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Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!

Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#0Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 3:24pm

Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!

Out actor, the handsome and talented Nicholas Rodriguez, who understudied Val Kilmer in The Ten Commandments while playing the role of Aaron, opens on Tuesday in R&H's Cinderella at the North Shore Theatre in Beverly, MA. Those of us who suffered through Kilmer's performance of Moses while Rodriguez burned up the stage as Aaron envied the lucky ones who got to see Nicholas take over the starring role late in the run. Now, the lucky ones are those who live close enough to catch him as the Prince in Cinderella. (Unfortunately L.A. based Eslgr8 is not one of them.) Nicholas recently starred in The Last Five Years, in Raleigh, NC (wish I'd seen that one!), and in Nefertiti, in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Three cheers for yet another leading man with the guts to come out, and best wishes for a successful run in Cinderella. Hope some of you on the East Coast can review this show for us!

Openly Gay Actor to Star in Cinderella Updated On: 7/11/05 at 03:24 PM

cturtle Profile Photo
#1re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 3:34pm

he's ... well ... he's CHARMING! re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!

RIP glebby <3

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#2re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 3:49pm

Cinderella is one lucky girl!!!

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#3re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 4:06pm

the poster irks me. looks like something for the Disney version... are they going to use the recent tour script or the original? if anyone sees the show I'd be interested in seeing a song list.

re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!

#4re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 4:11pm

re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!

Gee, I'd never guess why you'd get that idea, CATS...

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#5re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 4:12pm

I see that Sara Schmidt (Cinderella) was recently on Broadway in Brooklyn, understudying the title role. Wonder if anyone saw her go on for Eden. Cinderella is far from my favorite R&H show, but this production sounds like it would be worth seeing, if only for the two stars.

cturtle Profile Photo
#6re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 4:13pm

oh, that poster! gag! well, now we know who their intended audience is ...

RIP glebby <3

#7re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 4:14pm

i generally don't like north shore's shows... though their midsummer night's dream was fantastic.

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#8re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 4:17pm

Cinderella will always be a "family show," so I can't see them marketing it to a sophisticated adult audience. But I know that some adults will definitely enjoy seeing Nicholas as Prince Charming. Wonder if he'll have a shirtless moment like Paolo Montalban in the Brandy TV version.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#9re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 4:19pm

I liked the tour poster better...

re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!

#10re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 4:20pm

north shore markets everything to a family audience. and most audiences are subscription members who are families.

CATSNYrevival Profile Photo
#11re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 4:23pm

Paolo had an "almost" shirtless moment in the tour. he took off his coat thing during a reprise of "The Sweetest Sounds" but he was wearing an undershirt... re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!

Flight0017 Profile Photo
#12re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 4:34pm

Methinks he should cut his hair!

Also, in the third picture he looks a little bit like me. Except for the long hair re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!

"Curse you, Lady Glyde!"

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#13re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 5:36pm

I also think he'd look better with shorter hair. It's a bit too "heavy metal 70s" for my taste. But I can put up with it. :) As for Paolo, it was possible to freeze frame the DVD in that scene when he was changing clothes quickly, and there was no undershirt then.
Updated On: 7/11/05 at 05:36 PM

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#14re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 6:53pm

thats not Aida...thats the musical "nefertiti" that was trying to make it to broadway and i knew it wouldnt make it when i saw it....a waste of $32 for me!!! it was sooooooooo bad. good for him if he got a better gig.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

muscle23ftl Profile Photo
#15re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 6:54pm

thats not Aida...thats the musical "nefertiti" that was trying to make it to broadway and i knew it wouldnt make it when i saw it....a waste of $32 for me!!! it was sooooooooo bad. good for him if he got a better gig.

"People have their opinions and that doesn't mean that their opinions are wrong or right. I just take it with a grain of salt because opinions are like as*holes, everyone has one". -Felicia Finley-

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#16re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 7:13pm

You're absolutely right.
You're absolutely right.

BreakingTheCircle07 Profile Photo
#17re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 7:18pm

Hehehehe, Eslgr8.

Variations on a Theme blog:

La Vie Boheme
#18re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 8:13pm

I love Northshore Music Theatre. Obviosly they are gonna aim CInderella more towards famalies because its Cinderella!

Dirty Rotten Scoundrals Program: $10 Dirty Rotten Scoundrals Window Poster: $15 Winning the lottery with your friend: Priceless (+ $25) I<3NY

WiCkEDrOcKS Profile Photo
#19re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 8:15pm

A bit off topic, but wasnt R&H's Cinderella supposed to open on Bway a few years back? Im guessing it never did. Any details?

wicked4life51 Profile Photo
#20re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/9/05 at 11:37pm

nefertitti nice is playing,or was down in florida (i didnt wanna see it ,but if i knew that A HUNK LIKE THATR WAS IN IT i wouldve gona and seen it right away

"what? what is it? do i have something in my teeth? ok lets get this over with : no im not seasick,yes ive always been green, and no i didnt chew grass as a child "

midtowngym Profile Photo
#21re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/10/05 at 1:47am

I saw NYCOpera's Cinderella last year with another gay heartthrob-Chris Sieber. AND it also starred Lypsinka and Lea Delaria. Fairy Tale indeed!

'The Devil be hitting me!'--Whitney Houston
Updated On: 7/10/05 at 01:47 AM

musicgal04 Profile Photo
#22re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/10/05 at 1:57am

He was my assistant choir director in 7th grade. And his grandmother was my first music teacher and the person who encouraged me to go into theatre when I was a kid. He is amazing.

zoran912 Profile Photo
#23re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/10/05 at 3:47am

Midtowngym - You can't forget Ana Gasteyer! ...Sarah Uriarte Berry!

eslgr8 Profile Photo
#24re: Openly gay heartthrob Nicholas Rodriguez to star in Cinderella!
Posted: 7/10/05 at 4:34am

It's a small world, isn't it, musicgal! I would love to see Nicholas Rodriguez in a starring role. As I said in the first posting, hearing his gorgeous powerful voice in The Ten Commandments and also just looking at him on stage, I couldn't help thinking, why don't they just sack Kilmer and get this guy to play Moses all the time? A friend of mine was lucky enough to see NR play the lead near the end of the run and she said he was tremendous!
