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"Perfect for US": The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!- Page 39

"Perfect for US": The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!

Liverpool Profile Photo
#950re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/1/09 at 4:13am

hmm interesting.

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#951re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/1/09 at 5:14pm

Heo is correct--- $26.50 for standing room--believe I heard
8-10 available, but could have been 10-12

#952re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/1/09 at 6:28pm

^Oh, I was just guessing.

CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#953re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/2/09 at 9:09am

Yesterday I went to the box office and asked the man how much partial view seats are. He said they are more than rush price, and they are 70 bucks. I was going to fight back and say that people told me they were 40, but I didn't.

What is going on?

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

jordangirl Profile Photo
#954re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/2/09 at 4:30pm

I never heard of a price of $40 for partial view seats. And considering you would really only miss PART of one song, it would be kind of silly for them to offer them that low.

If you don't want to rush or wait to see if they're sold out and you can get standing room, plan ahead and get the last row of the mezz. Perfect view and (I believe) less than $40.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#955re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/4/09 at 10:56am

After running from Penn station to get to the Booth, I got there around 7:00. I was 7th in line. The girl in front of me said I would get tickets, just maybe box seats. I was so happy though. Two people in front of me were counting how many people were there around 9:40, and there were about 41 people lined up. My friend and I sat in left box, seats 3 and 4. The show was amazing, and so worth getting up at 4:45 for. I am planning to go again maybe next week.

N2N was ROBBED of the Tony for Best Musical. In my opinion, Next to Normal and Hair are the best new shows or the best shows currently running on Broadway.

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

adamgreer Profile Photo
#956re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/13/09 at 1:44pm

I saw yesterday's matinee (we won't get into how many times this has been for me), which coincidentally was also their 100th Broadway performance. Here's to hundreds more!

Anyway, I just wanted to say, even though its been said repeatedly (both by myself and others), that Bobby Spencer is every bit Alice's equal these days. While Alice has gotten much of the praise (all of it deserved), Spencer has been sort of an unsung hero, delivering a remarkable performance without a lot of hoopla. He was absolutely incredible yesterday, particularly in the reprise of I Am The One (I think he and Kyle have finally gotten comfortable with that scene). Also absolutely exquisite work in the music box scene. The way he delivers the line, "Diana, there's NOTHING there!" is gut-wrenching. In that moment, both in his voice and face, you see years and years of sadness and pain coming out.

Not to take anything anyway from Alice (or the entire cast), but I wish Spencer would get a little more credit for what he does.

MichaelUK92 Profile Photo
#957re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/13/09 at 1:57pm

new to this thread.
Am seeing Next to Normal next week (after months of waiting, and listening to OCR)

Does anyone know when the cast's planned absences are? Or if its likley I won't see a cast member on saturday evening performance?

Thanks so much!

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#958re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/13/09 at 2:05pm

Really no new infor since the last time you asked. Just enjoy.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

g4rat Profile Photo
#959re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/13/09 at 3:02pm

Saw show for the first time at yesterday's matinee(rush tickets, front row, wow!)and the show/Alice Ripley was ****ing amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's very apparent how much she throws herself into the role; when Diana cried Alice cried, there was nothing fake or disingenuous about her performance. Waiting there from 6:30 in the moring was completely worth it just to witness her performance.

The show it's self is so fresh and so different(specifically the music).The cast as a whole was phenomenal. is Jennifer Damiano really just 17. She'll have a long career ahead of her.
By the end of the show I don't think there was a dry eye in the theatre. I heard so much sniffling haha.

Sorry if my post is a bit sporatic, I just had share my enthusiasm for this masterpiece.

PS: I also saw Billy Elliot(with Kiril as Billy) last weekend and thought it was just as spectacular as NTN, I really wish they both could have shared the Tony, but BE has had that award every since it opened in London. Plus, the shows are both so differnt it's really hard to compare.

#960re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/14/09 at 3:51pm

I was thinking about going to see Next to Normal,after reading very good reviews about it, but am slightly worried that it might be too distressing as my mum had bipolar disorder. Has anyone who has gone had first hand experience of bipolar disorder, and how did the show affect you? What are people's thoughts?

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#961re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/14/09 at 4:38pm

Most to your mom about does she feel? I don't live with the condition, but have students that are close to me that do....I always thought it made it more special because of them.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

Elphaba3 Profile Photo
#962re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/14/09 at 5:35pm

adamgreer, I COMPLETELY agree with you about Bobby Spencer. His performance is brilliance personified. The subtlety and layers he brings to the role are astonishing, and I wish he'd gotten more recognition.

#963re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/14/09 at 10:06pm

I was walking on 8th Ave last evening and saw Jenn Damiano sitting in the frozen yogurt place next to Kodama Sushi. She was staring out the window giving the same facial expression that's on 45th street side door of the Booth.

Getting into character, I imagine.

#964re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/15/09 at 12:32am

Is that yogurt place on 45th? I've seen her there before, with Adam Chanler-Berat. Must be a favorite!

adamgreer Profile Photo
#965re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/15/09 at 12:41am

Assuming you're both talking about Red Mango, than yes. Much of the cast can be seen in there before shows, or between shows on a two-show day. One of them mentioned it in a recent twitter (I forget who).

#966re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/15/09 at 12:47am

Do you guys think that there will be a new discount before August 6th or should I go a head and get tickets? (Is there a discount out that doesn't expire on July 26th that I'm missing?)

scott68 Profile Photo
#967re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/15/09 at 12:52am

Adamgreer, I can't agree more. Alice Ripley gives a HELL of a performance, and one that well deserved the Tony, but Bobby Spencer is really the emotional center of the piece, and delivers amazingly in the less showy role.

"Why, I make more money than... than... than Calvin Coolidge! PUT TOGETHER!"
~Lina Lamont

My name wasn't, isn't, and will never be Scott.

CSonBroadway Profile Photo
#968re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/15/09 at 1:00am

I've seen lots of Broadway performers walking in and out of Pinkberry on 42nd and 9th. (A lot of HAIR tribe members can be seen there)

I'm a professional. Whenever something goes wrong on stage, I know how to handle it so no one ever remembers. I flash my %#$&. "Jayne just sat there while Gina flailed around the stage like an idiot."

dramamama611 Profile Photo
#969re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/15/09 at 1:24am

^ It depends on how picky you are about your seats, frankly. The show is doing very well....but not necessarily selling out in advance. There are seats available, but poking around at telecharge, the side orchestra was popping up for all but ONE set of tickets...and many of them extreme sides.

Some folks here have begun to say the discount is ONLY applying to the side orchestra and mezz. It' really a matter of choice and a waiting game. While I have no idea whether or not they'll post a new code, you are cutting it pretty close. USUALLY a new code is only released when the current one is close to ending.

If we're not having fun, then why are we doing it? These are DISCUSSION boards, not mutual admiration boards. Discussion only occurs when we are willing to hear what others are thinking, regardless of whether it is alignment to our own thoughts.

raggballad2 Profile Photo
#970re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/15/09 at 12:27pm

Hey guys, I was wondering if anyone knew how rush was lately, and if they think it'll settle down a bit by mid-August. I know it was asked before, but I was wondering if things have changed in the past month.

I'll be in the city the week of Aug 16th, and am not sure whether I should try to rush or just buy the $46 Mezz Row H seats now for security...thoughts? Thanks!

jordangirl Profile Photo
#971re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/15/09 at 1:27pm

From what I've been able to figure out, there is not really any pattern, rhyme or reason to rush and how busy it is on any given day. What is insanely busy one week may be relatively slow on another. And what is relatively slow one week may be insanely busy the next week. Predicting as far out as August is impossible as it's hard enough to predict from day to day when is too early and when is just right.

If you definitely want to see the show and not risk rush since you don't like being up before the sun rises, get the rear mezz seats.

Experience live theater. Experience paintings. Experience books. Live, look and listen like artists! ~ imaginethis

GatorNY Profile Photo
#972re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/15/09 at 1:54pm

I tried rushing on Monday of this there at about 7:50 am and was too late to get the rush tix....I ended up getting a seat in the rear orchestra at the tkts booth....which was considered "obstructed" since the overhang prevents you from being able to see to 3rd level of the set. I would have much preferred to see the show from the rear mezz than the rear orch.

"The price of love is loss, but still we pay; We love anyway."
Updated On: 7/15/09 at 01:54 PM

Testing1232 Profile Photo
#973re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/15/09 at 5:16pm

Sat in rear Mezz H2 last night, and the view was perfect !!

Cast was on FIRE !!! They were amazing last night !

raggballad2 Profile Photo
#974re: 'Perfect for US': The NEXT TO NORMAL love thread!
Posted: 7/15/09 at 9:57pm

Thanks for the replies!

Quick question Testing1232, from that row, do you honestly still get the intimacy/ power from the stage? I know there's nothing like sitting front row, but I've seen shows from the last row of some theatres, and have felt like I was a mile away and had no idea what they were doing on stage...

Again, thanks for your help. I'm very excited to see N2N finally!
