Yep. I figured last week in another thread that Kaufman would most likely join the tour. There was that article saying Kyle will be with the tour through Washington, D.C. (January 4).
Hmmm, the dates just happen to line up so perfectly, don't they?
I'm sure we'll all see the "Don't miss 2 stars of NBC's 'THE VOICE'" marketing scheme soon.
Thank God I got to see the tour before that Kaufman joins it!!
Updated On: 11/4/14 at 12:25 AM
Ugh, if that is true, I would be missing KDM by one stop and would be seeing Kaufman's first. Really hope this isn't true!
Swing Joined: 11/21/13
However, Rochester's still promoting their stop (after DC) as starring Kyle Dean Massey. And Josh Kaufman is releasing his first single in early 2015, so it's possible he wouldn't be able to tour due to record label obligations.
Funny how people were 'dissing' KDM as too old and now want to see him. thought he was a perfect Pippin and wish he was finishing the NY run??
^^^^^ What he said!
I second acted last night at the Pantages. It was KDM first night. He is definitely too old.. but he was wonderful. And he sounded amazing. However it was a middle of the week dead audience. The theater was half empty.
Featured Actor Joined: 8/2/05
That's odd, because last Thursday night, the theater was packed. I wonder why. I did notice that Goldstar has discounted orchestra tickets for sale
Not sure why. The entire rear of the orchestra and mezzanine were empty . And the fact that Goldstar just released heavily discounted seats for the last weekend is a indication that this did not sell very well. Opening week a lot of the house was papered on week nights. I know because my tickets were free.
Look, Book of Mormon couldn't sell out the Pantages. It's a gigantic, gigantic house.
@ theatregeek6 - Easy, people would rather have him play the role than Josh. Kyle is a better Pippin acting and vocal wise then Josh (From what i have listened to of his performance). Not to mention looks. It's not odd for people to choose the better of two choices, or desire better casting.
@ChairinMain.. BOM broke Pantages house records in both runs. But no one was talking about selling out the Pantages. Just that it was half empty.
For Pippin, you can be older and hot. But you can't be BOTH older and not hot. That is just a bridge too far.
Besides KDM is 32. Just under the wire, I'd say.
Leading Actor Joined: 6/23/14
"Look, Book of Mormon couldn't sell out the Pantages. It's a gigantic, gigantic house."
2700. Plenty of road houses seat that many people and sell out all the time.
I found the following review of the Pippin tour in the comment section of Goldstar. It is no surprise after last nights elections. Our country is really heading backwards and the right wingers and religious freaks are out of control. I think this has something to do with its lack of sales. BTW; I love the show and the tour. Just to make it clear that this is not my review.
""I found the new "updated" version of this wonderful classic musical offensive. Being very familiar with the score, I went to the show hoping to hear these old favorites performed well and, instead, was bombarded with Cirque Du Soleil antics and everything altered to be highly eroticized. Even in the granny number where Pippin's grandmother sings "Time to Start Living", one of my favorite songs in the entire Broadway musical canon, she rips off her granny long dress and shawl to reveal a skimpy outfit and then is captured by a trapeze where she simulates sex acts with a "lover" 1/3 her age...making her a "cougar", I guess. The female Ben Vareen narrator character is a shrill, radicalized "bad ass from the hood". Not charming. No thank you. I left at intermission in an attempt to salvage the remainder of my evening. Maybe this is what producers need nowadays to get butts in seats but mine will not be attending much longer if this is the ongoing trend.""
"When you are as old as Josh Kaufman, lovebwy...
And I hope that you never are..."
Haha! Trust me, I've BEEN as old as Josh Kaufman.
But not as old as Berthe.
DAME - You mentioned that there was a lot of papering at the performance you attended. How does papering work in LA? Are there formal systems like in NY or do you just know the right people?
Seeing KDM on Friday.. third and final time seeing the show. It makes me sad that it's closing on Broadway & that it might be the very last time that I will get to see it LIVE and not clips on the web. Was blessed to see MJT, Andrea Martin, & John Rubenstein. I don't know why but when I go and see a show I sometimes like to see how the audience is reacting. This final time, I am going to block everyone out and act like the performance is being performed specifically for me. Love this show! So glad I got to see Pippins who are attractive... sorry, I had too.
Jose - you can catch it in OC later this year and in San Diego next year, too.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
Dame, I'm not sure what you saw last night (and what gives you the right to sneak into a show without a ticket?), but I was sitting in the last row of the orchestra, and all the seats in front of me were full.
What gives me the right? Second acting has been going on since at least the 60's. That is what gives me the right. It is not like I haven't paid for it a few times already. So get off your high and mighty horse. I actually sat on the extreme right side in the back of the orchestra. My row and at least 8 rows in front of me were empty. Second acting is hard to do in that theater because they ask for a ticket to get back in and only have two doors open. But you will be amazed how far a smile and a little honesty gets you. What gives me the right.. F*CK YOU! Thais what gives the right.
Broadway Legend Joined: 2/25/05
I kinda figured that "tradition" would be what gives you the right. Oh yes, other people have been literally taking money from performing artists for decades, so I can do it too!
You're an awful human being.
Horse; Equity constantly has comps on their hotline. On occasion there will be tickets in the SAG lobby. Mine for opening night were thru Outfest.