whatever have you kids been up to now?
well aren't YOU a sight for sore eyes papa! xoxo
an example of what makes this board great!
Phyllis Rogers Stone did not ask me to share this information, but it seems important in terms of contextualizing the fallout of this nonsense, and I share it with his blessing. He asked for his account to be deleted; instead, it was suspended. He does not plan on returning to the board.
If that is true -- and I have no reason to doubt you, growly -- this board will be worse for it.
devonian.t said: "Glad things are getting back to normal!
But any word from Mr Deutsch on what percentage of the messageboard ought to be closed down yet?
Incidentally, it has been implied that we take on avatars and usernames here so that we can be nasty without recrimination. Actually, I think there are a number of reasons why don't use our own names:
a) internet safety- especially for younger users, to make tracing/ grooming/ stalking more difficult
b) professional discretion- quite a few of us do actually work in theatre, and though we enjoy the occasional sharing of secrets and indiscretions, it's best not to be a public source- just like all those "insiders" who keep Reidel informed.
c) FUN- it's fun to create a persona which we think embellishes our personality
Those who imply it has to be more sinister are 'seeing things in black and white'- mostly black."
Thanks. As someone who's been semi-doxxed, have none of these reasons ever occurred to anyone else? Using a handle doesn't always mean we want a license to say terrible things.
Truly, and significantly, AC. This can be corroborated by several other posters, and they are welcome to do so here if they'd like.
Broadway Star Joined: 11/10/15
themysteriousgrowl said: "
Truly, and significantly, AC. This can be corroborated by several other posters, and they are welcome to do so here if they'd like.
have not been here for very long but always enjoyed his posts. i am sorry to read this. this is the result of what many believe was a kneejerk reaction by BroadwayWorld to Patti Murin's unfair and incompetent hit piece. pathetic!
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
I reported Margo for abuse early in the thread, so clearly her personal attacks don't qualify.
Also I need to thank all of the people who spoke out with me. You all just showed how much this community loves each other.
To me, this might be Patti's most important tweet. It's quite clear that her community loves each other. Their fans? Not so much.
mpkie said: "mailhandler777 said: "Marianne2 said: "That's a shame, AC126748. Interestingly, Lea Salonga did delete the tweet that called us bitches, so I wonder if she had second thoughts. At least I did not see it anywhere today."
It's on her Facebook page yet as well as Patti's since she tagged her in it. "
IMPORTANT CORRECTION: Lea Salonga has never been involved. I had to double check because I follow her on Twitter and she has never tweeted about this. Turns out the offending post is on her FAKE Facebook page. She has tweeted in the past that the fake page is not hers. Her real Facebook page is verified, same as her Twitter. (If you google, you'll see the masquerading fake one come up along with the verified one). Should've trusted my instincts, as I never expected her to use that kind of language anyway. I wish I had done the leg work when someone posted the screenshot; guess it was too much to expect someone would double check their sources before dragging an innocent person into this.
This drama definitely isn't worth it LOL. But I do appreciate Rob and Alan for their hard work during these crazy last couple of days.
So this is not her Facebook?
Broadway Legend Joined: 7/29/08
AC126748 said: "@PattiMurin
Also I need to thank all of the people who spoke out with me. You all just showed how much this community loves each other.
To me, this might be Patti's most important tweet. It's quite clear that her community loves each other. Their fans? Not so much."
Also for the record, Steve Pasquale involving himself in this shouldn't be surprising. He's always been...outspoken on Twitter.
ACL - I agree.
This thread is an example of the eloquent, informative and supportive ways that people come together on a message board and support and lift up the theater community. But, none of that is being reported or commented on in the press reports that have picked up this story. It's become very one-sided. I say shame on Ms. Murin and her ilk for not understanding the importance the theater-goers and supporters have in the community at large. And not being open to understanding.
At the end of it all nothing really changes in terms of this board.
It will be better monitored for us and a lot of the "community" will still think this is a "cesspool of toxicity".
Just yesterday there was a thread started about musicals people don't care for but everyone else loves.
It's a typical BWW thread, full of insight and opinions. I'm sure many of the people who support Murin will find much of it objectionable but the BWW moderators are right on point in not deleting comments that simply reflect someone's opinion.
Personally however there has been a big change. Knowing that they hate me and my fellow posters changes the calculus of how much I support them and their various projects.
I'm still going to see and love theater, it's who I am, but I definitely won't pay for it when I can find a way not to. And all the people who joined Murin's crusade will forever have an asterisk next to them in my mind.
I just can't bring myself to purchase any more Shkboom cds. If Kurt has that low an opinion of me then why on Earth would I want to give him my $$$?
If Pasquale has no problem acting like belligerent bully to one of his fans I am not inclined to rush and see his work. In fact I just crossed Robber Bridegroom off of my list for my next trip.
That's just me. Everyone will react differently.
I wonder if Murin will be writing a follow up to her initial blog post at all. It would be nice to see her actually engage this "99% v. 1%" idea in more than 140 characters.
But, none of that is being reported or commented on in the press reports that have picked up this story. It's become very one-sided. I say shame on Ms. Murin and her ilk for not understanding the importance the theater-goers and supporters have in the community at large. And not being open to understanding.
For what it's worth, I spoke with Michael Paulson yesterday and told him that I felt it was one-sided of him not to reach out to any board members for comment. He got back to me fairly quickly and said that he is interested in potentially writing more on the subject. If anyone is interested in going on record -- especially if you're one of the people Patti called out in her piece -- you can find Paulson's contact info here: http://topics.nytimes.com/top/reference/timestopics/people/p/michael_paulson/index.html
Excellent, thanks for the link AC
Taz - I agree.
I'll be thinking seriously about who I support and who I don't, given the reactions from members in the theater community.
And, I plan to participate as much as I can in BWW discussions. They're important.
Kad - I couldn't agree more!
Interesting. And yet, he, too, misses the point that 99% of all of this is valuable.
I do not understand how anyone is being silenced. It has been stated many times now by the owner and the moderator that they are not ending the Boards. All they are doing is asking people to be civil and enforcing the rules that have all ready been in place but have been ignored by the board and by the posters.
To me it is just like a highway with speed limit that has been ignored and because of that there is deadly accident. So to prevent more, they are going to start giving speeding tickets in hope of saving people from accident. So the police cars are on highway and giving out a few suspensions, but the rest of the drivers are also slowing down.
Win/Win. Everyone is still driving/posting and everyone who is civil/speed limit are happy.
and i will be making lists of those who will be burned at the stake...er...in effigy, always in effigy. we would never really roast anyway...
Great analogy Petra Well said.
I was literally just coming to post that Addy. No one's complained about free speech. I've heard it once in this entire back-and-forth, and that was Patti's own mouth on the radio show.
I feel like their jumping to defend themselves against what they *think* will be our response.
But it's not our response. We all realize this is a privately held organization, and Rob makes the rules about what is and what is not allowed.
Our response has been a wish for Patti and co. to please look a little closer and see that perhaps they're wrong. They have mischaracterized not only the board, but their fans.
It's getting ridiculous the way this is playing out with both sides arguing separately from each other. People keep saying we need a dialogue. But no one's talking with each other, we're talking at each other. We're getting nowhere except more aggravated.
I do not understand how anyone is being silenced.
Because the narrative that is playing out outside of this board -- in the media, etc. -- has focused almost exclusively on Patti and her "supporters." I haven't seen one media report that has made a concerted effort to include our side (no one has been asked for comment, for example). Patti and co. have controlled the narrative completely.