Petralicious said: "I do not understand how anyone is being silenced. It has been stated many times now by the owner and the moderator that they are not ending the Boards. All they are doing is asking people to be civil and enforcing the rules that have all ready been in place but have been ignored by the board and by the posters. To me it is just like a highway with speed limit that has been ignored and because of that there is deadly accident. So to prevent more, they are going to start giving speeding tickets in hope of saving people from accident. So the police cars are on highway and giving out a few suspensions, but the rest of the drivers are also slowing down. Win/Win. Everyone is still driving/posting and everyone who is civil/speed limit are happy. "
Well, there were people who demanded or insinuated the board should be shut down entirely. Deutsch, Swenson, Pasquale, etc weren't advocating for better behavior. They were putting forth the opinion the boards had no place to exist.
Kad said: "Well, there were people who demanded or insinuated the board should be shut down entirely. Deutsch, Swenson, Pasquale, etc weren't advocating for better behavior. They were putting forth the opinion the boards had no place to exist.
" You are right Kad, AC, but it did not and will not happen. Just because they say end it, doesnt mean end it. The same way Trump says there should be a wall, doesnt mean there will ever be a wall. Its just noise. If there was a real threat or even threat of threat I can understand. But there is not!
It's good to know, though, that this is how they feel, however futile it may be.
I really didn't care for Steve Pasquale's unnecessarily rude comments towards this message board and it's members and although I would love to go on record and say I'm not going to go see "The Robber Bridegroom" because he's in it, I am not doing that because there are other performers in the cast that I do like and want to see and I really do like the show as a whole.
Now if it was a one man show/concert then no, I wouldn't spend a nickel.
But I'm not going to give Steve Pasquale that much power to ruin the experience of seeing a show that I have been wanting to see for a very long time, I'll just have to overlook the fact that he's playing the lead and take the fact that he was unfairly disrespectful to everyone here out of the equation so I am able to better enjoy the show.
I seek comfort in that he and the others of his "ilk" who called for a complete shut down of these board did not get their wish.
So for me, that's a victory for us.
I just won't applaud after his numbers. LOL...and completely ignore him at the stage door if I do decide to "stage door".
LizzieCurry said: "It's good to know, though, that this is how they feel, however futile it may be.
"this is true, we know how some of them feel, they know how some of us feel. but getting angry at them because they are angry at us just seems hypocritical. Neither side is without some merit. We need to move on
tazber said: "I was literally just coming to post that Addy. No one's complained about free speech. I've heard it once in this entire back-and-forth, and that was Patti's own mouth on the radio show.
I feel like their jumping to defend themselves against what they *think* will be our response.
But it's not our response. We all realize this is a privately held organization, and Rob makes the rules about what is and what is not allowed. "
Sincerely not to be contrary - but that's not exactly true. If you look at this thread, freedom of speech seems to be a central theme..
Not that I disagree with you overall in terms of balancing the discussion externally.
LizzieCurry said: "It's good to know, though, that this is how they feel, however futile it may be."
Although I am confident BWW will not be deleting its forums, I was extremely disheartened to see so many artists and people who support their art putting forth such a suppressive opinion and writing off not just a particular online community, but the whole idea of such communities in general. It makes me question how people who pride themselves on how "vulnerable" they make themselves for a living can honestly take pride in that if their response to reactions they dislike is "shut it down!"
AC126748 said: "I do not understand how anyone is being silenced.
Because the narrative that is playing out outside of this board -- in the media, etc. -- has focused almost exclusively on Patti and her "supporters." I haven't seen one media report that has made a concerted effort to include our side (no one has been asked for comment, for example). Patti and co. have controlled the narrative completely."
I would not be surprised if she were following this thread and reading all of these arguments, which may have prompted the Tweet from yesterday somewhat addressing how her actions have impacted the sincere posters here. Taking a look at her most recent comments, it appears that she's willing to engage in a dialogue but only in an arena where no one is anonymous. How that dialogue would be translated by her peers, though, is an entirely different story.
The way I see it, her emotions got the best of her, and she pulled the trigger without thinking. The domino effect that she has created within the community is now the real issue. Given that she has (somewhat) acknowledged that her original sentiment wasn't aimed at all of us, I feel she should also acknowledge the impact her words had have had on her peers who have followed them blindly. To echo Kad, Deutsch, Swenson, Pasquale, and even board favorite Megan Hilty are dismissing the board and its intentions outright. Pasquale had to have been the rudest thus far in doing so. He would've been better off not responding at all.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
Everything Michael Paulson writes is one sided, so it should be no surprise that he basically just posted Patti's blog without any research. I miss Pat Healy.
Cupid Boy, I have no doubt Patti is following this thread. The degree to which it has influenced her subsequent statements is questionable, though perhaps there is a link. The #1 thing that has struck me about all of her subsequent statements is that she wants everything done on her terms. Even when she's being "diplomatic," she wants to be in charge.
She did mention in her BroadwayRadio interview that she was reading this thread and also said she read some others, I suppose to gather evidence to support her grievances regarding the message board.
Leading Actor Joined: 3/3/08
what did Steven Pasquale say that was so nasty?
A good part of the people who get into arts, are sensitive, shy, awkward people. In a world where there are safe zones in university, and opposing views are shut down, where little boys are suspended for giving little girls flowers in 2nd grade, to be insulted and mocked personally and publicly must be very hard and distressing. Anti-Bully movement is everywhere you turn. this is environment we live and I am sure these people have had enough. It may even have given them flashbacks to rough times in HS
@musicaltheatreman2: Here's his Twitter feed. Scroll down and you'll see his responses in regards to this whole debacle are mid-way through the page. He was also very unjustly rude to AC126748 on Twitter.
Updated On: 3/14/16 at 11:34 AM
musicaltheatreman2 said: "what did Steven Pasquale say that was so nasty? "
Page 16 of this thread And also Carlos' link.
i blame craig. and call for his pubic stoning.
A good part of the people who get into arts, are sensitive, shy, awkward people. In a world where there are safe zones in university, and opposing views are shut down, where little boys are suspended for giving little girls flowers in 2nd grade, to be insulted and mocked personally and publicly must be very hard and distressing. Anti-Bully movement is everywhere you turn.
Patti, Steven and Kurt don't strike me as shrinking violets. And if anything, it appears that they are trying to use "safe space" logic/sentiment to their advantage.
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
I just don't get why they think the Internet, of all places, should be a safe space.
because you, neon, are a meanie mean head and meanness is just another way of not being supportive and allowing a safe environment that is not mean. you big meanie head.
There is no one nastier, meaner, or just all around uglier than you papa.
Ah. Papa's back.
Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.
Puppies are babies in fur coats.
Tinfoil...The Terrorizing Terminator
oh, taz, flattery will get you everywhere, you naughty minx!
I know many of you on here won't give a sh!t but I'm going to let everyone know that I'm so over this whole thing. I said what I said and it was blown INSANELY out of proportion that I was calling Chad Kimball himself "[redacted]" when it was a reference to one of his previous performances. I'm not going to apologize for it because it was a JOKE which some people got, thought was funny and laughed while others clutched their pearls and wrote me off and the most offensive scum ever. THE ACTRESS will use what I said as the crux of her argument for her soapbox. There have been many posters on here that spew hate speech in the form of racism and bigotry but because it didn't hurt the feelings of anyone on a NY stage they're free to go on.
I've spoken to many people on here that appreciate my posts (including Rob himself) and I'll try to keep in touch with those people. They understand my sense of humor and even have a similar one (if anyone could imagine such a thing). I'm giving up this board because it's no fun having to walk around on eggshells afraid of who you're going to offend by snark or jokes. That's my personality on and offline. I'm not someone who comes on here to say opinions I think should be limited to online anonymity. The reason I'm not coming out from the shadows to meet THE Actress is because everyone has taken my comment to be the most egregious and that's fine.
I'm not going to say I'll never read the board again because some of the good posters will stay and I value their opinions (that word, ew!). Maybe there will be a day when I come back but I'm not going to hide behind a new screen name but I'm going to leave the way I came in, with a Real Housewives gif.
Hey all, I've read a lot of this thread and want to specifically thank Pal Joey, along with others, for being so thoughtful and eloquent. I'm in agreement with tazzy on this issue. I don't understand the reason behind Ms. Murin's blog post and especially don't understand why so many of her colleagues are so moved as to stand up for her misguided and offensive writings. I have never seen this woman on stage, so I can't say if it is sad or not that I don't care if I ever do. Her talent means nothing to me at this point. I AM sad that I no longer care if I see any of the others performers, some of whom I've enjoyed very much in other shows, because they have an asterisk for me too. I don't hate them, but I now have an indifference. I won't be needling my partner to see "The Robber Bridegroom" as I had planned...because I just don't care anymore.
Sadder, I feel less at home here now. I jump in and out of discussions, but am always aware what's going on and read most of what's posted, on both boards. I've posted here for many years and made some fun, smart, hilarious and sweet friends...truly.
I'm fine with dialogue between BWW and our detractors. I have nothing to be threatened by. I'm fine with better moderating. The one time I reported abuse regarding posting of personal information, I didn't even get a reply, let alone any action. I'm NOT fine with the feeling I have posting here anymore. PRS asking to cancel his account makes me so sad, but I understand it. I'm not sure it'll ever feel the same again to me. I certainly don't want to give Ms. Murin the satisfaction, but maybe she did drive a stake into the free speech of BWW. Maybe she can find that line between a "little" snark and too much snark as her next assignment.
Her use of the term bullying is what actually makes me mad. I've known bullying, and by and large, very little of that happens here. No more than in any review in the Times or New Yorker. Our opinions matter and are helpful, if only to each other. Every day someone new posts "what should I see on my trip to NY" threads. I read the Nerds thread and there was absolutely nothing that would be considered bullying!! Bad reviews or opinions are not bullying, Ms. Murin and it's insulting to those who have known true bullying that you think it is.
Rob may own and run BWW, but we MAKE BWW. I just don't care if I hang around anymore. Sad.