dramamama611 said: "NO, you only fixated on the "attacks" on them- or took any comment that wasn't praise AS an attack. ."
And everything following this weak denial is more attacks. You can identify a troll crew by the fact that they can't find a single thing that isn't negative. Even the good reviews are bad because they are expected.
I'll honor my wager and leave the trolls to their <<edited by BWW staff>> debating under the bridge.
This show was a major financial flop and a totally misguided venture. It played to about 1/3 capacity at an average price of $34- the weekend leading into Christmas, aka the best possible time for a show like this! This thing was bleeding money before it even opened, and anyone who's even taken a passing glance at Broadway and popular culture lately could have called it.
Sharing positive tweets and cherry-picked pull lines collated by the press team can't paper over that fact. And going on about some as-of-yet unsubstantiated 3-year contract (as if that even makes sense) doesn't nullify it, but is a very convenient way to move the goalposts.
This thread and show need to get buried.
If people came here they would get a lot of negative opinions which really don't reflect the real world.
Most people who come here know what this place is already. You've been here 10 years, yet somehow still feel the need to differentiate the "real world" from BWW. The real world wasn't even interested enough to see this on Broadway, but are likely to sell out huge houses to Celtic Woman on tour, so what sort of opinions were you expecting here?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/13/09
They shot their wad by using Broadway as the first year of this "three year contract." The smart presenters out there are going to look at the lackluster sales (even with the heavy papering they still didn't even crack 42% attendance in the lead up to Christmas, and I doubt once we see the grosses for this past week that they'll improve much upon that number) and keep far away.
If they wanted to build up any kind of buzz to attract presenters they would have been much wiser to try their first year in a market like Branson, MO where they might have had a chance at halfway decent sales. Instead it now carries the stink of New York flop sweat that's hard to ignore for even a one or two night engagement.
LuPita2 said: "It's been active all day and it was third down. A thread that hasn't been active in years, months, or weeks is "bumping" a thread."
Its final weekly grosses just came out today... not sure why you'd expect that not to generate perverse interest one last time in this show.