"But in addition to working with new cast members, Rapp is finding fresh inspiration in another area: The tour’s rehearsal process led director Michael Greif to make two “rather significant” changes to the production. One is in the way the show opens, the other — well, Rapp refuses to spoil it for audiences.
And while new viewers will have no idea that anything is different, Rapp says returning audience members will be surprised — and possibly moved by the second alteration.
“It doesn’t change the fabric of the show, but it’s exciting to be a part of something that can change creatively,” he says."
I'm... concerned.
I would guess the opening change is to open with part of "Halloween" like they did at RENT 10.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/20/04
Why are you concerned? It's not like Chris Columbus is involved.
I enjoyed how Rent 10 opened with Halloween, personally. It framed the first act as sort of a flashback of sort, which pretty much covered up the continuity issues.
Updated On: 1/1/09 at 09:40 PM
Maybe Mimi won't come back at the end...
I heard about this a while ago, but I don't know any specifics. I can't wait to see what the changes are, actually. I think seeing the show again is going to be a pretty deeply moving experience to begin with, and if these are changes that might make it even more so, then I'm all for it. I trust that they aren't drastic changes, and I think it's great that Greif is trying something different.
Anything different's gotta be exciting for Anthony when he's been playing the same part in different iterations of the show for close to 15 years now...
Also, I don't know, but my instinct is that the things you guys are suggesting are too... extreme. Remember, these are directorial choices -- he didn't say they were changes to the writing. Granted, they could be, but don't assume they are and run away with those assumptions.
(And really, Mimi not living at the end? Did you read the part where Anthony says it "won't change the fabric of the show"? If that's not a change to the fabric of the show, I don't know what is.)
Not too thrilled. I hate it when a show works as is for 12 years and then suddenly it needs to be changed.
So 20 years from now, if Rent is hypothetically revived, they should just do it the same old way because it worked that way the first time?
For Rent, yes. I like it as is. I feel the same way about Aida too. I would never want to see Aida without the Bob Crowley sets and costumes. Well, ever again. It was a travesty without them. And also trying to pretend that it was a period piece and not a rock concert. No thank you.
Maybe it'll be just as phenomenal as the absolutely amazing change to Cosette's dress.
CATS - I hear you; personally, I think it depends what the changes are. If they're not significant and don't alter the story, the message, the... personality of the show, then I'm okay with that. I mean, there have always been things about Rent's direction that didn't work. So who knows - maybe these mysterious changes will actually be improvements. I just have a hard time equating two changes within to an overhaul of the entire concept of a show, or something like that. Do you know what I mean? I disagree with the "if it worked once, let's do it again" philosophy, because I find it sort of limiting. But, I guess everybody has a show or two they feel that way about, and that's different than taking that stance on revivals as a whole. There are certain things I'll always be a purist about, but that doesn't make all re-imaginings or new takes bad. But, back to Rent, I've got to be optimistic on this one. I haven't the energy to be the skeptic again. But that's just a personal thing.
hahahahah LizzieCurry, agreed.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
I agree tat the show is probably going to open with "Halloween", maybe the second change will be getting rid of the blue tight pants that mimi wears?
Broadway Legend Joined: 8/14/07
sometimes revivals are better than the original I like it when they have up dated orchestrations and book and music arrangements. but sometimes show are meant not to be messed with.
That's possibly moving?
Understudy Joined: 12/13/08
really? i liked RENT as is, but i guess i could deal with some changes. i just hope they don't take the 'La Boheme' route and have Mimi NOT come back at the end.
Well, hopefully no one would ever do that as that would go against Larson's concept of the show being about life and not death.
Broadway Legend Joined: 11/8/08
"it won't change the fabric of the show"
I will say that one more time
"it won't change the fabric of the show"
Killing off mimi would change the fabric of the show, DRASTICALLY!
Changes that come to my mind:
Opening with "halloween"
Throwing out mimi's blue pants
A new verse
A new number (love heals perhaps?)
Mimi at the strip club for out tonight
One Song Glory being done like the movie (i am hoping that doesn't happen)
cutting out a number
opening with seasons of love
rocking it harder!
new set?
brand new costumes
I am guessing those are some possibilities
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/10/08
Can someone please elaborate on how exactly the "Halloween" opening worked?
Also, I'm very interested to hear more about this Cosette costume drama.
There wasn't any real drama. It's just that in the revival, she wore a wispier, white and blue dress instead of the black and white dress in Act 1. (But I believe was still in the same old black and white one for "Look Down.")
At Rent 10, Anthony sang the first little bit of Halloween at the top of the show. So it went "How did I get here, how the hell? Christmas, Christmas Eve last year ---" and then into the voicemails. Very meta.
And... yeah. What don't you people understand about "it will not change the fabric of the show?" Do you know the show? Having Mimi die goes against the ENTIRE POINT of the show's message.
Broadway Legend Joined: 10/10/08
The message being "A mediocre song sung by your scruffy boyfriend can bring you back from the dead?"
Swing Joined: 11/4/08
How do the lotteries work for the tour shows? Does each venue have a lottery for each performance? Are the seats front and second row like they were in NY? I've never done a lottery for any tour show, so I'm not sure if it's the same process or if it's totally different.
I was totally just kidding about the Mimi thing.
Not all cities even do the lottery. In San Diego it was first come first served so people camped out to be the first in line.