Featured Actor Joined: 9/13/08
Peter and the Starcatchers has started performances at NYTW.
Any thoughts? Anyone seen it yet?
Stand-by Joined: 10/8/10
I saw it last Friday! It was Phenomenal! The staging is brilliant, and the acting is top notch! The show itself is great and is told in a strange but great way! It had a few songs as well!
I saw it on Saturday and absolutely loved it. The set and props are all utilized wonderfully, and the way that the show is presented is inventive and dynamic. I thought the script was strong, and the show itself is incredibly funny. The three leads are fantastic, as well as the supporting cast - especially Carson Elrod. He really stood out from the rest. I'm hoping to go back again!
Count me as a member of the fan club. Its really charming, surpriingly hip and funny, cleverly staged evening. Children's Theatre for adults (in a very good way).
I'm seeing this next Thursday evening, and am so looking forward to it!
Your posts have made me even more excited about it.
Being the inquisitive fellow I am, is there a Playbill for this? Haven't sen any artwork for it...
Stand-by Joined: 10/8/10
Just got back from the show. Absolute BRILLIANCE. I thought the whole thing was fantastic. Could some stuff be cut? Probably. Did it matter? Not at all. The direction is absolutely brilliant. Never have I seen a single piece of rope used so well.
GOD, I want to see this so bad. I LOVE the books!! Can't wait to see pictures!
I got to see this when it was in La Jolla. I loved it. I'm so glad they're continuing with it and it's doing so well.
If you want to see something refreshing, inventive and brilliantly acted, see it. I absolutely loved it. The cast was extraordinary. It was the best thing I've seen in a really long time!
It's my new favorite play. Seamlessly directed, and every character was completely engaging. I hope it doesn't get the millions of early raves, transfers, then closes in 3 months like BBAJ.
Isn't Disney theatricals behind this in some way since it's (I thought) a Disney property? If they are, hopefully that will mean something of a longer life for it.
Seeing it next Sunday though. I'll post my own thoughts then- totally stoked!
They are, in some way. Because, they own the book and everything...I'm curious to see what they do with it after this run. Is it a limited run?
Stand-by Joined: 10/8/10
Yes it is a limited run. But I'm curious to see what they do with it. It works really well in a small theater like NYTW I don't know if it would work as well in a bigger one.
I agree with you, orangesaretuesdays, it's the kind of show that needs to be intimate. There is a lot of little things going on in the background,and I think just the way the set/props are used it's nice to be up close.
I'm going to see it again after opening, and I'm thrilled!
Do we know if the show will go to Broadway?
At this point it's a limited run off-broadway.
Broadway Legend Joined: 6/5/09
Inventively staged and designed, very well acted, clever word play. Unfortunately, it's also fairly dull, the first act very much so. I also felt that it lacked the charm inherent in the Barrie piece. But the ending was touching.
I think it's worth seeing for the staging and acting.
Updated On: 2/28/11 at 11:53 AM
I saw this yesterday. Really, really enjoyed it! Brilliantly directed- the entire cast is so involved in every aspect of the production and has to be on their toes every minute. Talented cast, charming story, and very funny and touching.
Swing Joined: 12/29/10
Does anyone know if there are any discounts/what the cheapest ticket possible is?
Doesn't the NYTW do $20 in person and cash only tickets to Sunday shows? I'd think that would be the cheapest way.
Swing Joined: 12/29/10
Yes I did look into this and saw that. It's a limited number of tickets. Anyone know how hard they are to get? How early should one show up to get them?
I also see something that members can buy non-member guest tickets. Hint hint to any members out there. : O
Stand-by Joined: 10/8/10