than the animated Belle, who looks like a grown woman. Gaston has always come across as an older man than Belle, but how much older they will go remains to be determined.
I have to agree, NPH would be a pretty great Lumiere, and given that the character is a glad-handing, flirtatious and somewhat smarmy crowd-pleaser, his occasional acting difficulties would not be a problem here. I haven't heard Jean Dujardin do much acting in English, as his major peformance is in a silent movie, so I don't know how he would handle a role full of puns and wordplay.
In a cameo role, what about Mark Gatiss as the asylum owner?
I can't imagine them dressing actors up like the enchanted objects (as in the Broadway version). That wouldn't work on film. I'd think they'll be CGI with voice actors?
Oh my gosh, NPH as Lumiere! YESSSSSS! And when did Cleese retired?
Oh my gosh, NPH as Lumiere! YESSSSSS! And when did Cleese retired?
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/25/14
Are they going to use some of the songs that were written for the Broadway musical in this one?
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
Yes' Islander_fan. They are!
I had to come back to BWW and say how thrilled I am about this casting! This made my day!
God please not NAH
Hugh Jackman is too old, it would look odd when he transforms back to the prince
Chris Pine could work as either gaston or beast
jake gyllenhaal as gaston
Updated On: 1/26/15 at 01:37 PM
"I thought Emma was doing the little mermaid movie for them?"
That was just a rumor!
"I'd think they'll be CGI with voice actors?"
They could always use performance capture.
"I can’t think of a good Lumiere right now"
I was thinking Alan Cumming.