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Rent tour; "two significant changes to the production"- Page 6

Rent tour; "two significant changes to the production"

danmag Profile Photo
#125re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 7:14pm

Sorry to double post, but is this not what you posted on Dec. 7th? Don't be a hypocrite.

re: Embarrassed by 'fans' Dec 7, 08:23:46 PM


they laughed at things that were not intended to be funny. the applause at random times gave me a headache and the screaming as if they were at a rock concert! I was ready to kill.

"This show had the WORST magnets on Broadway!"

TimeSquare3 Profile Photo
#126re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 7:16pm

You sly hoots Danmag, good investigation!!

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"The gay one?" -- Marissa Jaret Winokur on the Jonas Brothers.

danmag Profile Photo
#127re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 7:25pm

Thanks. I knew that college degree would come in handy someday...

"This show had the WORST magnets on Broadway!"

Celra Profile Photo
#128re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 7:28pm

Yes That. I did post it.

I do scream and cheer but I don't do it for stupid things. Someone cheered for Angel's death and When The guy playing Mark took away the bottle from Mimi on new years who was drinking it and they were TALKING to the characters when they were on stage.

You don't know what happened when I went there. I'd say what they did was far worse.

Never did I speak to a Character.

There were girls in Adam t-shirts and everytime the guy playing roger moved they screamed for Adam....Who was not even there.

So before you attempt to call someone out on something. Know your freaking facts! At least I know who's who and I'm not showing up in a t-shirt with Adams face on it.

Yeah I scream people get caught up in the moment. I know people who are WAY worse then me.

TimeSquare3 Profile Photo
#129re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 7:32pm

Wow..... So you are better than them because you scream in general & not at the characters?

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"The gay one?" -- Marissa Jaret Winokur on the Jonas Brothers.

danmag Profile Photo
#130re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 7:33pm

ummmm, ok. Guess I won't be wearing my "I love Adam" t-shirt to the show...

"This show had the WORST magnets on Broadway!"

Schmerg_The_Impaler Profile Photo
#131re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 7:37pm

Celra, I am not saying you're a bad or obnoxious person, because I don't know you, and I've probably never been to a show that you were also at. But you look down at those screaming girls in their Adam Pascal t-shirts, and I'm sure they think of themselves as true fans and would be mortified to see people putting them down online.

And not to offend you, but there are probably people out there in the audience with you who see you the same way you see the Adam Pascal fan girls. And I know that you're a really dedicated fan of the show, but sometimes really dedicated fans of shows can diminish other people's enjoyment of the production.

Different people appreciate things differently-- I ALWAYS make comments when I'm watching a DVD at home, pretty much a running commentary of everything that's going on. But I wouldn't do that in a Broadway theatre. People paid money to hear professional actors, not me talking.

In my pants, she has burst like the music of angels, the light of the sun! --Marius Pantsmercy

TimeSquare3 Profile Photo
#132re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 7:38pm

Don't let this brat spoil your good time. You bought the ticket & can wear whatever you want! I'm wearing my Mimi Halloween costume to the show, even though I'm a guy. I don't care if people yell at me.

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"The gay one?" -- Marissa Jaret Winokur on the Jonas Brothers.
Updated On: 1/2/09 at 07:38 PM

danmag Profile Photo
#133re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 7:42pm

Thanks TimeSquare! Really, if I ever did wear an "I Love Adam" t-shirt to a show, I would punch myself in the face.

"This show had the WORST magnets on Broadway!"

#134re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 7:49pm

Wow, I missed the boat on this thread, didn't I?

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#135re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 7:58pm


I thought I've read some stupid posts before, but you can't justify your screaming.

And calling other people names, because they don't agree with you is childish.

If I were performing in the cast, I would scream right back at you, "STFU".

People pay good money to watch the show, not listen to you or have their view blocked by your signs.

You shouldn't be allowed in a theatre until you learn how to behave like an adult, not a teething child on an airplane.

Yes, you ARE that annoying.

"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

Celra Profile Photo
#136re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 8:00pm

Ok now I know your not serious about the Adam shirt but heres what I'm saying.

If you wanted to wear one then you could. That's your way of expressing yourself at the show. I see no harm in cheering in a characters entrance or if I song is REALLY good.

Besides people look down on RENTheads anyway. They expect us to act like that even before they arrive.

Now I'm noy saying I'm going to cheer the whole show. I see No Harm in doing it when a character makes an entrance. Same with if I liked a song and the way they performed it.

At least I know who I'm cheering for...I'm not gonna show up in an "I heart Adam" shirt if Adam's not even there. The girls cheered EVERYTIME the guy they thought was Adam moved. I cheer when I like someone or the number they performed and If I like the person playing.

TheatreDiva90016 Profile Photo
#137re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 8:10pm


On behalf of the rest of the audience who paid to be there..


"TheatreDiva90016 - another good reason to frequent these boards less."<<>> “I hesitate to give this line of discussion the validation it so desperately craves by perpetuating it, but the light from logic is getting further and further away with your every successive post.” <<>> -whatever2

#138re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 8:55pm

"Maybe they can build "screaming rooms" in theaters like they have crying rooms in churches for babies. Then all the screaming twits could be locked inside and enjoy the show while screaming."

Unfortunately, at my church, parents still decide to let their babies sit in the pews with them. So I have to put up with screaming babies during mass.

Butters, go buy World of Warcraft, install it on your computer, and join the online sensation before we all murder you. --Cartman: South Park ATTENTION FANS: I will be played by James Barbour in the upcoming musical, "BroadwayWorld: The Musical."

BwayBoundJoe Profile Photo
#139re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 8:58pm

I have seen Rent four times on Broadway, once a year since my freshman year in high school. I am seeing it on the 11th, the last show while in its stint in cleveland, and i'm not going to be screaming. I feel you can enjoy a show without causing (sp?) a distraction. Cheering and and occasional "Whoop" at the END of a song is ok.

"I paid for my seat just like everyone else did. "

That's exactly why i'm going to sit in my seat, watch the show, and keep quiet so i can (hopefully) hear Gwen when she hit's her final note in Seasons of Love.

As for the changes, i'm not too worried about them, it's not like anyone can do anything about them anyway. lol

Formally Stews_Bitch::: Shows in the 2010 Season for me. 101 Dalmations tour - Jan 24th, Xanadu Tour - Mar 9th and 10th, Wicked - May 14th, Legally Blonde - June 12th:::::::Upcoming - South Pacific, Young Frankinstein (Two Cities) Rock of Ages (Two Cities) Shrek (3 Cities) Les Mis, DreamGirls, Spring Awakening, Color Purple, and 9 to 5!

feline0favenueQ Profile Photo
#140re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 9:04pm

This thread is hilarious. I love it.

uncageg Profile Photo
#141re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 9:33pm

Maybe they should set up a riff raff room like Ellen does and put all of the screamers in there! I wanted to see the show on Broadway before it closed but I kept hearing about all of the screaming fans so I decided not to go.

Just give the world Love.

Celra Profile Photo
#142re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 9:39pm


On behalf of the rest of the audience who paid to be there..


How about you shut up? You don't know me and have never met me. Hopefully we never do meet. You think you can just come in this thread and tell me to shut up? Try again. I don't care who you are nobody tells me what I can and Can't do. It's not like you can come to my house and smash my keyboard.

Life is full of people who are going to annoy you.


Stop being a bitch and complaining about people and how they act. If you don't like it then just don't go!

I don't care about YOUR theatre experience. I don't let people bother me. If you let everything in the real world bother you then that's just sad. Why do you care what I or anyone else does?


EnWashingtonHeights Profile Photo
#143re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 9:42pm

I love this thread! Lets just move on.

#144re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 10:21pm

So, back to what the thread is TRULY about.

I agree that starting the show with Halloween is a great way to set the action in motion. It leaves a lingering sense that things aren't going to work out in the audience's mind.

And I'm too lazy to go back and quote this, but the Angel taking off makeup moment sounds absolutely gorgeous. However, if I was directing (and if I was it'd be fabulous lol) then I would have that during Without You, as opposed to the musical tables blocking that was there on Broadway. I think seeing walls go up in the other two relationships while Angel is taking her wall down would just be stunning.

And my two cents about the screaming and t-shirt wearing:

- I have worn a specific RENT made shirt under another shirt and then taken the other shirt off to stage door.
- I think it is appropriate to 'cheer' (not scream) during the regular applause. After without you? not so much? After Today 4 U? Why not?
- I think cheering in the first few measures of Out Tonight is actually beneficial. The energy is so high at that point and there is not much of a chance to applaud after the song.
- and clapping and light cheering is (i think) ACCEPTABLE when Angel runs out at the end because it heightens the energy for that last NO DAY BUT TODAY!

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#145re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 10:39pm

Celra, you said you're 18, right? Are you lying, or have I just forgotten how painfully immature 18 can actually be?

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#146re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 10:44pm

Anyone ever see that MadTV sketch where they had a bleacherful of overweight, middle-aged, screaming women and they wheeled them around a studio lot to scream for Oprah, and Ellen, and so on?

This thread totally reminded me of that.

Formerly SirNotAppearing - Joined 3/08

#147re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 10:47pm

I sure hope that the cast is too busy with tech to be sitting in their Cleveland hotel rooms reading this thread.

luvtheEmcee Profile Photo
#148re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 10:48pm

No need, they can all read it on their phones! re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'

A work of art is an invitation to love.

#149re: Rent tour; 'two significant changes to the production'
Posted: 1/2/09 at 10:49pm

True enough, emcee. They've been well-warned about what to expect in terms of idiotic fans.
