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Rent attendance anecdotes- Page 13

Rent attendance anecdotes

singingwendy Profile Photo
#300Walk outs
Posted: 11/26/05 at 4:22pm

Ok..have to admit that I also had to leave and go to the bathroom during the movie...darn that cashier for suggesting the large bottle of water! However, my choice of time was right after "La Vie Boheme" which I thought appropriate....after all isn't that where intermission is supposed to be???

Anyway, missed the first few minutes of the New Years Eve scene...arrived back just in time to see Angel break the now I need to go see the movie again to see what I missed.

#301Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 4:33pm

I just got back! Let me say that I was a near-total "Rent" newbie going in, and I really enjoyed it. Loved the cast and was really glad they let the (mostly) B'way veterans make the movie. "Tango: Maureen," of which I knew nothing but the title, was my favorite. And yes, I cried at all the crying parts.

The audience at our noon-hour show numbered about 50 (in a theatre that seats maybe 175), but they were a good group and seemed really into it. I suspect this was a repeat visit for a fair number of them. No walk outs, lots of chuckles at appropriate places, silence at appropriate places. I heard plenty of sniffles and clearings of throats when the end credits started. Probably the best laugh was when Maureen's mother said to Mark, "Now maybe you two can get back together." I was aware of two older (60+) couples, and a man probably in his 50s who was there alone. There was one teen boy with 4 teen girls, and another young man with a group of young women, but the vast majority of the audience was female, mostly teens & twenties, with a few "moms" probably in their 40s along with them. (I'm in the "moms" age bracket, for whatever that's worth.)

(THANK YOU, Anthony, for being part of "Rent," and part of BWW. I'm in a mid-sized city in the vast Red midsection; I'm shy about posting where on the public board, but if you're curious, you're welcome to PM me for specifics.)

"In my own little corner..."

#302Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 5:26pm

I saw it on the 23rd 7:30pm, but I'm just getting to this now-- sorry!
Setting: republican-dominated suburban New Jersey town.

The theater was full, mostly of teenagers because there was no school Thursday. The first noticible "reaction" was after the Angel/Collins kiss. It was followed by a collective gasp and subsequent giggles and whispers, but I didn't see anyone leave. For the most part, everyone laughed at the right moments- especially during Tango:Maureen.

No clear reactions other than the expected until Over The Moon. No one laughed. I actually heard people say things like "this is so stupid". Don't hurt me; I'm just being honest. However, the entire theater mooed along.

When Angel died, I heard someone say, loudly, "wait, did he just die!?"

By the end, everyone was silent. You could've heard a pin drop during the blank screen before the credits. I think everyone was just in awe.

As I walked out of the theater, I heard words thrown around like "amazing", "fabulous", "moving", etc.

Overall, the film was an emotional journey for everyone, characters and audiance. Hopefully everyone left with new perspective regarding AIDS and homosexuality.

Side note: my friends and I did a mean version of La Vie Boheme in the car afterwards. Even you'd be jealous. :P

#303Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 5:49pm

I've seen the show three times in the last couple of days (Fort Worth/Dallas area). On Wednesday night, we bought tickets hours in advance, and got to the theater almost an hour early. To my surprise, there were already about 30 people in line behind the roped off area they had set up leading into the theater. I've never had to stand in line for a movie, but we just plopped ourselves down like the "line" in the old days. The place was *packed*, and the audience applauded as the movie title came on the screen - and they applauded the end. Very cool.

My entire family went on Thanksgiving night, and again - it was pretty much sold out. I tell ya, it's funny what all three audiences have laughed at:

~when the answering machine says, "speak" (every time)
~"Merry Christmas, bitches!"
~Mark's line, "f-ing weird."
~Angel's response when Collins says, "you're drunk"
~Benny and Collin's reaction when they find out Maureen was with another girl (those get me as well)
~the gang following Maureen and Joanne from room to room during TMOLM

I don't mean a little laughter, it was noticeable, and I know there are moments I'm forgetting.

At all the showings, you could hear many, many sniffles after the funeral. What seemed funny was that there was this long break of silence where you could hear a pin drop, and the moment there is sound again - the sniffles start up - like they were waiting for sound to drown them out.

There was an older man behind me on Thursday night who brought his family. After the movie, he was asking his grandkids all down the line what they thought, and he just kept saying, "Wasn't that powerful? Brilliant. Brilliant."

I do have to say that I really, really missed "Halloween" and "Goodbyle Love". I wanted so bad to be ok with those songs being gone, but the more I see the movie, the more I realize how much that cut into Mark's character development. I want/need that confrontation before Roger heads out west (makes more sense when he goes), and I want that moment of Roger calling Mark on his bulls**t (and vice versa). Other than that, I was so happy with it. I'm still too emotional about it to write up anything coherant at the moment. I'm just so proud of the movie.

I've been enjoying reading everyone's reactions. Thanks for posting.....

Updated On: 11/26/05 at 05:49 PM

#304Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 5:55pm

i saw the show at a late wednesday night showing in seattle, wa, where my folks live (i'm from nyc).

there were maybe about 3 dozen people there. very quiet audience. mostly groups of kids that were probably late teens & early twenties. a few middle aged straight couples. no audience reactions. one straight couple (maybe mid to late twenties) left after "rent".

many people stayed through most of the end credits, but no one stayed through the whole thing.

i really regret not going to a midnight screening in nyc before flying to seattle for the holidays. i'm looking forward to seeing it in nyc w/ my friends there when i get back in a few days.

#305Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 5:57pm

I just went with my friend and little sister for the third time this morning, and it was ONLY us in the theatre. the first two times the theatres have been ALMOST half full. people here are disappointing me, we don't even live in a small town! but it is a conservative suburban area.

However, we were the best audience I've been in yet :]

We were respectful but of course HAD to get up and tango. and dance around during LVB. :]]

if you have the chance, Rent in a huge movie theatre all by yourself is ridiculously fun.

"But now the air is filled with confusion. We replace care with illusion."

Britt0913 Profile Photo
#306Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 6:00pm

Alright, I've seen the movie twice so far and most likely going again tomorrow or Monday.
I saw it in southern New Jersey on the 23rd @ 10 am and there were maybe 25 other people there. The audience clapped after Seasons of Love and drowned out Anthony's first few lines. Then there was a lot of laughter when Benny and Collins both found out about Maureen leaving Mark for Joanne. There was alot of crying during Angel's funeral and during Without You. At the end, everybody was clapping and I don't think there was a dry eye in the house.

Then I saw it again today in Clifton, and the show was sold out. Thank God my aunt had bought tickets beforehand. As soon as the main titles started the audience was clapping, as well as after Seasons of Love. A lot more people cried throughout the movie when I was there today.

And afterwards, all I heard was "Wasn't that fantastic!". One mom actually thanked her daughter for taking her to see the movie even though she didn't think she'd like all the singing.

#307Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 6:03pm

I've seen it four times already, but I want to see it in an empty theater. Either really early or really late on a weekday.

Pillowpants. 'Nuff said.

#308Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 6:06pm

yeah we went to the 11 am showing this morning... id bet early morning /late nights on weekdays are super empty, depending on where you are.

it was fun <3

"But now the air is filled with confusion. We replace care with illusion."

#309Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 6:32pm

Saw it again last night with my mom. She's pretty conservative, but actually called me while shopping to ask if I wanted to see it.

The place again was packed, maybe a few empty seats, nothing more. Age range, mostly 20 somethings, but quite a few 60+'s (including mom) in the house.

I loved it just as much as the first time. My mom sighed a few times over the constnt singing however, During "Without You" I heard a lot sniffling and to my surprise found my mom crying. Then she continued crying when Jesse sang "I'll Cover You." Ok, I still heard laughter over the "mountain top scene," but that kind of broke the tension.

Long story short, Ok Anthony, my mom is in love with you and she now totally gets why Rent is so important to so many people!

Theaterlover2 Profile Photo
#310Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 6:58pm

I went to the first showing in a city in West Virgina on Wed.
I didn't expect many people to be there, as it was the first showing, a work day, and WV is somewhat conservative these days. There were probably only about 20 people in the theater, including my group of 7. Though there weren't many people, EVERYONE loved it. All i saw as we exited were tear-stained smiling faces. Everyone laughed at the right parts, and a whole lot of sniffling was heard as well. I brought one friend who went in thinking she wasn't going to like it-she only went because she wanted to see what the fuss was about, why I was talking about this thing constantly. She had heard bits of the songs in my car, but hadn't been too impressed. After the movie though, she turned to me and said, "I can't believe I'm saying this, but I loved it. I cried. I never cry in movies." I just stared at her. I was hoping she would end up appreciating it, but for her to really really like it was so exciting for me. I was so happy that Jonathon's message was translating correctly.
Anyway, I saw it again in Ohio on thursday night, and the theater was pretty full. Audience response was very good there too.
So, needless to say, I thought the movie was utterly spectacular. It was gorgeous, well acted, everything was fantastic. Anthony! Thank you, and to the rest of the cast. You all were amazing, it was as just like it should be. You all should be very proud

edit: to add demographics.
first showing: most were around 18 years old it seemed, give or take. a few older men,and one older woman just sitting all alone.
second showing: very mixed group.not one distinct marjority.

This is wanting something This is reaching for it This is wishing that a moment would arrive- LITP everybody goes down well with beer!-sweeney Todd Listen to the stories Hear it in the songs Angry men don't write the rules and guns don't right the wrongs!-Assassins
Updated On: 11/26/05 at 06:58 PM

EverythingIsRENT Profile Photo
#311Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 7:08pm

Just saw it with my two cousins (age 39 and 15) in a random small Long Island town, and the average sized theatre had maybe 40 people in it, not bad for an early afternoon show. Very quiet audience, but seemed appreciative. No applause between songs, but no random snickering like at the midnight showing I went to.

My 39 year old cousin had seen most of the original cast back in 1997 or so and adored the movie. She said she actually felt more for the characters and more emotion was expressed on scren than on stage. My 15 year old cousin loves musicals but this was her first real exposure to RENT. She loved it, but I was shocked that her only complaint was, "that Maureen girls voice was so annoying!" a teenage girl who does NOT worship Idina!! Haha but I asked them if any of the cuts confused them, and they said no, but I did have to explain to the 15 year old that Benny was cheating on his wife.

I just adore this movie more every time I see it. I keep noticing things, like for the first time I saw Angels drumsticks on top of her casket ::sniff:: This is such a beautiful movie, I have to say thank you AGAIN Anthony!

Sunchips: Best Kept Secret in the chip aisle!!

#312Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 8:45pm

I posted this on the Rent Reviews thread also (sorry for double posting!), but I thought it would be nice to put it in this thread as well.

I saw the movie for the third time last night (Friday - And it was packed!), and made my best friend come along -- she bought the OBC soundtrack years and years ago, because it was popular in HS for her at the time...and she listened to the music a lot at the time but I don't think really ever got into it. I think it was just the "cool thing" to do at the time? Regardless, she has never seen the show and I've been a Rent-head since 2000 and have been trying to talk her into seeing it with me on Broadway for a long time now. She has always said she had no interest. Finally, I was like - "That's it! You are seeing the movie with me, end of story" --- Her mom passed away 2 years ago. My dad passed away last year. It had a huge effect on me years ago when my dad was struggling with cancer, and I knew, or at least hoped, it would have some sort of profound effect on her as well. Well, when the movie was over, she was sobbing - she turned to me crying and gave me a hug and said "I miss my mom. You were right about this, you were right."

I was so thankful it did afterall, have an effect on her. I couldn't have wished for anything more. She went from two days ago still saying she had no last night saying "Do you want to see the movie again tomorrow? When can we see it on Broadway?"

Love it. I don't mean to sound corny but...If only more people would give it a chance and let the love of it enter their hearts...

"I would rather take a flawed movie that has as much heart and passion and life and joy and energy and truth in it as this film does over any film that is completely perfectly presented and perfectly constructed but has none of that heart and life." -Anthony Rapp

Feathah Profile Photo
#313Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 8:57pm

Back again after a second viewing in Fresh Meadows, Queens. About half full theater, weird audience. They clearly didn't get it, a few walk outs after I'll Cover You and Take Me Or Leave Me. The walkouts were teenagers. And I got the feeling that they found breaking into song jarring. "Over The Moon" bewildered them. But my mom and I loved it every bit as much as when we saw it opening day at the Zeigfeld. The other people that seemed to really enjoy it were a few couples over 50.

Good news, people were filing into the theater in greater numbers after our showing let out, a number of them in Rent shirts.

Going back on Monday but this time I'm going back to Manhattan!

"The theater is my life. I live it. I breathe it. I fondle it till it falls asleep." Jack (Will And Grace)

ReederWI Profile Photo
#314Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 9:52pm

I just got back from the theatre tonight. I enjoyed the film but I much prefer it on the stage. I think a big kinetic component of the work is missing by placing it on the screen. I went with three friends- all of whom are theatre fans. Two of them didn't care for it much and one thought it was pretty good.

The theatre is in a suburban part of Milwaukee- about half full of theatre-goers. People cried at Angel's death, but other than that, the theatre was pretty quiet. Milwaukee is not a tremendously liberal town. It didn't seem like there were any negative reactions with same sex couples in the film (in judging by the audiences' reactions). I don't think the Collins/Angel kiss offended too many "run of the mill" straight people because it didn't come across as a flagrant gay kiss- since Angel was dressed as a woman. I would have loved to see Angel (NOT in drag) kiss Collins. Wilson is cute dressed as a man!

ozdustgirl2 Profile Photo
#315Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 9:57pm

I live in a small town and we did not have a midnight showing so I went to the 12:15 am showing. It was absolutely wonderful. There were only about 15 people there and I wore my RENT shirt. It was absolutely wonderful. I couldnt have asked for a better movie.

Anthony, I just wanted to say hi and thank you for making Mark such a wonderful character. If you talk to any of the other cast members, please tell them that they were all just perfect and I keep dragging everyone there to see the movie.

I also went back again Friday night and the whole theater was full this time.

"There are times when were dirt broke, and hungry and freezing and I ask myself why the hell am I still living here?...And then they call!" ~ Mark Cohen RENT movie

My Fair Lady Profile Photo
My Fair Lady
#316Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 10:02pm

I saw the movie on Thursday night, and to be honest, I HATED some of the changes made. However, I cried at the end, and I rarely ever cry, so I guess I can't say I wasn't moved by the movie, but I liked the show a lot better. But you, Anthony Rapp, were ridiculously amazing. You might want to know, my sister wants to have your babies.

brdwaybaby17 Profile Photo
#317Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 10:19pm

Oh my gosh, I have to complain about my audience...
Ok, I saw the preview on Monday and everyone was great... great audience, great reaction... but everyone in there already knew the story...

I saw it again on Friday...
-Somebody screamed when the Rent thing came on the screen after Seasons of Love...
-Same usual laughter where it's supposed to be...
-When Angel said "You okay honey?" there was some nervous laughter from the teenage boys who came in a group... just a bunch of straight teenage boys... with no girls... I figure Harry Potter sold out.
-When Angel came to out to sing Today 4 U, some guy in the front, right before he started singing goes, in astonishment "That's a man!" really loud... I want to die.
-After the movie, I was in the bathroom and a bunch of teenage girls were like "I didn't get it. What did it mean." Umm... hello! Then one of them was like "All I could think about at the end was 'That girl had a near-death experience.'"
It kind of makes me sad that this musical came out ten years ago and some people still aren't ready for it.

And by the way... I live in a relatively large city...
And, oh, the theater was packed both times... first time sold out 3 hours before the movie started (unless you're like me and have connections) and the other it was hard to find seats for two of us...

renthead1223 Profile Photo
#318Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 10:20pm

I saw it on Wednesday at 10am and at 4:30pm in Rockville, MD. I think Rockville is pretty liberal, but I'm not sure, as I live about 20 mins away. At the 10am there were only about 30 people, which isn't surprising. They were true RENTheads, obviously, so it's hard to accurately gauge anything from that. Everyone seemed to like it, though. People cheered, mooed, and some stayed until "Thank you, Jonathan Larson" came up at the end. I wish that had been before the credits.

The 4:30 show was sold out. There was not a word spoken the entire movie (aside from cheers and moos of course). Well, before Without You, these girls came in screaming at the top of their lungs and laughing hysterically, but everyone in the theater seemed ready to kill them for ruining the moment, so I'd say people were really into the movie. Everyone cheered at the end, and when "I'll Cover You" came on during the credits, everyone turned to the person they were with and started singing. I think people really enjoyed it.

I thought the acting was the best part, specifically you, Jesse, and Wilson, but everyone did a great job. I missed a lot of little things and didn't love everything Chris did, but a lot of the little things that were added I loved, so it's all good. You were adorable and amazing, as always. LOVE the eyebrow raise in Tango:Maureen.

What happened to Andrae?

Fan: Oh my god! You're, like, standing right there and, like, looking right at me and, like, oh my god! Anthony Rapp: Yes, that's a pretty accurate discription of reality.

harris007 Profile Photo
#319Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 10:56pm

saw it wens night in city 45 mins of orlando called melbourne, me and bout 8 other of my theater friends went, and yes i wore my mimi/candle shirt, and best friend picked on me bout it, but when we got in ther very full 600 seat theater, almsot everyone else was in some sort of rent thing . be it shirts, to full out costumes, the age was teens to 40's . and i wondered how this area thats is ok with gay couples, and when i say ok there is no major hate groups, but also no pride groups here either would handle the angel/collins and Maureen/joanne stuff. but they were cool.

the movie it self was amazing,never heard a theater so quiet for the whole time.. all 8 i was with are going back next sat

and the theater where it's showing has sold out every show

Attend the tale of Bovine Boy His party threads we all enjoy But does he have Mad Cow Disease? He doesn't eat beef - but cows skating? - oh please!!! With cocoa!?! And lemonade!?! The heifer-mad poster of Broadway (World)

#320Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 10:59pm

I just got back from seeing the 7pm showing at a multiplex in Farmingdale, NY. I got my tickets online, so mom and I cruised into the theater 45 minutes early. There were about 20 people there, but I noticed on my way in that people were still heading into the 6:30 showing next door. I was a little worried at first about how many people would show until two things happened:

- A couple walked into the row in front of us, the woman scanned the seats and counted off the "1, 2,3,4,5,6,7,8..." seats they needed to save. The tall guy with her was kind enough not to sit in front of me. (I'm very short.)

- A group of people in their 50s came in and a woman mentioned that they had accidentally stepped into the theatre with the 6:30 show. "It was absolutely packed!"

As the time for the movie to start got closer, the theatre got about 80% full. I saw people about my age in their 20s and 30s, but there was a scattering of younger and older (a few with canes). I saw a few people walk (and literally run) out, but I'm almost positive these were bathroom runs.

From Tango Maureen on, people reacted to Maureen flirting and saying "Pookie", especially at the commitment ceremony. OTM got laughs. There were murmurs around the theatre after ICY. For WYO, well... some people snickered when Roger drove into Santa Fe in his car, others had confused or "the hell...?" expressions on their faces during that sudden moment. There were sniffles during Without You and ICYR.

When the movie ended, there was dead silence for a few moments, then applause. The woman who mentioned that the other theater was packed said, "That was really incredible". Someone else said, "That was great, especially that guy from Law and Order". The feedback I could hear was positive.

I loved it, and my mom loved it. I don't go to the movies often (this is the third film I’ve gone to all year). I really enjoyed it!
Thanks Anthony!

#321Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 11:03pm

so i went tonight for the fourth time, taking my mother who has seen rent at least a half dozen times, loves it, etc.. in a regular, suburban theatre... kind of weird, I'm not gonna lie. my town is a upper-middle class moderate town on Long Island. Loews Cineplex in Stony Brook, NY, to be exact. 7:40pm showing. It was packed, sold-out. my ex-boyfriend and his mom actually got the last two tickets and were sitting in the front row five minutes before the movie started. i got there 15 minutes before it started and had to look really hard for seats.

the audience was very diverse. a couple dozen older people, that i could see, but most looked like high school students, or maybe college. i felt it was really low energy at the beginning. no one clapped for the credits or at the end of SOL. no one clapped after the songs (but thats your usual movie!), no one even really laughed until the first voicemail from mrs. cohen. i didn't see anyone walk out though, which was good. the girl next to my mom had to get up to answer her cellphone right at the beginning of angel's funeral which was, to say the least, OBNOXIOUS. i heard a few cellphones going off through the end. turn off your cellphones, people!! there were lots of sniffling after Without You and ICY:R. a bunch of people, myself included, clapped at the end.

my mom loved it. she thought it was excellent, and loved everything that was added (for the most part). she cried, laughed, silently clapped after each of the songs, etc.

i think most of the audience loved it as well.
Updated On: 11/26/05 at 11:03 PM

wonderfulwizard11 Profile Photo
#322Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 11:03pm

Went to a 10:30 am showing on the 23rd. I think the people there were all Rent heads, not many people go to the movies at 10:30 in the morning. but the audience was good, a little laughter, seemed to enjoy it.

I am a firm believer in serendipity- all the random pieces coming together in one wonderful moment, when suddenly you see what their purpose was all along.

#323Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 11:30pm

I live in Columbia,SC or as I have appropriatly titled it-Hell. I've seen the movie 3 times now...the 23rd, the 25th, and the 26th. I used fandango for the 23rd expecting it to be sold out but it wasn't even half full, the 2nd time I saw it there were more people, and tonight it was 80% full.

The musical theatre community is hardly booming in Cola,SC. haha.

Also, a lot of my friends(I'm 15) have parents that aren't allowing them to see the movie because of the same sex relationships(rolls eyes). I loved the movie though and will probably see it a few more times haha.

#324Rent Attendance Anecdotes
Posted: 11/26/05 at 11:33pm

I saw the rent movie for the second time today.. Saw it in a pretty good sized theater in brooklyn.. The theater was pretty full.. A few people walked out in the middle of the movie which was def. disappointing.. However, I did notice some people around me singing every word on cue from the movie which was great to see.. People didn't moo though or clap after any scene like the people did when i saw a screening last week monday in boston..
