Christian Borle was fabulous in every sense of the word. It was fantastic to see him excel in this role after being a tad disappointed with him in Angels in America.
I wish this show all future success, but I also agree that it is VERY much an off-Bway show in the same way BBAJ was. It stands to lose a lot of edge in a larger space.
I'd love it to extend in some way though. If given the chance, I'd absolutely see it again.
The scene where the actors portrayed the ship's hallway shifting so rapidly in and out of the various events inside each door was one of the best things I've seen onstage this year. I think my mouth was also hanging open the whole mermaid lagoon scene.
I would love to see this at the Union Square Theatre. Nothing's been able to stick there since Slava's Snowshow, and I think it would do quite well in that space.
That being said, a transfer to a small Broadway house seems more likely. The story theatre aspect would be enhanced by Circle in the Square and the Golden doesn't have anything coming after The Normal Heart.
The show would be much better off at a commercial off-Broadway space, like New World, than at even a small Broadway house.
It would lose something even if it played the Booth, the smallest Broadway theater.
I think it would feel right at home in the Booth or the John Golden--but I also think it could work in one of the 1,000-1,100 seat theaters like the Atkinson or the Barrymore or the Jacobs or Schoenfelds.
But they just announced an extension at NYTW, so everyone still has a chance to see it on East 4th Street before it loses any of the intimacy we are all loving.
LOVED it last night. Buy your tickets for the extension now!
It would lose something even if it played the Booth, the smallest Broadway theater.
I assume you mean the smallest commercial Broadway theatre, and I also assume that you are counting the Hayes as non-commercial since 2ST is supposedly taking over next year.
I abso lute ly adored this show! It was funny and touching and witty and clever (esp in the staging!!!) This bitter cynical old woman even teared up at the end. ( "you know what you are? You're a romantic!") I can't see this not transfering, it was enjoyed by both the adults and the children in the audience. My ONLY cavet ( and it is a real one) is that while there are musical episodes, (3 i think) are they enough for it to be considered a musical? esp for Disney?
Regardless, I believe that this will be the next Puttnam.
And we saw it grow!
PS Christian Borle was PURFECTION as Stache!
I saw this yesterday (thanks, PJ!) and was completely captivated. It's one of the most imaginative, joyous, and touching things I've ever seen. The staging is brilliant, the performers top-notch, and the script so chock-a-block full that I didn't want to breathe for fear of missing a joke.
Loved it.
Broadway Star Joined: 4/16/07
Is Christian Borle still part of the show? I'm seeing it on the 15th and was really looking forward to catching him
Yes he is, and he is brilliant. The whole show is just fantastically clever and enjoyable.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/17/06
Wow, I saw it last night and was really impressed as well. Cast and staging were perfection; congrats to them all and I, too, am wondering if this will have a life past NYTW. If my kids were still young, I'd much rather take them to this than Mary Poppins; hey, for that matter, I did take my 23-year old daughter and we both liked it.
Hard to remember when EVERYONE on this board unanimously raved about a show...amazing!
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/04
I can't wait to see this!
Reg, so glad you loved it.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/04
I get it. I finally get what everyone's been talking about. I had very high expectations for this, and then tonight's performance exceeded them all. I hope I never forget this magical evening. Best thing I've seen in New York.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/28/09
^That would be GREAT. But for fall, I'm assuming?
It's obviously too late for this season.
I have NO idea if a transfer is something that's even on the table, but if it were to happen, it would need a small house, and other than the Hayes, this is the smallest.
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/28/09
Right, obviously not this season, but you seemed to have info about it and I thought you might've meant summer. Not that many shows open during the summer. Sorry, forgive my lack of thought capability at the moment!
Broadway Legend Joined: 3/28/09
I really hope it does figure out a way to transfer, since I never got a chance to see it. And the Booth is a real gem of a theatre that would be perfect for this show and a number of other ones as well. It's one of my very favorite theatres on Broadway.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/04
I'm still stuck on how amazing this show is.
Broadway Star Joined: 2/21/11
saw it this afternoon what can i say but simply fantastic. considering ive seen almost 40 shows this season it was above and beyond one of the best shows ive seen, funny, imaginative, innovative and emotional, may it continue to have a long life where ever it ends up going :)
This was the 74th piece of theatre I have seen this season and has made it into the top 5:
5) THE SCOTTSBORO BOYS tied with NEXT TO NORMAL (replacement cast)
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/14/04
I really hope this show isn't swept under the rug. I think that's my biggest fear. This glorious, blissful piece of art just forgotten about and people missing out on such a magical experience. I've often wondered how to make theatre more accessible to a mainstream audience, and I believe this is a show that can do that. And not only that, it breaks down the need for million dollar sets/costumes/gimmicks. Peter and the Starcatcher went back to basics. Reminding us that the imagination is a powerful tool, one of any age should never outgrow. I've been seeing shows in NYC since 2001. And I've seen many wonderful productions. But nothing has ever touched my heart the way this did.
As an actor, it's so easy to get caught up in the business part of what we do. It's also so easy for creative geniuses to forget why they are here in the first place. And this show just serves as a reminder as to why we cling to the magic. Why our imaginations should always be allowed to express themselves. This production deserves a life beyond it's NYTW run, whatever it may be. The ensemble cast, brought so much magic to the stage that at one point I actually thought "how sad for them that they don't get to experience this as an audience member". I know it sounds crazy, and I'm sure their experience as a performer on this piece was priceless and immeasurable. But I wish each of them could experience what I did. Because really, it brought me such immense joy. And if you missed this production, I'm so sorry for you. This vibrancy does not come around very often. But oh, imagine if it could....
On a "business" note I kinda think that this was one of the reasons Roger Rees took the role in Addam's Family, in order to stick around and keep working on this AND get it out on in a larger forum. ( did ya see my self description as bitter and cynical?)
I have to believe this has another and bigger life to come. There is TOO much potential ( and potential $$$ and we all know the House of Mouse LUVVVS cheese!)