he does a solo in Human Again...
LINK = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MetM68Lr9U8
I quite like Jim Broadbent. He would make a good Cogsworth.
Human Again is such a terrible song. No wonder it was cut originally.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
"Human Again is such a terrible song. No wonder it was cut originally."
I diagree that's one of my favorite songs in the Broadway show.
Leading Actor Joined: 9/16/13
""Human Again is such a terrible song. No wonder it was cut originally."
I diagree that's one of my favorite songs in the Broadway show."
Then whole score is great, my only gripe is that it he music doesn't really advance the plot at all like in some other musicals, it still is wonderful but I think it would work well as a straight adaptation too, regardless I am thrilled that it is a musical as its one of my favourites.
i hope they use this photo for the beginning of the film (with a bit of disney magic of course)
LINK = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=__x8CYAVMbk
and the west wing scene when belle first discovers the painting of the prince/beast cos it is a gorgeous one of dan stevens.
LINK = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oa8PR8W7cLI
^Love the orchestration when she is uncovering the rose!
the compositions in the film, are stunning especially the west wing scene. my all time favourite is the transformation scene music. the way the music just swells and then bam! the beast is transformed with that powerful orchestration. alan menken is a musical genius. i hope the music is as powerful as that in this new adaptation. wasn't so powerful in the stage musical.
i know it's brilliant. can he sing though?
"i know it's brilliant. can he sing though?"
Cogsworth sings what, two lines?
"Human Again is such a terrible song. No wonder it was cut originally."
Have to disagree on that one. I love the song. Not only does it give the ensemble something to do in the 2nd act, It's just a very touching moment for the objects of the castle.
These lyrics in particular almost make me shed a tear when I hear them: Sweep up the years of sadness and tears and throw them away...
The song really emphasizes that ALL the objects have goals and want to be human again, not just Ms.Potts, Lumiere and the others. You really are rooting for everyone in the castle by that point.
I really love that number.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/29/12
The casting for this has been so amazing so far! A dream come true!
I think he's too old for the part, but if everyone's saying that he's perfect for the role, I'm on board! Now for Lumiere...
I think he's too old for the part, but if everyone's saying that he's perfect for the role, I'm on board! Now for Lumiere...
Featured Actor Joined: 1/26/08
I think its great casting in the sense they are getting reputable people in this, but he is a tad old. However, I think it will mostly be his voice and actions. So, bring it on Gandolf!
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/28/07
I was expecting someone a little more plump for Cogsworth, but I really cannot complain about this choice at all. I'm hoping we hear the casting for Lumiere soon and I pray they don't mess it up.
"I think he's too old for the part"
That and just completely miscast. But what do I care, I love Ian. So far he's the only reason why I might see this film.
EDIT: Scratch that. I just remembered we probably won't even get to see his face, just hear his voice. Bilbo out y'all.
He'll be a different Cogsworth than the animated original, but it's an inspired choice nonetheless. I wouldn't have considered such an A-list actor for the part, but then again, I was surprised Emma Thompson signed on for Mrs. Potts.
It really is a huge cast, with more to come.
I was also reminded that Bill Condon directed Ian Mckellen in "Gods and Monsters," which won McKellen his first Oscar nomination and moved him up the Hollywood food chain from "respected character actor" to A-list movie star. The rest, as they say, is (Hollywood) history.
If Condon reached out and offered him the role, I'm not surprised McKellen said yes, for old time's sake.
Leading Actor Joined: 9/16/13
Then more I think about it the more Ian makes sense in a type of Alfred butler way.
I agree that he's a lot older than the animated Cogsworth, who seems to be the same age as Lumiere. Plus, I'm not sure Ian's in the best of health - there were some shots of him from the filming of The Hobbit where he looked pretty frail.
And since he hated doing the greenscreen work in The Hobbit so much that he broke down weeping with frustration, how's he going to feel if they decide to motion capture his performance here?
Leading Actor Joined: 9/16/13
I think that he will probably just voice the character they did motion capture artists for the new Ninja Turtles movie and the Harry Potter films and had different people voice over it.
Broadway Star Joined: 7/29/12
May it's just me but...I don't really notice the difference between motion capture/non motion capture animation...?
i know that i said it was brilliant casting, but thinking about it, he does look really old to be playing Cogsworth. I mean, is there an actor out there that is roughly the same age as him that needs to sing a little as well as dance a little (for the Be Our Guest number) to be cast as Lumiere? It makes you think why he has been cast as Cogsworth really, because he has just finished working on "Mr Holmes" WITH Bill Condon who is now gonna direct "Beauty and the Beast" in May.
Seeing Ian cast makes me really think we won't see him or Emm Thompson onscreen. However, if we don't, I wonder why they agreed to be in it. Maybe it's just a money thing. Or Maybe we will see them. It's all speculation at this point.
Speaking of casting....Now I love Emma Thompson, but she doesn't really scream Mrs. Potts for me. She's always so sassy at award shows with a drink in her hand not really giving a **** about anything. Lord I love her. Just don't really see her as Potts.
It seems that they aren't really trying to do the cartoon and maybe that's a good thing because Thompson and Ian aren't anything like the cartoon counterparts. So maybe this is going in a completely different direction. Or maybe the casting directors should just be fired. I guess we'll find out.
In any case, this is just one film in a long line of future desperate live adaptions. We have Little mermaid, Mulan, Winnie the Pooh and Pinocchio next. What joy...
It seems that they aren't really trying to do the cartoon and maybe that's a good thing because Thompson and Ian aren't anything like the cartoon counterparts.
It's called acting.