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RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!

RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!

#1RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/18/09 at 10:58pm

Back in September when the thread about college versions of RENT was posted, one of us mentioned that they were sure there would eventually be a video of the Umich production on youtube. Well today my dreams came true! I have seen RENT an upward of 10 times (yes, I was a teenager in the 90's, don't hate) and this is by far the most impressive version of this song I've heard. Those kids blow me away. And whoever that young man is has a huge future in front of him.

LiTtLeDaNcEr729 Profile Photo
#2re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/18/09 at 11:00pm

That is a friend of mine- he never ceases to amaze me. He is just as kind as he is talented. I can't watch this video without getting goosebumps!
Updated On: 1/19/09 at 11:00 PM

#2re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 2:29am

He is amazing

#3re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 2:37am

Dang--I was expecting it to be good, but not great--but wow--I had goosebumps throughout that entire video. Incredible voice!

"If it walks like a Parks, if it wobbles like a Parks, then it's definitely fat and nobody loves it." --MA

CateBroadway Profile Photo
#4re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 8:52am

"Dang--I was expecting it to be good, but not great--but wow--I had goosebumps throughout that entire video."

Same. I know Umich has fierce kids, but I was not expecting THAT from any college student. Wish I could have seen it. I'm kind of embarrassed to admit that since it was posted here, I've maybe watched it five times. A stunning voice.

EponineAmneris Profile Photo
#5re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 9:20am

Better than most "pro" Collins' I've heard.

He is amazing.

I hope the right people hear him at the right time.


TheCharleston Profile Photo
#6re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 10:13am

this isn't from the actual production.

it's a selection FROM their production.

I highly doubt you'll see any vids from RENT... Brent Wagner and the theatre department have done a great job at stopping bootleg material of their mainstages.

There was a whole big fuss about it in 2006.

but regardless - Kent Overshown is amazing and has been amazing since I can remember. I've always been a huge fan. Check out his other work (he does the best "Big Black Man" rendition). He'll be hittin the Broadway stage soon enough

#7re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 11:09am

I amazing enamazingjoyed watchamazinging thamazingt.

Twitter @NamoInExile Instagram none

jessica0414 Profile Photo
#8re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 11:50am

Wow! Can I just say that I agree with whoever tagged that video as "fierce," becuase that was fierce. I hope he has a long career ahead of him!

"You don't just stop posting horse s*** on the web!"-The [Title of Show] Show

newyorkwords Profile Photo
#9re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 2:06pm

WOW. I thought it would be comparable to the Broadway Collins'. Not better! Holy crap.

broadwayfan7 Profile Photo
#10re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 2:15pm

Absolutely amazing video!

"Everytime you step on that stage it is somebody's first Broadway show and somebody's last Broadway show. Make it count."

#11re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 3:02pm

"I highly doubt you'll see any vids from RENT... Brent Wagner and the theatre department have done a great job at stopping bootleg material of their mainstages.

There was a whole big fuss about it in 2006."

I remember that. IT was the father of one of the female students who recorded and posted all kinds of videos on youtube! How embarrassing for her when it caused such a problem.

je veux te voir2 Profile Photo
je veux te voir2
#12re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 4:09pm

fantastic! UM rolls out the best talent! I have so many friends that are MT majors and have been MT majors there and LOVE it.

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#13re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 4:11pm

Erin - I believe we're talking about two different instances.

I was referring to the time when Andrew Keenan-Bolger (Urintown account on YouTube) began posting videos of the UMich mainstages without permission.

Brent Wagner was all up in arms about it and called a big department meeting. He made a list of threats to the entire class and etc, etc.

Ever since then, Brent's productions have been scarce on YouTube and Andrew Keenan-Bolger must get permission to post anything on his account from UMich.

Back to the topic at hand though... Kent Overshown is absolutely brilliant. I also enjoy his renditions of "Arlington Hill" from PASSING STRANGE and "Muddy Water" from BIG RIVER.

Check those babies out!

theaterdude87 Profile Photo
#14re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 7:03pm

Isn't that father's daughter on the Legally Blonde tour now?

for fierce, fabulous and fun times visit eric mathew's world.

#15re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 7:39pm

I actually don't live very far from Ann Arbor and got a chance to see the actual production. It was an incredible experience. The entire cast was excellent, but the Collins really stood out. I'm so glad there is a video of this!
Updated On: 1/19/09 at 07:39 PM

TheCharleston Profile Photo
#16re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 9:43pm

"Isn't that father's daughter on the Legally Blonde tour now?"

Yes. Cortney Wolfson.

uncageg Profile Photo
#17re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 10:30pm

Nice! And the girl who sings with him at the end can wail!

Just give the world Love.

#18re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/19/09 at 11:01pm

Holy CRAP. Get him on Broadway, now!

Jimmy, what are you doing here in the middle of the night? It's almost 9 PM!

#19re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 7:22am

So good. Even better seeing the show live. It was amazing.

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#20re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 10:46am

I can't stand the people that come from U of Michigan. They think they're God's gift and most of them aren't anything to write home about.

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"

je veux te voir2 Profile Photo
je veux te voir2
#21re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 10:50am

"I can't stand the people that come from U of Michigan. They think they're God's gift and most of them aren't anything to write home about."

people that say that are usually the ones who didn't get IN to UM...

#22re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 11:03am

I have to say that the rock concert version (an option for additional videos after this one played) is better than the static concert choir version.

I admit he does have a good voice, but he goes flat a lot and strains to do some of the higher riffs. Good but not "amazing." IMHO

mywonderwa11 Profile Photo
#23re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 5:41pm

I didn't audition for U of Michigan. No thanks.

"Somethin's comin', I don't know what it is but it is gonna be great!"

#24re: RENT video from U of Michigan. Amazing!
Posted: 1/20/09 at 10:18pm

"I can't stand the people that come from U of Michigan. They think they're God's gift and most of them aren't anything to write home about."

Just curious, but who specifically have you met from Michigan who you can't stand and think they're God's gift? Or is that just what you've guessed they're like from watching their youtube videos? It's hard to read tone on message boards and I'm not trying to attack you, I actually just want to know because all the one's I've met have been perfectly sweet and are all so surprised and grateful to learn they've acquired such a fanbase.
