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RENT movie

Matt_G Profile Photo
#75re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 4:07pm

Oh no, Sean Martin. You and I don't know each other well enough for you to be telling me to move on or for you to call me friend. I will not continue a discussion about this with you.
Go ahead and discuss Kerry. The man has the possibility to effect every person in America's daily lives. Chris Columbus' RENT film will effect a handful of people for about 2 1/2 hours.
I personally could care less how you feel about anything.

Enjoy posting here. And since we're making unfounded predictions, I predict that I don't see you making too many friends here with an attacking attitude like yours. Now, I wasn't attacking anyone with anything I said. You were.

I'm going to go watch HOME ALONE 2.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

sean martin
#76re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 4:09pm

An appropriate choice. :)

"That duck was a sexual toy, and it was on display!" -- an unknown Nashville town leader

#77re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 4:12pm

wow ... kids - look, I love that everyone is responding to this post, but maybe we're taking things to a ridiculous extreme. I admit I think Spike Lee would be a better choice for director, b/c he is a bit more urban - and I do think he could handle it even if it's not "black" enough for him as someone so sweetly stated. I also think Christopher Columbus is pretty G-rated, but who knows, I've enjoyed all of his films thus far, so maybe he'll do an amazing job. I think most likely the problem with the movie will be with casting and auidence. I mean Chicago is a lot more mainstream and was probably a better choice for attracting audiences. Not that those of us in the theatre world aren't in love with Rent, but quite frankly most of my folks back in the midwest either haven't heard of it, don't know what its about, or would be offended by the content. Sure, its pathetic, but its true!

However, why are we even talking about upcoming presidential elections? Next time I have a question about poilitics or how people think Kerry will or will not do in office I'll post that. No one cares about your political views - its a BROADWAY board for chrisakes! Come on guys.

Matt_G Profile Photo
#78re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 4:12pm

Yes, it is. I love Catherine O Hara. She's hilarious.

"Noah, someday we'll talk again. But there's things we'll never say. That sorrow deep inside you. It inside me, too. And it never go away. You be okay. You'll learn how to lose things..."

#79re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 4:16pm

I hope they put KatherineO'Hara in Rent! I mean have you seen Waiting for Guffman? That girl can sing! re: RENT movie

sean martin
#80re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 4:26pm

>> I do think he could handle it even if it's not "black" enough for him as someone so sweetly stated

It's okay to use my name, dont worry. :)

Look, folks, all I'm saying is: look at the work. Lee's films approach characters in a certain way, and Columbus's films approach situations in a certain way. Those are givens, sorry.

But the larger point here is, if I may: this is just my opinion, and I happen to think it's a reasonably informed one, just as other folks here have their deeply felt and informed opinions about Broadway stars whom I only vaguely recognize. If you dont agree, that's fine, but let's make it slightly more informed than "well, poo on you!"

We're not all going to agree on everything, but to respond to a critique with "Do me a favor, Sean Martin. Look into that crystal ball and tell me what the lotto numbers will be Wednesday night" is pretty much saying Matt hasn't a clue how to respond and chooses instead to be disrespectful because it's cute. And if indeed that is the way these boards work, then perhaps he's right and my time here will be a short one.

But whatever, folks. I still think Columbus is a lousy choice.

And I could be wrong.

What a concept, eh?

"That duck was a sexual toy, and it was on display!" -- an unknown Nashville town leader
Updated On: 7/5/04 at 04:26 PM

#81re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 4:29pm

In the future I will use your name Sean Martin (oh hey look I did it just now! i can do it!) I just didn't really feeling like scrolling up to see who had made the comment ... anyway I hope the movie does work. And if Spike Lee is too black, then Chris Columbus is too white, thats for sure! If only I could direct it .....

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#82re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 4:32pm

I think the film is going to be fantastic--Columbus should be just terrific. Let's all calm down now and just wait for the film to actually be seen BEFORE critiquing it.

And sean martin--welcome to the board, but attacking people in the first two days doesn't usually go very well. Bake us some cookies, and we will forgive you. re: RENT movie

sean martin
#83re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 4:35pm

>> attacking people in the first two days doesn't usually go very well

Perhaps so, but I'm not one to blandly stand aside when someone I dont know pulls a cheap shot, sorry.

Now... would you prefer chocolate chip or peanut butter?

"That duck was a sexual toy, and it was on display!" -- an unknown Nashville town leader

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#84re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 4:36pm

Chocolate chip, but make sure they are kosher for Matt G. re: RENT movie

sean martin
#85re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 4:39pm

Can do. :)

"That duck was a sexual toy, and it was on display!" -- an unknown Nashville town leader

#86re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 7:19pm

"But what he succeeded in doing was making a film that earned 11 Academy Award nominations"

uh, is it worth noting that The Color Purple went into the history books because it didn't win one single Oscar out of its 11 noms? Just thought I'd fan the flames a bit...

#87re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 7:28pm

I have one thing I'd like to point out. Everyone says that Colubus was "chosen". If you read the articles, you'll see that he wasn't plucked out of a hat to do this film, he WANTED to do it, went to the studio and got them to back him up. He had to have something in mind in order to get Miramax to buy the rights. This guy has a strong desire to make Rent a great film, and that counts for something. I am not sure that he has the ability to do Rent, but he has the drive. All we can do is cross our fingers, really. Maybe I'm being overoptimistic, but optimism's all I've got, and I'm willing to give Columbus a chance.

By the way, sean martin, why don't you put chocolate chips in the peanut butter cookies and have the best of both worlds? re: RENT movie

BroadwayDiva Profile Photo
#88re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 7:31pm

I'm going to be optimistic about this, because, even though I don't think RENT should be made in to a movie, I think it might have potential to be good. Not great, not spectacular, not the next Chicago, but just maybe good.

And I loved Mrs.Doubtfire, so I'm hoping that RENT's going to be better!

I have my books and my poetry to protect me...

sean martin
#89re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 7:46pm

>> If you read the articles, you'll see that he wasn't plucked out of a hat to do this film, he WANTED to do it, went to the studio and got them to back him up

And Diana Ross WANTED to play Dorothy in THE WIZ, and a studio thought she'd make a good one. Just pointing that out. re: RENT movie

"That duck was a sexual toy, and it was on display!" -- an unknown Nashville town leader

#90re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 7:47pm

ha ha ha haha. PERFECT example

jrb_actor Profile Photo
#91re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 7:49pm

Rentaholic--as if that belittles The Color Purple's success. Spielberg won the DGA. The film won many other awards. And, how many people go around quoting Out of Africa? continue

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#92re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 8:47pm

I think the only person to still look the same as they did when they were in RENT is Anthony Rapp. Adam Pascal still looks the same too. Anyway, I don't care if they have members in the original cast in the movie, all I know is that if they ruin RENT, I will find them and shove nails down their throat and watch them bleed. What........what was I talking about?

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#93re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 8:48pm

pascal is still looks hideous, yes

spiderdj82 Profile Photo
#94re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 8:49pm

hehehe. Did you see him with the long hair in SCHOOL OF ROCK. *shutters* That was not a good look for him at all.

"They're eating her and then they're going to eat me. OH MY GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!!!!" -Troll 2

#95re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 8:52pm

no look is good for him

BlueWizard Profile Photo
#96re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 9:32pm

I can't believe this thread has gone on so long without me posting in it. So here's what I have to share.

Columbus: awful, awful, awful choice. Everyone's pretty much said what I wanted to say about that. I hate every single one of his movies (except maybe Mrs. Doubtfire, but only because it was saved by Robin Williams). There's the kid-factor that everyone has pointed out, but there's also the BLANDNESS of his movies. He seems to lack any imagination whatsoever. How did he turn something delightful like the Harry Potter books and make them so mediocre, ABC-television-movie quality? I want to give him a chance, but there's nothing on his resume that is in the least bit interesting.

To make a film of Rent without a fresh, unconventional director is bad news, and kinda walking over Jonathan Larson's grave. It's like getting Benny to direct the movie.

My choice of director, besides any young, unknown filmmaker waiting for a big break, is Darren Aronofsky. He directed "Requiem For A Dream" and "Pi." He has a really provocative style - fast cuts and closeups that have since been copied by other directors - and his films are intense, energetic and gripping. I think he has the perfect style for material like Rent.

BlueWizard's blog: The Rambling Corner HEDWIG: "The road is my home. In reflecting upon the people whom I have come upon in my travels, I cannot help but think of the people who have come upon me."

#97re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 9:44pm

Amen BlueWizard. It is like having Benny direct.

I think Daphne looks old, but Adam doesn't. B'wayguy2, I don't want to start a flame war, but my two cents is that I think he could to do it. Idina and Taye still fit, IMHO, too.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#98re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 9:58pm

I've said what I think of this whole RENT movie thing too many times, so for the sake of my frustration, I'm going to skip it this time.

BUT, Adam doesn't look *old,* but he does look older than he did in RENT, and at this point, too old to pull off Roger. I'm trying to restrain myself from commenting on what bg2 says. To each his own.

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#99re: RENT movie
Posted: 7/5/04 at 10:05pm

Roger is in his early-mid 20s. Adam couldn't pass for that on film.
