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RENT Movie Site updates

#0RENT Movie Site updates
Posted: 7/9/05 at 4:33pm

A week or so ago "Links" was added which links to the Rent Broadway site as well as Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS -- which I thought was a really, really great thing to do. It also grounds this production in the theatre world linking to a charity intimately identified with Broadway.

Now they've added "Web Ring": "Check out these Rent-related websites created by Rent fans like you. Do you have a site that you think is worthy? Click "ADD MY SITE" below to find out how to get a Rent Web Ring Player for your site!" You can view by things like Music, Theatre, Cast Members, Rent Sites, etc. So, link away, people!

I continue to be amazed at how this website is really geared toward current fans. These kinds of updates seem entirely unnecessary...yet very cool :)

Imagine the newbies who get introduced to RENT for the first time in a movie theatre -- they'll be so thrilled to find all this great info in one place as well as blogs from the actors!

#1re: RENT Movie Site updates
Posted: 7/9/05 at 4:54pm

does the trailer give u chills everytime u watch it or is it just me???

life_so_far Profile Photo
#2re: RENT Movie Site updates
Posted: 7/9/05 at 6:01pm

I am addicted to the trailer... it makes me so happy.

Mujhse Dosti Karoge?

One Song Glory
#3re: RENT Movie Site updates
Posted: 7/9/05 at 6:10pm

I can't stop watching it.

I'm not a gay stereotype. I'm a coincidence.

MLE Profile Photo
#4re: RENT Movie Site updates
Posted: 7/9/05 at 8:42pm

I LOVE the trailer! It's great on just on a computer but seeing it on a movie theater screen definitely gave me chills! I can't wait for the movie! I've never actually seen the show, but I've been a fan of the OBCR for quite some time (I'm listening to La Vie Boheme as I type this)! The movie is such an awesome opportunity to see so much of the OBC, especially for those of us who weren't lucky enough to catch it live!

life_so_far Profile Photo
#5re: RENT Movie Site updates
Posted: 7/9/05 at 11:01pm

I wish I had seen the trailer on the big screen... but I still have time, so thats good. Ive heard that it was in front of The Perfect Man and one other movie (I can't think what it was right now).

Mujhse Dosti Karoge?

kangaroo Profile Photo
#6re: RENT Movie Site updates
Posted: 7/9/05 at 11:04pm

Go watch Betwitched if you want to see the RENT movie trailer on the big screen... Cheno is in it too, if that's a plus for you. I watch the trailer a couple of times a day, and I still can't believe that RENT is officially a movie! I am so excited that I will be able to see RENT with so many OBC done the right way.

NIL MAGNUM NISI BONUM "No greatness without goodness."

RENThead, enLIGHist, Ozalot, Grobanite, Ringer, Pickwick LW, Wicked, Lost, American Dreams, West Wing
Lea S. Hugh J. Adam P. Idina M. Matt M. Taye D.

LightMyCandle Profile Photo
#7re: RENT Movie Site updates
Posted: 7/9/05 at 11:19pm

"Go watch Betwitched if you
want to see the RENT movie
trailer on the big screen... "

EEEEEEE! I squealed very loudly when I saw that last night. And Cheno was adorable in that movie. She was just so... perky. Love her.

i'm a tough act to follow because when i'm done i take the microphone with me.

#9re: RENT Movie Site updates
Posted: 7/9/05 at 11:22pm

The role suited her so well... and I thought she was the greatest part of the movie. Of course, I may be a little biased but I went to see Bewitched in the first place because of Cheno, otherwise I wouldn't have seen it. I loved the RENT preview, I was so exhiliarted & excited before the movie even started, but not for the movie but for RENT. I'm glad I didnt' get a notice on that because I too squealed in delight once the preview started.

almostxfamous Profile Photo
#10re: RENT Movie Site updates
Posted: 7/9/05 at 11:23pm

The RENT trailer OWNS me. That is all.

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#11re: RENT Movie Site updates
Posted: 7/9/05 at 11:51pm

I think they need to make a kind of rehab for the people like us who are addicted to the RENT trailer. :-P It's probably one of the very rare things that I could watch countless times without getting the least bit tired of it.

And yeah I love how they've got so much stuff for the fans already. Whenever I see a trailer for a new movie that I want to see, I'm usually disappointed to find very little info about said movie and the website often only has the trailer and maybe some cast bios until around a month before the release of the film. So I think its great that they are providing fans both new and veteran with so much info, so far in advance of the actual movie release.

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs

WickedOne2 Profile Photo
#12re: RENT Movie Site updates
Posted: 7/10/05 at 12:01am

I saw the RENT trailer on the internet, but nothing beats seeing it on the big screen. When we were watching the previews for Bewitched I had a sneaking suspicion we would see the RENT trailer. I cannot wait.....

"I wish the stage were as narrow as the wire of a tightrope dancer, so that no incompetent would dare step upon it." Goethe

vjRichie Profile Photo
#13RENT trailer now on also
Posted: 7/10/05 at 12:01am


"I've had two years to grow claws, Mother, and they're Jungle Red!" Mary Haines - The Women
Updated On: 7/10/05 at 12:01 AM

#14RENT trailer now on also
Posted: 7/10/05 at 12:06am

man, I saw bewitched a few weeks ago and the never showed the RENT trailer to my disappointment. I was hoping they might. I REALLY wanna see the trailer on the big screen....hhmm, maybe I should see bewitched again, I mean it was pretty funny! The trailer rocks my socks off!

"Life has been your art. You have set yourself to music. Your days are your sonnets." -Oscar Wilde

TheActr97J Profile Photo
#15RENT trailer now on also
Posted: 7/10/05 at 12:57am

cudramacat: Before spending the money to see a movie again just for the trailer, call the theater and ask. This is what I did and they told me all the movies it was showing in front of and which prints. This way I knew I was guaranteed to see it.

"I seem to have wandered into the BRAIN load-out thread... "

"Sorry I am a Theatre major not a English Major"

Dreamcatcher Profile Photo
#16RENT trailer now on also
Posted: 7/10/05 at 2:01am

I saw Bewitched on Tuesday and yes, seeing it on the big screen is just unbeatable. After spending all that time watching it on a small laptop screen where Quicktime kept having to reload it halfway through and listening through headphones does not even begin to compare to being surrounded by the music and seeing it in such large scale. My friend and I both cheered madly when we heard the opening chords. We got some weird looks from the people around us and they didn't really seem to get it but we clapped loudly and cheered anyways.

I wanted to get something that an "ex"-junkie like him would really appreciate and's a brick of heroin shaped like a heart. -Scrubs
