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RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?- Page 2

RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#25re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/27/04 at 10:17pm

I've re-hashed my points far too much on this board. I'll give it a simple neah. I love the show way too much, and I know I'm stubborn, but I hate change. I don't think Columbus is the right person to be handling this, and as much as I want to put my faith and trust in the OBC, there's only so much say the cast of a film can have. I want it to turn out well, but becuase I have such attachments to the show, I'm planning on not being happy. It's unfortunate, but that's the way I feel. *sigh* re: RENT  Movie -- Yeah or Neah?

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#26re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/27/04 at 10:21pm

Emcee- absolutely hilarious icon.

In a certain sense, I understand how you might not want to go and see the movie because you don't want it to be ruined. But, in a certain sense, Columbus and the all-star cast may pull through, and it may be a "home away from home" in a certain sense. I don't think anyone should have a set in stone opinion about the movie before it comes out, and, I guess in pretty much exactly a year, we'll all know the answer.

pab Profile Photo
#27re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/27/04 at 10:27pm

Everyone has to just understand that film is a different medium. It will never be what you fell in love with on the stage.

There have been some good transfers but there have been some disasters like "A Chorus Line" and "The Wiz". Some plays have fared better like "Amadeus" but there have been some disasters there as well.

It's like people who read a book and then that book is made into a movie. Nine times out of ten they will say "if was okay bit the book was much better".

"Smart! And into all those exotic mystiques -- The Kama Sutra and Chinese techniques. I hear she knows more than seventy-five. Call me tomorrow if you're still alive!"

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#28re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/27/04 at 10:28pm

haha, thank you. Some of us were having a little fun one night, while we were missing Adam. re: RENT  Movie -- Yeah or Neah?

I think I've come to terms with the fact that if I wasn't simply all about supporting Adam and the rest of that cast, I probably wouldn't bother with the movie. I wouldn't feel any obligation, nor any motivation to sit through it. I feel like it has a lot of potential to work if it must, but I've always felt like it should be something that should just be left alone. CC has good intentions at heart, but he frightens me. Both times I've gone to Phantom, I sit there watching the trailers thinking "oh God. One year." Funny thing is, even though Phantom was different from the show, I think it turned out beautifully; I really loved it.... but a lot of hardcore fans of the show seem not to. I think I was able to let my guard down and love it because I have no particular attachment to the show. RENT has a VERY special place in my heart, and holds a lot of various bits of emotional attachment for me. I think that's why I'm worried; I want this movie to turn out just right... even though I'm not sure what "just right" is. Some days I think that's not at all, and some days I think it can be done. *shrug* We'll certainly see.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

Staci1818 Profile Photo
#29re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/27/04 at 10:43pm

Thats what I'm most worried about. I hate the Harry Potter for no reason but personal bias. I love the books, but I didn't like seeing them on screen. A Series of Unfortunate Events was similar, but I will admit to liking it. The movie was funny.

The point is, I know it can't be the original, but I always expect things to be as good. I won't nitpick like I do with books gone movies. I won't complain if they dont have an 'illegal wood burining stove'

Bottom line: I won;t like it as much as the show. I still hope its good, and that I fall in love with it.

#30re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/28/04 at 1:42am

Chris Columbus = Neah!!!

"I've got to get me out of here This place is full of dirty old men And the navigators and their mappy maps And moldy heads and pissing on sugar cubes While you stare at your books."

bronxboundexpress Profile Photo
#31re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/28/04 at 1:49am

Anyone who thinks the movie should be identical to the stage show is retarded.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#32re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/28/04 at 1:54am

I think it's too premature for people to say they'll hate it as a conclusive statement without even seeing the movie. I'll say the same for those who have already said that it will definitely be their favorite movie of 2005 (and yes, in one of the recent threads, someone did say that). We know what's been cut. We know what's been changed. We know who's been cast. But as Anthony and Evelyn and others (including myself) have always said - the film is going to continue to change once filming commences, and we won't know the final product until it hits the big screen. (Don't rely on Anthony to give us every little detail - he can't, he shouldn't and he won't.)

I hate people who say "we have no control over this movie so why bother stressing over it". I've always said this is a public forum and people can say what they want and discuss and bitch to their hearts' desires. But at the same time I'll also implore of everyone who's dismissed this film before the entire cast has even gotten together for rehearsals - PLEASE keep an open mind until it's released. To accept that you're going to love it or going to hate it before you've even seen the finished product is uninformed and unfair to the people putting this movie together.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#33re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/28/04 at 2:40am

alix (nodaybuttoday4) should be more positive about the movie.

theyll do the best they can, and from what anthony (rapp) says, i know everyone involved is putting all their hearts into it, as much as they put into the original production.

it wont be the same, but im rooting for them.

and half of what you mentioned are purely rumors.

Type_A_Tiff Profile Photo
#34re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/28/04 at 2:43am

Why are you "laVY" instead of "laVIE"? Not a diss - just curious.

"It's not always about you!!!" (But if you think I'm referring to you anyway, then I probably am.)

"Good luck returning my ass!" - Wilhemina Slater

"This is my breakfast, lunch and f***ing dinner right here. I'm not even f***in' joking." - Colin Farrell

#35re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/28/04 at 2:44am

just gonna jump in:

YEAH - why not? It isn't my money making this movie - if it sux - i'll wait for it to be on HBO

#36re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/28/04 at 2:54am

Alix ?!?!? I'm confused.

TheatreRatinBlue Profile Photo
#37re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/28/04 at 3:00am

i'm physced but i'm going to have to wait until things have been finalized a bit more. I do know that i'll probily like the stage version a hell of a lot better though. But i'm hard up for good Movie Musicals so....there you have it.

#38re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/28/04 at 3:00am

oh wait oops sorry wrong person, youre not alix...sorry lol.

EvelynNesbit1906 Profile Photo
#39re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/28/04 at 3:03am

"It isn't my money making this movie - if it sux - i'll wait for it to be on HBO"

Don't count on this. Even some of the more popular films end up on STARZ (a channel I didn't have even during a very brief period when I had 500 channels).

#40re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/28/04 at 3:05am

but i don't like Starz - it always scrambles - stupid AIR FORCE

zippyjen Profile Photo
#41re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/28/04 at 5:36pm

I am reserving my judgement for when i see the film. At first i was excited than mad. But i don't want to judge before i can see. THe changes could be amazing or horribale. You never know. I am happy about the obc being cast though.

"At the opening night party, they had clowns on stilts, jugglers, a chocolate fountain, popcorn, hot dogs. [My son] looked at me like I had been holding back. Like, 'This is what you do?' I had to tell him, 'No, no, darling. Opening nights don't usually look like this.' It's usually a dark bar with a bottle of vodka." ?Chitty Chitty Bang Bang's Jan Maxwell plus i proudly share the title of the shortest member over the age of 10 with wickedrentq!

jeremykushnier1fan Profile Photo
#42re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/30/04 at 5:44pm

YEAH!!COME ON PEOPLE!!WHY NOT!!...THEY DID IT FOR THE SOUND OF MUSIC, JOESPH...DREAMCOAT, once it comes out i'll be the first to buy it!! so sad they're taking out 'christmas bells' and 'contact'...chrismas bells is a classic...i loved for contact well why not keep it in if they're going rate it 'R'...and are they really taking out some the voice mails...those are SO FUNNY! well what ever they do i'm still buying that damn MOVIE!!GO RENT FANS GO!!I'M JUST SO HAPPY ADAM PASCALS GOING TO BE IN IT ...AS WELL AS ANTHONY RAPP!!YAH!!

-as long as they keep in 'la vie boheme' i'll be good!

#43re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/30/04 at 5:56pm

i definitely will be seeing it, but it keeps getting more and more messed up. i realize SOME changes must be made, and columbus isn't the right person, but there are positives. shall i repost my rant from the screenplay thread? i believe i will. i'm quite proud of it.

let me put this simply for anyone who wants to say something about this or ask another question about this again:


stage and screen are completely different mediums, and a new script had to be written. as total rentheads we want it to be as close to the stage version as possible since that's what we fell in love with and are still in love with, but we must realize that columbus and his team are working on that. however, they are also interested in making money and having the movie be accessible to all audiences. to make money off the movie everyone has to understand it. this means there must be some dialogue to explain what regular non-rentheads wouldn't understand.

larson's script also merely wouldn't work on the screen. there are many, many liberties that are taken on the stage due to poetic license. you can't just have people run off the side of the screen like they're running off stage. and you can't have angel just appear on screen like he appears on stage after he died. there are many things that just can't be done, because people believe a lot less of screen due to the technology that we have.


1. the OBC (or as much as possible) are reprising their roles. COME ON PEOPLE! THE OBC! no matter how utterly horrendous the script is, the original characters are reading it. and they knew jonathan, so i'm sure they won't allow columbus to stray TOO far from larson's original ideas. (especially anthony, who has worked with columbus before in adventures in babysitting)

2. none of the major storyline was changed, meaning that everyone that was supposed to die, dies and everyone that was supposed to live, lives. imagine how pissed off we would be if mimi died, simply because this is not what larson wanted.

3. no MAJOR songs were cut. it's true that Christmas Bells, Contact, and Halloween were cut, and i'm pushing for these songs to be put back in as much as the next person, but again, THINK OF THE POSITIVE! la vie boheme wasn't cut! out tonight wasn't cut! take me or leave me wasn't cut!

4. just as the stage version of rent reached thousands, maybe millions of people, the screen version will reach even more. now everyone that can afford a movie ticket, not a broadway or tour ticket can see rent. larson's legacy will be spread even farther! and even more important, AIDS awareness will be spread father.

if you read this far, THANK YOU! the past 10 minutes of my life weren't wasted! i'll give you a biscuit!

~ rebecca

DISCUSS. re: RENT  Movie -- Yeah or Neah?

#44re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/30/04 at 5:59pm

I LOVED the musical, but the movie won't be that great. I will still definitely see it, though. I love Taye and Idina and Jesse and Anthony and Adam, so it should be good still. Is Wilson going to do it?

We can't all come and go by bubble...

#45re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/30/04 at 6:04pm

Rebecca- all very true. I agree with all the things you said.

Okay, I'm done with that now. Yeah, you're right, though. I love the fact that movie tickets are, like, less than $10 each.

We can't all come and go by bubble...

WhereAmIGoingTo Profile Photo
#46re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/30/04 at 6:48pm

I have absolutely no idea.

At first I was COMPLETELY AND TOTALLY AGAINST the movie. Now, I'm warming to it, being quite optomistic. At times, I think it'll be good, other times I think its going to be awful. We'll see, I guess.

I'm reluctant about Columbus, but I'm dying to see Idina and Anthony (even if only on screen). I have NO IDEA what I think about the changes. They might work. They might not. I think what they took out is understandable (Contact could not be done with clothes on), and I'm glad it'll still be rated R. I'll definately go see it. I don't know if I'll like it at all. I go through severe mood swings about this movie, lol. But, I won't condemn it before I see it, and I can't say I'll like it before I see it either. At this point, its not a "Yay! Finally, one of my favorite musicals on screen!", nor is it a "Nay! I KNOW it will be butchered!" ...its more of a "Meh. If it sucks, I will hunt Columbus down. re: RENT  Movie -- Yeah or Neah?"

BTW, I TOTALLY understand where you're coming from Emcee. If Les Miserables were ever made into a movie, I don't I would be able to watch it (though, honestly, I also could not stay away... I'd have to see whether they killed it or not, I'd have too... *pulls out hair* *loses sleep*).

But now we have come almost to the end. One last step. And then, when I take power, they will be pulled down and ground into dirt for what they did to you. And what they did in so contemptuously underestimating me.

#47re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/30/04 at 8:22pm

i was 10 in 1996 when RENT came out, so i am extremely excited to FINALLY seeing the OBC. at the end of everything, i just remind myself that i will FINALLY be seeing anthony, adam, idina, taye, wilson, jesse (and rosario and tracie... DON'T get me started) portraying the beloved characters that made them famous.

i think what we're all truly upset about is the fact that chris columbus is directing this movie. the majority of this project (with the exception of certain song cuts and certain casting) has been done correctly, except for hiring him. columbus is known for his happy, totally family friendly, G/PG movies. (has columbus EVER even made a PG-13 or R movie? i should imdb him...) so WHY is he directing RENT? its the exact opposite than EVERYTHING he's ever done.

columbus has made many (it seems empty) promises in interviews. he assures us that RENT will be rated R, and that he totally understands the essense of RENT, but call me biased, i think this is all b.s.

but, who knows? columbus could surprise us. he is a talented director with many great (conservative) movies under his belt. i'm not making any assumptions until I see the movie. (or an updated copy of the script... we need another leak re: RENT  Movie -- Yeah or Neah? )

uncageg Profile Photo
#48re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/30/04 at 9:33pm

I will approach this movie with an open mind. I admit that I am not happy that Chris Columbus is directing. And that's because of his style. But as BEKA531 said, he may surprise us. I hope he does. I have always hoped that when the show was finally filmed, it would be directed by Spike Lee, I think his style would work great with the material, OR by a really good newcomer. But let's thank God that they didn't do what some of us feared and put the like's of Brittney, Christina, Justin or any of these boy-band or pop princesses in the movie. If nothing else, the voices in this movie are going to rock!

Just give the world Love.

#49re: RENT Movie -- Yeah or Neah?
Posted: 12/30/04 at 9:58pm

THAT'S what i was going to say, but in my last post, as i was typing, i forgot.

i WISH they had gotten spike lee or someone with the likes of him... he would have been PERFECT.
